Re: Find out Managed Care in Ur territory before considering!
This post is right on the money! Silenor is not 290 where I work but it might as well be. This was set up for 95 percent of the reps to fail!
My advice is to get a confirmed answer as to why the position is vacant and where Silenor can be written in the territory you are being interviewed for! ** (Don't settle with the answer that the rep before was not working....Somaxon hired PSS field reps MONTHS before the account management team! Lots of territories were misinformed day 1 that it was covered 3rd tier with no PA on commercial plans.......especially in the south and midwest! Many of us conveyd an incorrect message from day 1, therefore, lost doctor credibility. Ask who your MC account manager is! Contact him/her before accepting anything and find out if you will be spinning your wheels instead of selling a drug not covered. There is a 10mg generic that is $3 compared to the 3 and 6mg you will be promoting for a cash price of $290. I would not wish the challanges I face everyday on my worst enemy......with ALLL sincerity, get answers!!!!!!
This post is right on the money! Silenor is not 290 where I work but it might as well be. This was set up for 95 percent of the reps to fail!