
1 of area's top volume ob/gyn told me today he had 3 questions 1) intrarosa only had indication for dyspareunia, so why should he use it at all when majority of patients have other symptoms with VVA and there are well established options that treat dyspareunia and other symptoms? 2) Why does our co-pay state patients may pay no more than $25.00/month when competing product proven very effective is $20 or nothing/per month? Our studies are not that great! This launch is an embarrassment! Paying for wall street marketing doesn't work in the long run to persuade doctors in the long run. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I'm embarrassed for other good reps working for idiots. What did I sign onto?

1 of area's top volume ob/gyn told me today he had 3 questions 1) intrarosa only had indication for dyspareunia, so why should he use it at all when majority of patients have other symptoms with VVA and there are well established options that treat dyspareunia and other symptoms? 2) Why does our co-pay state patients may pay no more than $25.00/month when competing product proven very effective is $20 or nothing/per month? Our studies are not that great! This launch is an embarrassment! Paying for wall street marketing doesn't work in the long run to persuade doctors in the long run. Stupid, stupid, stupid! I'm embarrassed for other good reps working for idiots. What did I sign onto?

You signed up for a nice paycheck for the brief while that it exists. You apparently do not have a women's health background or are not very well versed in it because anyone who is knows the deal here. Take the good quick money and wait for the upcoming layoff. This product never had any chance of getting off the ground.

I have to agree with others on here about being surprised by the complete lack of transparency of this company. While most companies are full of sh-t about that as well, I was hoping for different here. At least, that certainly is a big part of what that midget Rubenstein in HR loves to drone on about. I also agree with you layoffs will happen this year. There's no way with doctors laughing at Intrarosa, we can survive until a better product launches. We have awful management and an awful drug.I have to agree with the OB/GYN I saw yesterday who asked If I had a family member suffering from dyspareunia, would I want them to use Intrarosa, first? The honest answer is : HELL NO!

HAHA I interviewed for this craphole company. asked alot of questions in the interview process and was not offered a job. The reason I was given was I was to inquisitive and didnt have the "RARA" attitude and they didnt see me as a good fit. God works in mysterious ways. good luck to you all happy I stayed put

You signed up for a nice paycheck for the brief while that it exists. You apparently do not have a women's health background or are not very well versed in it because anyone who is knows the deal here. Take the good quick money and wait for the upcoming layoff. This product never had any chance of getting off the ground.
Wait ... this drug failed ? What happened...

It's funny to note that only closet homosexuals and guys who drug girls to mollest them refer to anyone using the effeminate phrase "basement boy type snowflakes". No one complained about guys looking at good looking girls, loser. The problem is when anyone makes girls uncomfortable because they aren't just "looking," they're drooling, obviously do. You think it's normal, but that's why you and these managers that have been mentioned, are sick. It's not normal to drool and leer and make women uncomfortable. I get why a loser who can't get a girl, like you, rationalizes your odd behavior is ok, but it's not. You've definitely been told to seek help before. Please seek help. They have decent health insurance here. You can see a mental health professional with only a small co-pay.Heck, I'll chip in to make sure you get treatment. You are a sick person.

As far as the drug? Yes, it's only just launched and appears to be a colossal failure judging from initial response of virtually every OB-GYN I've discussed it with and the fact that the articles promoting it are blatantly bs, as it meets no unmet needs already provided with better overall efficacy by other treatments. I'm already interviewing for other jobs and have a 2nd interview this week. Can't wait to leave this crappy company with its fake values, degenerate managers,etc.

It's funny to note that only closet homosexuals and guys who drug girls to mollest them refer to anyone using the effeminate phrase "basement boy type snowflakes". No one complained about guys looking at good looking girls, loser. The problem is when anyone makes girls uncomfortable because they aren't just "looking," they're drooling, obviously do. You think it's normal, but that's why you and these managers that have been mentioned, are sick. It's not normal to drool and leer and make women uncomfortable. I get why a loser who can't get a girl, like you, rationalizes your odd behavior is ok, but it's not. You've definitely been told to seek help before. Please seek help. They have decent health insurance here. You can see a mental health professional with only a small co-pay.Heck, I'll chip in to make sure you get treatment. You are a sick person.

As far as the drug? Yes, it's only just launched and appears to be a colossal failure judging from initial response of virtually every OB-GYN I've discussed it with and the fact that the articles promoting it are blatantly bs, as it meets no unmet needs already provided with better overall efficacy by other treatments. I'm already interviewing for other jobs and have a 2nd interview this week. Can't wait to leave this crappy company with its fake values, degenerate managers,etc.

Well somebody has an overinflated sense of their looks now don't they.

We are also lucky that CP exposes feminist or basement boy type snowflakes, who think that a man looking at a good looking woman is EEOC violation and cause for litigation. Cry me a river !

Agree, these snowflakes melt at the least bit of pressure. I'm sure all those 5th place trophys and false praise by mommy and daddy was detrimental to their survival skills in the workforce and life as seen on here.

Ok, that last comment about the HR guy came totally out of left field, but have to admit it was funny! I have to get back from lunch break now and face more doctors laughing when I'm discussing Intrarosa with them. I'm happy to be having some extended conversations with drs at least, but they all conclude with the same brutal honesty, ...No way will they write this drug without having tried everything else available first, and only then if we give a better savings for the patient.

It is getting discouraging to hear every single gyn I get time with telling me they wish they could help me but there's nothing about Intrarosa that makes it worth-while to go to. Had one tell me today he wouldn't use it last place, just wouldn't use it at all and offered to write me a strong recommendation letter for other companies.

You had better get used to it. I didn't think a sales call with my manager went too bad, but was told by office to never bring him in with me again! Gonna take time to overcome this one.

I like my manager so far and thankfully haven't had to deal with that. But, it would be nice to get home and not deal with the micro-managing on emails we are getting. After seeing that over and over, boom, now I'm on cafepharma to see what everyone else here is dealing with. It's Not good. At least there are a lot of other companies hiring.

I'm finding some relief everyone else is having problems with getting docs on board too. Hoping marketing gives everyone a great gift to use or huge formulary win. Not used to struggling with starts. But, I'm sure they're gonna give us some time to get on track. Especially if everyone's lagging nationwide from expectations. We'll get there.

Formulary win? Come down to the planet Earth! We're in launch mode and they didn't figure out managed care hassle before this? I can't give Intrarosa away free! Is anyone else finding access is suddenly getting limited when they know what we're in office to talk about? It's a shit storm here! I can't believe I fell for this company BS. My last company wasn't perfect but heaven compared to this dump! We have no support, alleged pervs running things and a drug no one has any use for! Please surprise us by telling us we just acquired another company out of the blue! Please! We need good product!

Just saying I don't know that comments here about the problems we are all aware of already helps. It would be great for people to actually voice strategies that could help us. Those are what we need. If those at the highest levels do read this board, and I'm sure they do, it might not be a bad idea to get gently let go some of the top at HQ. The ones who make girls uncomfortable and are possibly hurting our branding. I do get the need to vent and it seems that what this site allows us to do in anonymity. I just wish some of it was more constructive rather than repeating the problems we are already having with this launch.