
I'm disappointed to see name calling and unnecessary anger on this thread. This site and information posted can be useful and helpful to any of us at any given time in our careers. We are all in this together. We should help each other not only because it's the right thing to do, but also because we know there aren't any guarantees in any of our employed or unemployed positions. Thank you to everyone who has posted legitimate and sincere information. I hope we won't let the haters and naysayers shut down our positive dialogue.

Bottom line is, do not leave a job to take this one. This launch is already a dead one. No OB/GYNs are going to write much of this drug, if at all. You have until Q1 2018 to draw a paycheck here and then there will be layoffs. That is a guarantee. If you believe otherwise, you are clueless.

I am the candidate who turned down the offer, however the last post is completely wrong. I did my homeworkd and DEAH is used offlable, Drs will use the product just not enough to make a dent in the market the way This company expects. It is a great position for the unemployed, just CYA and keep looking

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone that comes from the adrenal gland. It is also made in the brain. DHEA leads to the production of androgens and estrogens (male and female sex hormones). DHEA levels in the body begin to decrease after age 30.

Here in lies the reason this product wont take off... you dont know what you are selling

I am the candidate who turned down the offer, however the last post is completely wrong. I did my homeworkd and DEAH is used offlable, Drs will use the product just not enough to make a dent in the market the way This company expects. It is a great position for the unemployed, just CYA and keep looking

Doctors will write a tiny amount of this overall. Tiny. The poster predicting layoffs is right. The product will not generate enough money to support a salesforce.

Bottom line is, do not leave a job to take this one. This launch is already a dead one. No OB/GYNs are going to write much of this drug, if at all. You have until Q1 2018 to draw a paycheck here and then there will be layoffs. That is a guarantee. If you believe otherwise, you are clueless.

I passed on the offer I got. Figured the person I used to work with needed it more than me since got laid off. This job is a one year gig at best before they realize it's not what they thought it would be.

Dude, just trying to warn you guys. I turned down this offer.
It's an opinion....I sold many products in the past that people said would never take off. Most of the time they were wrong. We are experienced reps who can make our own decisions. I like the culture at AMAG and I am willing to give them a shot. People are laid off from a salesforces that sell blockbuster drugs all the time...layoffs are a fact of life in this industry. So go back to your job that you obviously weren't happy at or you wouldn't have been interviewing to begin with.

It's an opinion....I sold many products in the past that people said would never take off. Most of the time they were wrong. We are experienced reps who can make our own decisions. I like the culture at AMAG and I am willing to give them a shot. People are laid off from a salesforces that sell blockbuster drugs all the time...layoffs are a fact of life in this industry. So go back to your job that you obviously weren't happy at or you wouldn't have been interviewing to begin with.

Good luck.