Oncology is fun. Had to dump busted down pump. Forgot to tell Gates this pump was already unsuccessfully commercialized. He thinks KG discovered something new. That’s why I left
The fibrotic response to the pump requires that physician dig the pump out from a collection of connective tissue. If you can only see the damage on the removal sites yourself. OMG 20 minutes to cut the thing lose ?
From the manufacturing side of things, everything in Hayweird feels broken. Halls are filled with discussions about failed results and deviations in all aspects of the operation. Even simple projects become impossible- working to solve one issue uncovers three more. Site leads hung up on sunk costs of the facilities and equipment that support a slow, fault ridden, manual manufacturing process they've "developed". Must be the person who knew what they were doing is gone now... the architect of this current manufacturing process sure doesn't. It looks like someone blew up a benchtop lab experiment in the xerox- complete with mixing bowls and spoons! There are rarely sound rationales or good science behind critical design decisions, and when challenging why something is done a certain way, you learn the "experts" don't really understand the process or their product. They're unwilling to heed advice of numerous, expensive consultant groups and take that step back to rebuild things the right way.
Cancelled projects and rumors of shrinking headcount with at least reduced number of contractors in near term. This baby doesn't look like it'll have enough steam to make it to market... not to mention that if it gets there, it sounds like no one's going to use it.