interviewing for sales position

Managers lying, ain't that the truth

Pro tip - ask how the territory is doing. Once they answer repeat the following

"That's great, I'd love to see those numbers" ask to see

1) current ranking
2) current volume in Salesforce
3) current goal

Right there you will find out everything you need to know.

I hope future prospects see this and don't get lured into the white van with candy and promises of "big commission"

It's sad when people from other companies make comments on here. I heard these exact words from a former rep who doesnt even work in this industry anymore. Get a life

I stoped reading their post as they obviously don't know the difference between "you're" and "your".

Again shows how educated you need to be to work here

I would strongly urge you to view all the posts from Cpharma. You might be one of the lucky individuals who actually make some real cash but realistically you will most likely end up in the range of 75-85k per year. A few years back we were the big Kahuna of this industry but due to upper management, customer service (reports, devices, delays) RSD's, laughable HR dept, and yesterdays technology, we are nothing but a cluster fuck.

I would only take this position to gain cardiology experience for possibly 1 year and then move on.

Managers lying, ain't that the truth

Pro tip - ask how the territory is doing. Once they answer repeat the following

"That's great, I'd love to see those numbers" ask to see

1) current ranking
2) current volume in Salesforce
3) current goal

Right there you will find out everything you need to know.

I hope future prospects see this and don't get lured into the white van with candy and promises of "big commission"
They would never give you the answer to this. They will start saying "not really sure" I will have to look that up" "The territory has changed recently" complete bullsh*t

They would never give you the answer to this. They will start saying "not really sure" I will have to look that up" "The territory has changed recently" complete bullsh*t

Right there is the answer

1) if they show you the answers and they don't match up... You walk

2) if they don't show you the answers for whatever reason - you walk

3) if by the grace of God they do and they match up a..- "so what happened to the previous rep" if they went to a competitor I'd also suggest walking.

Honestly just save yourself time. Keep looking.

I still don't know why in the interview process you have to interview with the HR guy. Like is he really the arbiter of success.


Right there is the answer

1) if they show you the answers and they don't match up... You walk

2) if they don't show you the answers for whatever reason - you walk

3) if by the grace of God they do and they match up a..- "so what happened to the previous rep" if they went to a competitor I'd also suggest walking.

Honestly just save yourself time. Keep looking.

I still don't know why in the interview process you have to interview with the HR guy. Like is he really the arbiter of success.


He's sizing up potential sleep overs at the next NSM

Managers lying, ain't that the truth

Pro tip - ask how the territory is doing. Once they answer repeat the following

"That's great, I'd love to see those numbers" ask to see

1) current ranking
2) current volume in Salesforce
3) current goal

Right there you will find out everything you need to know.

I hope future prospects see this and don't get lured into the white van with candy and promises of "big commission"
Anyone thinking of an open territory better do their homework! Don't let a manager BS you on the above numbers. Any squirming should tell you all you need to know.