Nice response Racist. Did your pastry boy CEO provide such an educated memo to you to respond.
Lets reflect on the activity going on under pasty boy. Love those stolen documents from Amgen on the loyalty discounts. Are you now implementing the price spread on drugs discussion. Very classy, hiring outside legal to call around to destroy documents. What a total loser organization. Nice criminal like activity.
Love the fake calls on the doc dying of cancer. Hey, did you reward the dude with a new Mercedes. Also, did legal and compliance remove the meal charge on the sunshine act? Have a little class, I know that is expecting a lot from a classless organization with no integrity.
Hey, what about the display fee for gifts cards gig? The rep submitted, manager approved and internal cur the check. Your compliance program failed at all three levels, very impressive. But wait, you paid for outside legal to save the day. You are taking the shirt off the back of Cancer Patients to pay for this.
The manager that approved the display fee, you know the one with the meeting with the Racist tirade. Love the Journalism major calling the Asian Physician study. Nice that a much of whiteys can cuddle and are in a safe environment to make racists comments.
Please go on 60 minutes and share with the world how proud you are of this activity. Maybe the pasty boy CEO could join you and share why Cancer Patients are paying this activity. Thanks for striping Cancer patients of their last penny for this activity.