
There are other companies on indeed and linkedin with way better women's health product. Just look it up. I saw several today nationwide! Just remember to do some basic research on the product and make sure the pi/indications are more impressive than this shitty intrarosa. Many of us didn't and are certainly regretting it now!

Nice to find so many colleagues up at this hour! Not sure all of the sudden our docs are gonna write enough rxs on Friday to make up for the shocking sales numbers so far. But we can hope and keep giving it our best!

That shouldn't be a problem. Just be honest! Show them sales! Explain you wanted more responsibilities than you already had, that AMAG pursued you and was tenacious due to your sales talent. Unfortunately, you know from launches the first weeks sales has always been the barometer for the future! You can't do yourself the disservice of trying to plug a dam when you could join a company with great product that needs a great voice!

Or just respond with 3 words AMAG Women's Health. They will understand!!!

I can't believe all the shock about the slow uptake of Intrarosa. The PI was available before you interviewed. If you read it and researched, you would have seen that DHEA is a supplement that you can buy from GNC or Amazon. Why would any payor give coverage for a product that is basically a dietary supplement in a different delivery form? Also, one side of the country is managed by people just coming off a failed attempt to launch a product and senior leadership has zero experience in Women's Health. The situation now may be as good as things get. Ask a former Shionogi rep how that goes. AMAG pays a good salary, use that as a platform for finding your next job. I wish you all well.

You were all told about this failure of a product before the launch. People posted here over and over telling you that this was your fate. I passed on even an interview once I read about the product. It would have been a total waste of my time. The pay was the only bright spot on this joke launch. Sorry but you were all warned.

To everyone who is waiting and worrying about an interview, unless you just do not have a job currently or really need a paycheck, I wouldn't waste my time on this opportunity. This product will not get off the ground. You all will be looking at a layoff by Q1 of 2018. Mark it down.

This was posted to all of you people on May 3rd. It is accurate and you all will be laid off. Mark it down.

You're right and although I didn't see that warning before today, I should've done a lot more research before even interviewing and I'd have known better. Well, it's about 2pm and you're right. Why stress about what I have no control over? I'm gonna collect my paycheck and ride this out. Not gonna push docs to write something they have valid points about not writing for. It's almost 2pm Friday and I'm gonna put in another call or 2 and head home to have a fun weekend and stop thinking about this crappy situation.

The gay jokes are beneath the purpose of this forum and serve no possible good purpose.
Just walked in from work and getting ready to wrap up the day at last. This has been another awfully depressing week with doing my utmost to position Intrarosa as a great option for the right patient, but getting only push-back or it being dismissed outright as an option in any situation. I feel everyone else's pain that I'm seeing on this board and want everyone to know you're not alone. TGIF!

What? You're just getting home at almost 5 on a friday??????????
Our company and this drug are crap. They scammed all of us into leaving better jobs for nothing. It's ok though. I just realize since they scammed us, I'm fine taking the paychecks while looking for better product at other companies. Kicking back with my buddies since noon! Stick it up your ass, AMAG Management!

There are other companies on indeed and linkedin with way better women's health product. Just look it up. I saw several today nationwide! Just remember to do some basic research on the product and make sure the pi/indications are more impressive than this shitty intrarosa. Many of us didn't and are certainly regretting it now!

Ok, this sounds awful ... I'm glad I didn't go here ... how many Rx have actually been filled to date ? Certainly this isn't the failure female viagra ... Addyi was ? Is it selling as many as opsphena did? Feel terrible for all u

Just read a bs article on seekingalpha and the writer is basically repeating the marketing hopes AMAG had for our dud of a drug. Bummed me out to see how pathetic leadership planned for this launch of a do-nothing drug. (Hey no black box-so why not?) Not the ideal selling pitch. Would be nice to have great results but nope!
Article also mentioned hopes of it getting future indication for FSD, not a chance! I'd love to bet my 401K against that happening. As crappy as our results have been in studies, we should market intrarosa as a great placebo!

Happy I have a 3rd interview coming up with another company. If that doesn't work out, I've got other interviews coming. F THIS awful despicable company and its disgusting sales management/marketing at HQ! DIRTBAGS!

No, it's nothing like Addyi but that's a dud as well. There is an ongoing phase 3 happening as AMAG desperately hoping to get another indication for FSD with Intrarosa, but the drug is just weak (hence no black box warning). It should be promoted as a placebo. Hey, that's a great idea management! Let's start pushing Intrarosa as a sugar pill! We'd certainly sell more! What a crappy management team we have. They should all be fired! LOSERS!

Most of the posts here appear to be someone just angry or disgruntled. I interviewed for a position and even though didn't get an offer I still think everyone was pretty nice. People who were mentioned were also professional and not a hint of the bs said about them holds water. Drug only just launched and will do well. Keep things positive.

I have to agree with last post. I interviewed and think highly of everyone I met in HR and throughout the process. I wouldn't have bothered if I hadn't researched Intrarosa either. It has its advantages.

Most of the posts here appear to be someone just angry or disgruntled. I interviewed for a position and even though didn't get an offer I still think everyone was pretty nice. People who were mentioned were also professional and not a hint of the bs said about them holds water. Drug only just launched and will do well. Keep things positive.

Thanks AMAG management. You know this drug is a dud. You wish it were not the case and would like to keep your highly paid job, but the facts are the drug is not going to get off the ground, no matter how positive you want to be. Save your money and don't make any big purchases because layoffs will be coming within the next year.