
I have a ton as well as credible and factual info on the company however when lazy people like you and post such lazy nonsense questions in that manner i am not willing to share the true inside scoop and information.
I have a ton as well as credible and factual info on the company however when lazy people like you and post such lazy nonsense questions in that manner i am not willing to share the true inside scoop and information.

For your info, I am quite familiar with this company myself. I interviewed in Chicago 3 yrs ago and I know who they'll be targeting. I figured an exchange of inforrmation would be helpful to all. But since youre not telling, I guess I'm not either.
For your info, I am quite familiar with this company myself. I interviewed in Chicago 3 yrs ago and I know who they'll be targeting. I figured an exchange of inforrmation would be helpful to all. But since youre not telling, I guess I'm not either.

Great info from 3 years ago. Have fun with it.
For your info, I am quite familiar with this company myself. I interviewed in Chicago 3 yrs ago and I know who they'll be targeting. I figured an exchange of inforrmation would be helpful to all. But since youre not telling, I guess I'm not either.

Why would I want to shared. I dont need to share. I know pretty much everything I need to know about the company to make a decision. Commercial structure, anticipated launch dates, competition, etc.

My biggest pet peeve is lazy people. Next time dont be so lazy in your post and you may find what you are looking for.
Why would I want to shared. I dont need to share. I know pretty much everything I need to know about the company to make a decision. Commercial structure, anticipated launch dates, competition, etc.

My biggest pet peeve is lazy people. Next time dont be so lazy in your post and you may find what you are looking for.

ever consider that the Lazy, nonsense quotes are CI trolls? we know they are out there and they make a great deal of dough trolling around for info scraps to sell to their clients...they never identify themselves as CI...they choose to be notoriously vague...and are quite often desperate.
It's only been on LinkedIn for three weeks. Do some research. As stated above west sales is in trouble. Career progression or better stated career regression has to raise a red flag.
Very odd to see that in this industry.
Why would I want to shared. I dont need to share. I know pretty much everything I need to know about the company to make a decision. Commercial structure, anticipated launch dates, competition, etc.

My biggest pet peeve is lazy people. Next time dont be so lazy in your post and you may find what you are looking for.

Lazy people don't proof read their posts before sending them. I see two mistakes in your post. Let me know if you need help finding them. Now who's lazy?
Lazy people don't proof read their posts before sending them. I see two mistakes in your post. Let me know if you need help finding them. Now who's lazy?

On the contrary I didn't review my post since I have many other things to do other than worry about screwballs like you commenting on my typos. You have though, however, gotten me away again from reviewing potential stocks to review to add to my portfolio. Hardly lazy just dont care. Big difference even a lazy person like you should be able to comprehend.
Strange that they have postings for 4 rep positions. Drug is not set to launch until 2015. I wonder if these will be contingent offers. We all remember what happened last time.
The only ppl going to make $$ on the stock are the people working there past 6 mos.
Reps be last hired and won't make shit on stock rsu's or options.
They will give you a joke 500/1,000 and think you'll be happy.
Trust me, my friend went to work for a company called Pharmacyclics I think. Some oral for lymphoma.
Guess what, he got 2,000 shares I think options at a very hight price. he will make a couple thousand, but by the time all the reps hired stock made a run. Now people realize they not going to make $$ on stock so they all leaving cuz management is fucking ebody.
Now the company is going to go down shitter.
Sales reps in these specialty areas much more valuable than a manager. Until they realize this, same situation will happen here.

bottom line, if you are choosing a company for the stock benefit boy are you making a big mistake. Intermune wont give reps many stock benefits and when reps hired on price too high.
Then ebody will quite. Watch!! Seen this 100 times. lol

Reps always get screwed cuz they dumb asses and can't figure it out. Then it backfires on company and they go down shitter also
Well at least if you don't make any money on your stock options you can apply for a job writing articles or maybe your own column at the NYT, Wall St Journal or Washington Post. You speak/write very eloquently and have fantastic grammar. You sound JUST LIKE the person who I should be taking advice from on these types of important issues. Thanks!