Intarcia Therapeutics

Real question is how long Kurt “The Greatest” can hide.

This is his second bankruptcy. Remember when he was the Hep C expert from Vertex - that turned into Biolex bankruptcy.(Biolex to liquidate after burning $190M on hep C drug. Fierce Biotech Jul 9 2012)

This is his typical pattern. Biolex Therapeutics Names Kurt Graves Executive Chairman as Company Prepares for Phase 3 Trials and Commercialization of Loctero” Fierce Biotech Nov 9 2010.

Said Kurt Graves “I have a high level of confidence in Locteron...and its ability to capitalize on the explosive growth expected in HCV...”

Two years later - no approval - money disappeared - company bankrupt

So same story different suckers

**the greatest** at fu*kn what

Bankruptcy after wasting billions on fraudulent claims of “once a year” “manufacture at scale” “lowest regulatory risk”. Proven to be lies. The Industry can not tolerate fraud.
Demand life time ban from biotech/public markets for the ringleaders Kurt Graves and Owen Hughes. Silence is compliance. Prove you are anti-fraud sign the petition for life time ban.

Where did all the money go
Trashed completely don’t you know
When will they ever learn
When will they ever learn

Told big stories don’t you know
Regulatory risk is super low
But now it it’s trashed you know
But now its trash to go

Once a year they like to say
But no studies worked that way
And now the moneys gone
it’s all gone away

Where did all the money go
False promises don’t you know
When will they ever learn
When will they ever learn

Kurt and Owen run away
Don’t blame me they like to say
No formulation we didn’t know
No approval we didn’t know
So now it’s time to go

Telling stories by the score
Listen up we’ve got some more
Your money disappears
Your money disappears

Where did all the money go
Up in smoke don’t you know
When will they ever learn
When will they ever learn

When will those fraudsters Kurt Graves, Jay Smith etc. be held to account for this disaster? Total bullshit artists who belong in prison and not running a life sciences company. Hope that the investors take action or these a-holes will resurface again somewhere else in the industry

Bankruptcy after wasting billions on fraudulent claims of “once a year” “manufacture at scale” “lowest regulatory risk”. Proven to be lies. The Industry can not tolerate fraud.
Demand life time ban from biotech/public markets for the ringleaders Kurt Graves and Owen Hughes. Silence is compliance. Prove you are anti-fraud sign the petition for life time ban.

So off went Emperor Kurt in procession under his splendid canopy. Everyone in the streets and the windows said, “Oh how fine is Emperor Kurt’s Medici Pump ! Doesn’t it work to perfection ? And see his great data !” Nobody would confess that they couldn’t see an FDA approval, for that would prove them either unfit for their position, or a fool. No pump Emperor Kurt had had before was ever such a complete success.

“But he hasn’t gotten any approval” an small child said.

“Did you ever hear such innocent prattle?” Said it’s father. And one person whispered to another what the child had said, “Emperor Kurt hasn’t any approval. A child said he hasn’t any approval.”

“But he hasn’t got any approval!” The whole biotech community cried out at last.

Emperor Kurt shivered, for he suspected that they were right. But he thought, “This unicorn has got to go on.” So he walked more proudly than ever, as his noblemen held high the Medici pump that wasn’t there at all.

Speaking of con artists and Pelotons. Biden can’t take his to the White House. They say it’s a security thing. He he!
Just replace Biden with Graves, and White House with Big House. lol.
Keep the con artist though. ....ha ha!

New SEC Leadership to Focus on Enforcement

President Biden’s nomination of Grey Gensler to serve as chairman of the SEC is likely a herald of increased focus on enforcement matters. Gensler is expected to empower the SEC’s Division of Enforcement to pursue more cases against public company senior executives, using creative legal tools in the agency’s toolbox to charge those individuals even when there is no evidence of fraud. To show that it is keeping the private markets safe for investors, the SEC is likely to open more investigations and bring more actions against high visibility pre-IPO tech companies.

- has anyone noticed a biohype company burning investors to the tune of $1.8 Billion ?