Intarcia Therapeutics

Elizabeth Holmes (Theranos) testified “Why we didn’t make a Majic Pump I’ll never know. We could have sold royalties on fictional diabetes products and everything would be ok now”.

Investigate ! Investigate ! Investigate !

These are the letters pleading with the FDA to approve from world leading experts like Bob Kerry, Kim Kardashian, Kurt Graves

Famous Quotes like

“In my letter, I note how DDLO leadership has used numerous AKI data maneuvers that benefited the #1 diabetes company, damaged Intarcia, and left patient’s in harm’s way. A proper investigation into why is needed.

Theranos 1.0 moves to final phases as Liz says “I never lied” and “everything was disclosed”

For Intarcia (aka Theranos 2.0) will they claim the “once a year” “low regulatory risk” “able to manufacture at scale” “no new clinical trials needed for approval” are all true ?

synthetic royalties for sale Get your synthetic royalties

imaginary hype for sale fresh bull shit delivered daily

Fidelity Contrafund lists their Intarcia equity as worth $21 - yep that’s right twenty one dollars.

ohh those 6% convertible bonds listed as being worth millions ?? Hmm where’s the money coming from ??

80 year prison sentence for wire fraud ? Will Owen testify against Kurt or is Kurt already selling Owen down the River ? When Lizzie Holmes at Theranos find out how many years in prison for lying to investors expect the Intarcia (aka Theranos 2.0) to start pointing fingers and saying it wasn’t me. The FDA spelled out the multitude of reasons that approval was NOT going to happen and they did two more raises lying that commercial launch was minutes away. Remember “no new trials needed for approval” how about the whopper “low regulatory risk”

billions of dollars gone, endless lies hype and claims of FDA bias

send these lying bastards to jail

Ya ha ha hee You BELIEVED that SHIT ?? How freaking stupid do you have to be

the lies piled up sooo fast Kurt couldn’t spin a new story fast enough

funnerier than anything watching Kurt make up school he went to and then keep changing what degree he got - that’s some seriously funny shit

how bout the Chinese say sing we lost all our money cause the “magic pump” went dead

just imagine what total bull shit they told the Chinese

lies, exaggerations, untruths, outrageous claims

funnerier than shit

so suckas Kurt got your money and you got jack shit
Hilarious ! Who was suckered !!

Investigate ! Investigate ! Investigate !

These are the letters pleading with the FDA to approve from world leading experts like Bob Kerry, Kim Kardashian, Kurt Graves

Famous Quotes like

“In my letter, I note how DDLO leadership has used numerous AKI data maneuvers that benefited the #1 diabetes company, damaged Intarcia, and left patient’s in harm’s way. A proper investigation into why is needed.

has the FDA figured out who to investigate ?

Investigate ! Investigate ! Investigate !

“In my letter, I (Kurt Graves) note how DDLO leadership has used numerous AKI data maneuvers that benefited the #1 diabetes company, damaged Intarcia, and left patient’s in harm’s way. A proper investigation into why is needed.

How is that investigation going ? Was Hillary Clinton behind the whole thing ?