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Interviewing at Amgen, is it as bad as all these posts?


first time poster, only because I wish someone warned me before I came over two years ago. This is the absolute worst! Take a bad work situation you have ever encountered and multiply that by 100

Here is my advice.

Take the job if you have no other options (ie. out of work for a while)

If you have a decent job to even a mildly bad one, I would definitely stay no matter how much better the money is here. One year of this shit will make you want your old job back real quick. My old job was okay and sometimes crappy. Amgen has been the worst decision of my life. It's toxic beyond belief. Managers are lemmings of clueless leaders who do nothing but blame you for their idiotic decisions. If you like the feeling of being held down, then beaten by a baseball bat until you are knocked unconscious on a regular basis, Amgen is for you.

Agree with other posts - BE CAREFUL with your decision to be recruited to Amgen...

- The company culture is toxic, especially if you are based in Thousand Oaks, CA
- Its the only game in Southern California, there are no other biotech/pharma companies in the area. If you move here you are stuck here unlike other companies based in biotech/pharma hubs like San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, Boston, New Jersey
- There is no work/life balance if you want to survive in this gauntlet
- Advancement is limited to only the select few and the company is not growing, it is contracting
- You will be promised everything for your career and professional growth and when you join they will deliver on none of those promises
- The current boss you are interviewing with that you like and can work with will change out in a year and then it really gets bad

first time poster, only because I wish someone warned me before I came over two years ago. This is the absolute worst! Take a bad work situation you have ever encountered and multiply that by 100

Agree 100%, my spouse says to me everyday how awful this place is to work. Big picture it is a nice story, your everyday reality is hell

Agree with other posts - BE CAREFUL with your decision to be recruited to Amgen...

- The company culture is toxic, especially if you are based in Thousand Oaks, CA
- Its the only game in Southern California, there are no other biotech/pharma companies in the area. If you move here you are stuck here unlike other companies based in biotech/pharma hubs like San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, Boston, New Jersey
- There is no work/life balance if you want to survive in this gauntlet
- Advancement is limited to only the select few and the company is not growing, it is contracting
- You will be promised everything for your career and professional growth and when you join they will deliver on none of those promises
- The current boss you are interviewing with that you like and can work with will change out in a year and then it really gets bad

started here 4.5 years ago right before BB became CEO. Things seemed positive. All the remaining decent bosses to work for at this company left after VTP in the fall of 2014. I've had 3 bosses since. They are inexperienced, arrogant and only care about themselves. If I don't suck up and shut my mouth, I get a bad yearly review. Since I am stuck here with a house. I have no choice. Cafe Pharma is sadly the only place where I can find non-koolaid information and know that I am not alone in this hell hole. I wish I never moved here and bought into those fake smiles and the nice gym when I interviewed. It was a trap.

I love working at Amgen. The anal rape feels so good. Semen all over my hairy butt hole feels awesome. If you don't like it here then you are a loser. Forced rape is great!

iblike it here been here 9 months work in oncology my mgr is great pay is solid. Time off just voted number 1 by glass door. 10% 401k match and $45k Volvo SUV as company car plus paroducts are good. Don't believe all these spoiled babies.

iblike it here been here 9 months work in oncology my mgr is great pay is solid. Time off just voted number 1 by glass door. 10% 401k match and $45k Volvo SUV as company car plus paroducts are good. Don't believe all these spoiled babies.

We are talking about the work environment not benefits. Congrats on being managers pet. U must naturally like sodomy and the taste of semen may mixed with poo

We are talking about the work environment not benefits. Congrats on being managers pet. U must naturally like sodomy and the taste of semen may mixed with poo

Thanks everyone, I spoke to someone that I used to know that works for Amgen in another state. Says even if you get a good situation - it wont last. He told me everyone is leaving and he is interviewing elsewhere too. Café Pharma is pretty harsh too not that y need to put all your stock in this, but still, it's really bad. I'm better off staying where I am. No need to borrow trouble.

Thanks everyone, I spoke to someone that I used to know that works for Amgen in another state. Says even if you get a good situation - it wont last. He told me everyone is leaving and he is interviewing elsewhere too. Café Pharma is pretty harsh too not that y need to put all your stock in this, but still, it's really bad. I'm better off staying where I am. No need to borrow trouble.

U won't regret

Thanks everyone, I spoke to someone that I used to know that works for Amgen in another state. Says even if you get a good situation - it wont last. He told me everyone is leaving and he is interviewing elsewhere too. Café Pharma is pretty harsh too not that y need to put all your stock in this, but still, it's really bad. I'm better off staying where I am. No need to borrow trouble.

Smart Person. While the pay maybe a little better, the 401k good and nice vacation...the day to day at Amgen sucks. With the constant changes, your seemingly good boss might last 1.5 year at best. Afterwards, another garbage terrible human being manager will be your new boss.

Smart Person. While the pay maybe a little better, the 401k good and nice vacation...the day to day at Amgen sucks. With the constant changes, your seemingly good boss might last 1.5 year at best. Afterwards, another garbage terrible human being manager will be your new boss.

It really depends on your disposition. I find it wonderful. It is true that organizational change in some areas is more frequent than in others. I struggled with this at first but learned how to navigate through it and adjust. If you need a very steady work environment with the same boss for 5 years, Angen may not be a match for you. The good of this is, if you get a boss you don't click with and can learn to survive it, it's just a short while. Again, assess yourself and be prepared to learn to adapt and you'll love it.

It really depends on your disposition. I find it wonderful. It is true that organizational change in some areas is more frequent than in others. I struggled with this at first but learned how to navigate through it and adjust. If you need a very steady work environment with the same boss for 5 years, Angen may not be a match for you. The good of this is, if you get a boss you don't click with and can learn to survive it, it's just a short while. Again, assess yourself and be prepared to learn to adapt and you'll love it.

Basically saying learn to blow, swallow and smile!

iblike it here been here 9 months work in oncology my mgr is great pay is solid. Time off just voted number 1 by glass door. 10% 401k match and $45k Volvo SUV as company car plus paroducts are good. Don't believe all these spoiled babies.

I agree. I have been here for several years and I am in oncology as well. I am very happy here. There are things that could be better but when I look at the overall package that Amgen and the OBU offers, I feel like this is a great gig. But, I have had the same manager the entire time I have been here and my DM is great. So, I am sure that is a big reason why I like it here.

If you are coming on CP for advice, you are doing yourself an injustice. CP is typically full of complainers. Rarely do people that are happy get on here to sing the company's praises, which is unfortunate.

I think it comes down to what BU you are in and your manager. Oncology is the place to be (at any company) and my manager is wonderful to work with, that's why my situation may be different from others here.

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