Indictments!Imprisionment Ethicon Reps

Maybe they should have thought about the impact these actions would have on their famlies before they STOLE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS worth of product from the accounts who TRUSTED them. I feel bad for the family members involved, but could give a fuck about the worthless pieces of shit who committed these crimes.... FUCK EM ALL!!!!!!!!!

What all of you experts with your opinions don't know idea what is was like for family members of these reps sent to prison and how their life was effected by this. You can all have your opinions, that's you God given right but think about the family members too. These are our family members who made terrible mistakes and owned up to it and they will continue to own up to it for the rest of their lives so give it a rest.

Maybe you should quit whining and think about the impact that they had on their co-workers. They soiled the company's reputation making our jobs and ability to provide for our families more difficult.

They stole product and dollars but they also stole sales ranking, commissions, bonuses and career track by artificially inflating their sales numbers.

So no, I won't feel badly that you happened to marry someone of questionable moral character. You are paying now but you had benefit from these illegal actions.

We, their co-workers, paid for it then, pay for it now and will pay for it going forward.

It is so funny to read all the different responses to all that has hapened with Ethicon Endo and the reps. The fact is that a culture existed because EES created it. The company benefited the most. Not one of the reps that went to jail woke up one day and said ghee I think I am going to become a theif today. EES created the culture of excess product always being in everyones trunk and garage. EES did not put the customer first, they put the $ first. Anyone with half a brain knows that these reps did not steal, they had what every rep had. The poor customers who have to keep buying the latest version of trocar etc, and no option for returns. EES created the excess product. If someone out there was interested in buying it and it was perfectly good product, than it is a good thing. You should all educated yourself alittle more on what is going on in the market, instead of sounding like you just left a JNJ cult meeting.

Let by gones, be by gones. These reps have paid their debt to society and allow them to do so. Get a life and quite whining about what other people have done, look around you in society, murderers, rapists, etc. Yes some people make bad choices and some believe they are living a chrisitian life, but when in fact they are wearing a mask and are truly unhappy people. I'll drink to that!

It is so funny to read all the different responses to all that has hapened with Ethicon Endo and the reps. The fact is that a culture existed because EES created it. The company benefited the most. Not one of the reps that went to jail woke up one day and said ghee I think I am going to become a theif today. EES created the culture of excess product always being in everyones trunk and garage. EES did not put the customer first, they put the $ first. Anyone with half a brain knows that these reps did not steal, they had what every rep had. The poor customers who have to keep buying the latest version of trocar etc, and no option for returns. EES created the excess product. If someone out there was interested in buying it and it was perfectly good product, than it is a good thing. You should all educated yourself alittle more on what is going on in the market, instead of sounding like you just left a JNJ cult meeting.

Yeah, educated yourself and be alittle more sympathetic to the scumbags who give our porfession a bad name!

You call your job a profession? To work for Ethicon? Get a life and get a real job: Service to society: Serve the public by not selling the crap that is made by Ethicon (Johnson & Johnson) a family company. That's is a load of SHIT!

Yeah, educated yourself and be alittle more sympathetic to the scumbags who give our porfession a bad name!

You are obviously to niave to realize the that you have been played like a bad guitar. J&J pays great dividends to its shareholders, but if you actually educated yourself on this company you would see what the real deal is. Keep drinking the coolaid. The reps that give the sales reps a bad name come from the guy/girl you are looking at in your mirrow at night. you are just to dumb to see it. The reps that actually took care of the customers are the ones that always WIN.

As the spouse of a former Ethicon Rep....I can tell you that he was directed by his Manager to turn in all unneeded product. The Hospitals would direct him to "take out" the product due to inspections and the materiels manager ordered too much. He would never purposely steal. If he was made aware that it was a "crime" to turn in unwanted product, well, the answer is obvious. He would not! Ethicon is a dirty company that defintely threw all the sales reps under the bus. The power that be, enjoyed the revenue, increased sales numbers, market share. All along, with their winks and nods, knew it was going on and did nothing to curtail it. My spouse is a fantastic guy...he paid dearly....but we are still strong, happy and fighting back. I wish all the other reps who were entangled in this legal quandary the best of luck and warm wishes. You will prevail!!

