interviews have begun

Plus even if you get your RSUs, are you willing to resign from your current position and begin prior to an official FDA decision? The agency is not required to following its committee's recommendations, even if it has done so in the past with other agents. I think that it is a risky endeavor. Good luck to all who have the guts to move forward without an official approval.

RSU's are restricted stock units. You have to remember that both options and RSU's have a 4 year vesting period-only 25% vest each year. Think the drug will get approved but also think the company will be bought out by the end of the year. No guarantee that the buying company will vest unvested shares and likely you won't be able to find another job. So yes, there is a risk, the biggest risk is the company will likely be bought out. The stock has already run up so you need to take that out of the equation.
Hope this helps.

I did some research and found that the FDA has never went against a unanimous recession for a oncologic agent.

I did research too and past history is not a guarantee of future events. So if you can afford to be without a job in the unlikely event (but still possible) that Carfilzomib is not approved on 7/27, then go for it.

No doubt the two biggest factors are:

1) Buyout
2) Stock price run up

Unless you are at an absolute horrible place with a horrible boss and a job you just freakin' hate how could anyone in their right mind consider ONYX?

Options/RSU's become automatically vested if bought out but big difference
RSU's usually have low price, options normally right around the stock price when you started employment. ex. Onyx rsu price given to new reps might be 30-40 or even lower.
Option price will be $60 +
Based on those numbers at the offered $2,000 share price nobody is going to make money here.

Buyout is going to happen 100% sure (DONT LET MANAGEMENT TELL YOU DIFFERENTLY) its just a matter of when??

The risk is the unemployment variable. I think most have decided the risk is way too great.
I agree just with simple math to figure that out.

I sincerely hope that the handful of tool bags who repeatedly post their anxiety on here either do not get offers or do not accept them. You will not be a good fit at Onyx.

Look we get it. It is a fairly simple situation yet for whatever reason you feel compelled to drone on about it redundantly:

Yes Onyx may or may not get bought out. If you are risk adverse then stay put…pretty simple.

Yes based on the recent run up the options you receive will have a higher strike price. If the only reason you are considering Onyx is from the stock option you will most likely not profit as much if Onyx is indeed bought out. Again pretty simple.

Not sure why this has a few of you so freaked out, as there are only a few scenarios here.

1. You like where you currently work and the risk is not worth it so you stay put.
2. You like where you work but you need a change and are willing to give Onyx a shot and you are OK with the risks.
3. You are unemployed and any job is worth the risk
4. You hate where you work and you are willing to take the risk
5. You have no oncology experience and you are hoping to break in

Not sure why a few of you are trying to make this thing bigger or harder than it is.

I did research too and past history is not a guarantee of future events. So if you can afford to be without a job in the unlikely event (but still possible) that Carfilzomib is not approved on 7/27, then go for it.

Well I know the sun rises in the east but hey who knows about tomorrow since past history does not guarantee future events… I still like the chance of the sun rising in the east tomorrow, however…

RSU's are restricted stock units. You have to remember that both options and RSU's have a 4 year vesting period-only 25% vest each year. Think the drug will get approved but also think the company will be bought out by the end of the year. No guarantee that the buying company will vest unvested shares and likely you won't be able to find another job. So yes, there is a risk, the biggest risk is the company will likely be bought out. The stock has already run up so you need to take that out of the equation.
Hope this helps.

Unlike stock options, RSUs have no strike price. If you have 2000 RSUs that vest and the stock price is $60. Your pre-tax proceeds are $120K. If the stock price is $10, your pre-tax proceeds are $20K. It's like they give you actual stock in the company. The restriction is that you can't sell them until they vest.

Options are risky after a run like this stock has seen, but RSUs always have some value, unless the stock drops to $0.

Make no sense that only 20% have offers. If the manager wanted them then they would have been offered after the ODAC meeting. I know 3 people with offers from all over the country. Not sure why a manger would not have made all of the offers to the people they knew they were going to hire. Where you are getting your information from...
All offers out. Which territories are not filled?

R u sure? Filled with the best person for the job, or friends who will make a lot of money once Onyx is bought out?

Doesn't matter if there's a successful launch. Who was hired on our team and why is the question

This isn't about who/why/when/how. It's about if positions are filled. Yes all positions are filled. Again, no debate further on whether the ppl came from big pharma, small pharma, biotech, and white/black/asian/european.

All positions filled.