It is so funny to read all the different responses to all that has hapened with Ethicon Endo and the reps. The fact is that a culture existed because EES created it. The company benefited the most. Not one of the reps that went to jail woke up one day and said ghee I think I am going to become a theif today. EES created the culture of excess product always being in everyones trunk and garage. EES did not put the customer first, they put the $ first. Anyone with half a brain knows that these reps did not steal, they had what every rep had. The poor customers who have to keep buying the latest version of trocar etc, and no option for returns. EES created the excess product. If someone out there was interested in buying it and it was perfectly good product, than it is a good thing. You should all educated yourself alittle more on what is going on in the market, instead of sounding like you just left a JNJ cult meeting.