Nobody has mentioned that a former sales rep for Ethicon-Endo patented a medical device and sold it to the competitor. This sales rep later resigned(he made million off of the sale of the device) and created his own medical distribution company. Ethicon tried to sue him, but they lost. Finally, he was one of the distributors that was busted along with the ethicon reps. He is now in prison. Doesn't this seem all a bit suspicious? JNJ is a vindictive company that used the DoJ and FDA to settle a score. They were pissed that one of their reps was able to patent a device and they didn't get a piece of it. Revenge is how they play the game.

Ethicon Endo Surgery ( J&J ) is all about delivering bottom line profits for JNJ. JNJ is a strong company, anyone remember the movie about the tobacco company and the whistle blower( Russel Crowe)? Someone is going to blow the the whistle on this white power company (baby powder). They are gross and negligent. I am not saying that they are any different than a lot of other companies out there, but don't talk the talk unless you can walk the walk the walk. If anything is proven by all of this, is that this market has major issues and should be addressed.

No one escapes the Feds.
Things are not always what you read.
Try not to judge when you do not know the entire story up close and personal.
With maturity and time .... you will all see this clearly.
This is a result of an obscure situation. None of these men or women would have risked what they have risked for this extra money. Would you?
These were not stupid people. They were not criminals, . They were individuals that had a lot to lose and they did.

For those that are critical and self -righteous, even though you will not "hear ' this message because of where you are in life.... I think you are to be pitied not scorned.....If the Feds looked at your life and decided they wanted you or your industry believe me.. you would find yourself in the same situation... you are showing how naive you really are and non- exposed to the way our system works. This is not about morals.
You never know.. what will happen in your life.. or your children's lives... or grandchildren... If you live this way... sooner or later.. life will teach YOU a lesson in being humble and compassionate...and watching your words more closely.
Being raised with morals and values and class does not make for some of the messages I have read.
It must make some of you feel better - less scared and inferior in your own lives- when you bring down others that you do not know.... live and let live.

To the families .... You will persevere... regardless of what others might say in this choosing your spouse , and it is your fault..?? Get real...that is extremely naive and a very silly comment.
No one can be sure of what thier spouse might be accused of doing in a job or what could happen during the marriage, congratulations for being steadfast and holding your famlies together., that deserves huge respect.
... and remember - Most of the time, the first people that brag about morals.. are usually doing something NOT moral.. and running scared... Look at John Edwards@!!!!

The products are out there. Should they be thrown away? That would be a waste and the manufacturer would be the only one to benefit, correct?
Why should these reps throw away good products and not keep them in the marketplace, if the company does not want them back. Seems to me that Ethicon created this secondary market for their own benefit and maybe it has eaten into their bottom line over time. Some might have stolen product, and I see a wrong there. But not all this overstocked product is considered stolen is it? Not all these cases are the same.
Is Ethicon pursuing these cases? Or has the Federal Government found an easy way to get some money?

I bet the manufacturer is happy , now they make more money by allowing the products to be thrown away. We are paying way too much money for healthcare, this could be part of the problem- companies like J and J are the greedy ones. I think these men and women might have been doing our society a service. They might be the real good guys.

Ethicon Endo Surgery ( J&J ) is all about delivering bottom line profits for JNJ. JNJ is a strong company, anyone remember the movie about the tobacco company and the whistle blower( Russel Crowe)? Someone is going to blow the the whistle on this white power company (baby powder). They are gross and negligent. I am not saying that they are any different than a lot of other companies out there, but don't talk the talk unless you can walk the walk the walk. If anything is proven by all of this, is that this market has major issues and should be addressed.

Ethicon Endo Surgery is by far the worst company that I ever worked for. It is poorly managed and the roster of poorly trained, ineffective, unqualified, unskilled managers goes on and on. I left the company because of this and never regretted it. However, J&J is not about quality anymore and that is unfortunate.

To answer the question about some of reps who cut a deal: There is a male rep in New York City who was sentenced to serve 5 months over one and half years ago in a federal prison who continues to "put it off" because of his apparent help to the government.

Some of EES Corporate leaders have walked in the exact same shoes, and I am sure are counting their blessings , or holding their breathe right now. You never know how far up this will go. If this is a dirty business , it has been something that the reps were trained to do, part of the culture.
Have you ever heard the quote "the fish rots from the head".