Is anyone else depressed?

Yes! me too; I'm sorry you feel that way; sometimes it helps knowing you're not the only one; this time will pass and one day you'll look back on this job on your resume and know there was a reason for it; can't figure out why now but trying to create some wisdom.

I don't even blame Cadence for the depression or lousy work experience this has been. I have no respect left for the pill counters who have blocked the use of this drug and I'm losing more and more respect for my fellow man everyday because of the blatant indifference and disrespect I have experienced from physicians. The whole lot of them can go f#ck themselves.

wow, you're blaming your customers? you did drink a lot of koolaid; put yourself in their shoes; you're saving lives by the minute, possible lawsuits, stressful day, and a Tylenol rep wants to cheer about an IV form; wake up.

You might be even more depressed when you look at what the big boys got for bonuses and stock options! Although, the stock is really worthless, they all got quite a bit Wonder why???
What do you think is going on in Cleveland, can Bobby solve the big problem there----so many problems so many questions====no answers! This company is a joke--just waiting for the sh** to hit the fan when no product is available to sell!

You might be even more depressed when you look at what the big boys got for bonuses and stock options! Although, the stock is really worthless, they all got quite a bit Wonder why???
What do you think is going on in Cleveland, can Bobby solve the big problem there----so many problems so many questions====no answers! This company is a joke--just waiting for the sh** to hit the fan when no product is available to sell!

I find the stock to be quite valuable. I will either use it to purchase Boardwalk or Park Place before I pass go and collect my $200. Or I might take a trip to Zimbabwe and trade it with my friends there. I understand our stock is around the same value as their currency.

Yes! me too; I'm sorry you feel that way; sometimes it helps knowing you're not the only one; this time will pass and one day you'll look back on this job on your resume and know there was a reason for it; can't figure out why now but trying to create some wisdom.

Get the couch out for the waitresses. Tell me your feelings. Sales improve health.

Get the couch out for the waitresses. Tell me your feelings. Sales improve health.

Another manager who doesn't care about his're a big part of the problem but will never admit it. Reps who are micromanaged, degraded, lied to, unappreciated, etc., are never going to be at their best to sale. I bet your personal relationships are horrible.

Another manager who doesn't care about his're a big part of the problem but will never admit it. Reps who are micromanaged, degraded, lied to, unappreciated, etc., are never going to be at their best to sale. I bet your personal relationships are horrible.

Alleluia! On the head; and I think we work for the same manager!

Another manager who doesn't care about his're a big part of the problem but will never admit it. Reps who are micromanaged, degraded, lied to, unappreciated, etc., are never going to be at their best to sale. I bet your personal relationships are horrible.

That's your sale. We sell. Just quit you fucking loser, you're probably a whiner in the NW.

That's your sale. We sell. Just quit you fucking loser, you're probably a whiner in the NW.

ooh, hit a nerve? obviously another manager who is protecting his kind; let's assume that you are a decent manager just for a second; doesn't it bother you that you have colleagues that are making a bad name for all of you? but no good manager I've ever worked for would ever talk the way you do; so, I'm losing hope that there are any good ones in this company.

That's your sale. We sell. Just quit you fucking loser, you're probably a whiner in the NW.

Excuse me, but you're actually proving the point they were making. Do you really think it's appropriate to speak to people that way? This job is hard enough with the way pharmacists treat us. We're supposed to be on the same side, so why are you being so rude? Perhaps you're the one who should quit. You seem to be very unprofessional.

Excuse me, but you're actually proving the point they were making. Do you really think it's appropriate to speak to people that way? This job is hard enough with the way pharmacists treat us. We're supposed to be on the same side, so why are you being so rude? Perhaps you're the one who should quit. You seem to be very unprofessional.

I'm just speaking the truth. We need more people driving sales, rather than complaining on this site in the middle of the day, like you. I couldn't help but notice you posted at 1:30 pm?? Go ahead and give us some bullshit about being on vacation or using your phone. Your sorry ass is the one who should quit. I'm done with ya.

I'm just speaking the truth. We need more people driving sales, rather than complaining on this site in the middle of the day, like you. I couldn't help but notice you posted at 1:30 pm?? Go ahead and give us some bullshit about being on vacation or using your phone. Your sorry ass is the one who should quit. I'm done with ya.

I'm not the poster, but that is like the pot calling the kettle black. Look, you know this is a site to vent. If you don't like the comments posted, then don't take the time to troll this site. You must be unhappy, otherwise you wouldn't take the time to read the posts. We are all "done" with your type of comments. The fact is, this company sucks and the only reason most reps are still here is that they haven't found another job yet. No normal person is going to quit until they have another job lined up unless you are a moron. This company isnt going anywhere and eventually will fold. If you believe otherwise, then stay in your fantasy land.