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IMS Purchases SDI


So happy to welcome our old Verispan friends back....we welcome you with open arms! Many of us are already here!

Watch the layoffs begin!!!

The first thing they're going to do is layoff the dead weight from SDI AND IMS, so you people better be ready. You should all be concerned about your jobs right now. I worked at SDI and thats exactly what happened when they bought Verispan - 300 people lost a job.

all that talk about the assetts walking out the door every night. give me a break. enjoy the next 2 months because once the ink is dry on this deal you can bet there will be $ 20% reduction. there is no way they can justify keeping everyone. Cut half of Ragas's staff alone starting with the directors. one of them cam back from lunch a little glassy eyed yesterday. not sure if it was from tears or beers.

You can bet 80% of the SDI staff will be gone.......Keith P, maybe you can work as a caddy at your country club....but your incompetence will shine there as well!
80%??? You're clueless and show your ignorance about business. There are people that do actual work at SDI and produce real products. No one is going to touch them. Management, Sales, HR will all be the first to go. Whoever said 30-40% which are the high salary jobs, is the smart poster.

80%??? You're clueless and show your ignorance about business. There are people that do actual work at SDI and produce real products. No one is going to touch them. Management, Sales, HR will all be the first to go. Whoever said 30-40% which are the high salary jobs, is the smart poster.

Dont forget IT. You dont need 20 help desk guys and 6 network admins to run one domain.

Actually do work? Don't make me laugh? Those days ended once Verispan became part of SDI.....remember, sales and profits have been o n the decline for a while and no one is to blame but JR and management as a whole! the only ones who worked were probably Sr and Jr who were sure to escape with the profits in a declining business.

Dont forget IT. You dont need 20 help desk guys and 6 network admins to run one domain.

or 30 DBA's scanning 2 gig databases. ( that would be a busy day for most of them)
talk about duplication of jobs.
DRag is in way over his head and has been ever since we bought Verispan. hopefully the new mgmt team will recognize that.
felon kress can not leave fast enough. take your "art" with you.

Papa and Jr's legacy will ultimately be failure..... Two successful people who at the end of the day made some bad business decisions that resulted in FAILURE!

You mean a guy that walked out his house everyday with a hairdo like that and thought "yeah, this looks good", made a bunch of bad decisions? Yeah, never would have guessed that one.

The hairdo is only the beginning. Wait until he meets with a customer and his eyes start rolling around like a cartoon character. I've never seen anything like it before. Then he will tell the customer in one breath how stupid they are and that he is the visionary the industry sorely needs. It is the greatest show on earth!