Indictments!Imprisionment Ethicon Reps

Yes EES created the secondary market as well as Tyco .They were the biggest sellers in the secondary market .For those of you who worked at EES remember Business Practices. When contracts came into place and the owens of the world could not work on cost plus any more there was an understanding that Ees and Tyco and many others would go out into the market place and sell to the secondary market the over stock at a reduced price to offset the low margins the distributors were getting .
Why do you think abiomed came into place, so they can look good to the outside . The feds said turn over your internal investigations and we wont come after you .
The overreporting went all the way to the top .
Some of the dirtiest reps are still there, and mangers that were weak reps that kissed A%^ and got promoted on overreported numbers .When EES started when there where no contracts that was fun , and alot of money was made .
Face it ees is a Pharma company now
They are the ones that need to look in the mirror and no they are fakes to themselves. What a great quality of life to live a lie . IT is a circle it will always come back to you .

It's not over! Does anybody remember PharMed? The lucrative, medical supplier in Miami? The rep in NYC who is cooperating(Tarsia) handed that company over to the Feds. It keeps going around and around. The reps who served their sentence and moved on, it's still not over. Try getting a decent job with a record. For what? selling unwanted product...Ebay sellers are doing it now! J&J turned their reps over to the Feds for favors. It's a dirty business and a dirty company!!

Some people would do anything..FT is lower than pond scum. for all those people who sold unwanted products you did nothing wrong. Your only problem is that you said that you did. You were scared and that is understandable. The secondary Market is a legal market. No one told you that unpurpose. this entire event is disgusting. I feel so bad for all those people. Don't worry about getting a job, start your own business. You can do it. Do something that you have always wanted to do. Be positive-- Move forward concentrate on your future and let go of the past.

Yes. Many reps would turn in their sample and any additional product they had and turn it in to Pharmed. Pharmed would reimburse those reps who were employed with Ethicon. This was standard procedure for over a decade! It was common information that people who are executives now with Ethicon did this well.

Yeah for the rep who fought and won! I only hope that the rest of the country will see the "truth" in all of what has gone on! J&J is NOT a family company. They throw their reps under the bus because they won't take responsibility. For those who respond negatively about the reps, you obviously are drinking the J&J koolaide...don't worry, it's only a matter of time before you enjoy the "benefits" of working for a company that tells you to do one thing and turns their back on you!

I was a top performer for 4 yrs at another JNJ device co. My life has been great since the day I left. It is not a family, it is not an opportunity of a lifetime. The company does do a good job marketing but it is not the place you want to be if you are a true sales person that wants to be valued long term. i have been gone for 7 years and run into happy former JNJ folks everywhere - my boss is one of them and a lot of people that work for me left in anger.

Many hospitals would call in reps to take product back. The reps would tell the hospitals that they would not be able to receive any credit. They did not care, just wanted it off the shelf. The reps were pretty much "stuck" with unwanted product. J&J did not want it sent back, leaving the reps with the choice of throwing it away, giving it to charity or selling it. I was one of those reps who had to make that choice. I did all of the above. Does that make me a criminal? No...J&J are the real crooks!

No worries, the grey market is legal.. No need to look over your shoulder...there is no crime in selling something that noone wants.. as far as JNJ, it was proven in court that the product didn't belong to JNJ. It was bought by the customer-hospital. When you want to sell your car, do you contact the dealer for permission before you sell it? The product was no longer EES. They have no rights over it. If the product was no longer needed at the hospital, no harm no foul. OVER ZELOUS PROSECUTION & GREED FROM JNJ>>brought the indictments that ruined so many peoples lives.

There was definitely more than what the indictments report. Some reps, endo & suture, would pocket product and sell to the distributors in the area for cash. And common practice - I mean *everyone* - would leverage the unlimited parking/auto budget for additional entertainment budget by claiming phantom parking receipts under $25 since you didn't need to submit receipts for expenses under $25. DMs definitely knew this trick, without doubt. The NE region is super shady, and some of the docs are no better. Payola is commonplace for influential docs that could drive a conversion or bring in new product in a competitive hospital. The whole industry as it was then is not sustainable. O/R admin folks can barely keep on top of inventory, so it only takes one or two reps to railroad them with surplus and inflate the forecast for everyone else, especially when they bail to a higher paying gig.