"Illegal activity at LabCorp"

914.22 Tampering with a witness, victim, or informant.--

(1) A person who knowingly uses intimidation or physical force, or threatens another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, or offers pecuniary benefit or gain to another person, with intent to cause or induce any person to:

(a) Withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official investigation or official proceeding;

(b) Alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object with intent to impair the integrity or availability of the object for use in an official investigation or official proceeding;

(c) Evade legal process summoning that person to appear as a witness, or to produce a record, document, or other object, in an official investigation or an official proceeding;

(d) Be absent from an official proceeding to which such person has been summoned by legal process;

(e) Hinder, delay, or prevent the communication to a law enforcement officer or judge of information relating to the commission or possible commission of an offense or a violation of a condition of probation, parole, or release pending a judicial proceeding; or

(f) Testify untruthfully in an official investigation or an official proceeding,

commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

(2) Whoever intentionally harasses another person and thereby hinders, delays, prevents, or dissuades any person from:

(a) Attending or testifying in an official proceeding or cooperating in an official investigation;

(b) Reporting to a law enforcement officer or judge the commission or possible commission of an offense or a violation of a condition of probation, parole, or release pending a judicial proceeding;

(c) Arresting or seeking the arrest of another person in connection with an offense; or

(d) Causing a criminal prosecution, or a parole or probation revocation proceeding, to be sought or instituted, or from assisting in such prosecution or proceeding;

or attempts to do so, is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

(3) For the purposes of this section:

(a) An official proceeding need not be pending or about to be instituted at the time of the offense; and

(b) The testimony or the record, document, or other object need not be admissible in evidence or free of a claim of privilege.

(4) In a prosecution for an offense under this section, no state of mind need be proved with respect to the circumstance:

(a) That the official proceeding before a judge, court, grand jury, or government agency is before a judge or court of the state, a state or local grand jury, or a state agency; or

(b) That the judge is a judge of the state or that the law enforcement officer is an officer or employee of the state or a person authorized to act for or on behalf of the state or serving the state as an adviser or consultant.

Parker and Poe attorneys
"aka" Mark-

we have spoken to outside legal and yes, "tampering" with a witness is a criminal offense in any federal law suit. Trying to convince key witnesses in a federal case to change their testimony is considered punishable and you could all lose your legal license to practice law forever. Further, we have made labcorp attorneys aware of your "dishonest behavior" and since they continue allowing it, they to are liable.

Can't you read? I'll keep it simple for you to understand....

All that has been said was an attorney would NEVER destroy their life long goal for LCA. No kidding tampering or any type of unethical behavior is wrong. You must be in middle management. Do you fight with your own words often??

You appear to be the liable one here buddy.


I beg to differ...telling an account than you will accept ALL of their insurance plans; even the ones you DON'T have a contract with, and then "eating" the costs for the plans you can't bill, is illegal. It's inducement, and I believe it's a STARK violation. labCorp does this all the time, in fact, they have been reported and investigated/fined for it.

Quest does the same thing....write offs...

just check out LC on the BBB website to learn a breif review of their history. everything on there is true and continues to happen. billing violations, insurance scams, HIPPA violations and everything else under the sun all in the name of the bottom line.....

Umass Memorial Labs Worcester MA Inducement

A certain physician owns 1524 atwood and i heard the sales rep from umass memorial's wife is his NP. They rented 4 times the necesarry sq footage and had to close b/c they weren't getting business, but they are still collecting rent. They took way more space than they needed. Also Quest, ESCL, Fatima are in the building and have patient service centers.... they are about 200-400 sqft at or below fair market value. I'd check it out!

Umass Memorial Labs Worcester MA Inducement

A certain physician owns 1524 atwood and i heard the sales rep from umass memorial's wife is his NP. They rented 4 times the necesarry sq footage and had to close b/c they weren't getting business, but they are still collecting rent. They took way more space than they needed. Also Quest, ESCL, Fatima are in the building and have patient service centers.... they are about 200-400 sqft at or below fair market value. I'd check it out!

Nice scoop there Watergate; not much of a story there to really entice anyone to think some "illegal" activity is happening. What's next, the old lady on the corner is over-charging for the cookies she sells? I feel a Pulitzer prize in your future Jimmy Olsen!

Nice scoop there Watergate; not much of a story there to really entice anyone to think some "illegal" activity is happening. What's next, the old lady on the corner is over-charging for the cookies she sells? I feel a Pulitzer prize in your future Jimmy Olsen!

Lab corp is corrupt, and it should be news. It is a miss run company that is more concerned with making money than quality of care. I work for Lab Corp ... all of my family including myselt go to Quest. I would guess that about 80% of our departments work is outside of CLIA standard regulations. Despite compliance report after comliance report nothing is done. CMS comes in cites them never fines them, allows them to write a plan of action that is not followed and the violations go on. The real people that suffer are the patients with bad test results. If their lawyers only knew what the employees know.

Illegal activity? It should be more like Non-Compliant activity, but then that affects the quality of patient testing and the morale of employees who always feel like they are forced to do something wrong...cuz they are, everyday that work for that churning mass of "American Greed".

When are they gonna make that show starring DK? Can hardly wait!!

"Former Employee In Dublin Claims He Lost His Job Over Sexual Orientation”

DUBLIN, Ohio -One man said he lost his job after being harassed for his sexual orientation but couldn't take action because of his community's laws.

It all started when an image of a derogatory term referring to a gay person greeted Thomas on his work table at Labcorp back in December. He reported it to human resources.

"I came in the next night and it was still on the table," Thomas said.

He said no action was taken. Thomas appealed to several people in human resources.

"She's like ‘well, these things happen,’" Thomas said.

He then called the corporate compliance line.

Thomas said he also came down with severe intestinal issues and feared someone at Labcorp put laxatives in his food.

He said he got an order from a local pharmacy to have his stools tested and went through the proper channels at work to have it done. After that, he was let go.

"I'd been there for five years, my reviews have all been positive, I've never had one issue with human resources," Thomas said.

Labcorp told Thomas

"I just hope this doesn't happen to anybody else," Thomas said.

Thomas has filed complaints with the Ohio Civil Rights Commission and the EEOC.

The EEOC just ruled that sexual orientation is actually covered under federal law but that only applies to employment issues. A local ordinance would cover all areas.

Samuel Eberts of Labcorp sent 10TV the following statement regarding the sitaution:

"LabCorp greatly values its employees and strives to create a productive environment that fosters respect for all. We take any complaints about our employees’ well-being and work environment seriously and this matter is no exception.

We do not comment on personnel issues. This matter is before the Ohio Civil Rights Commission and we respect that process and will not comment on pending matters. We intend to vigorously defend the Company’s actions."

10TV wanted to take a closer look at some of the cities that do have anti-discrimination policies. Right now, Bexley and Columbus have protection laws in place. New Albany leaders say they are debating a measure soon.

I am sharing my story with each of you because I know you have the power to change it. I cannot allow what happened to me, what happens to the LGBT community daily to keep going. Society has lost too many LGBT members. At first I could not understand it, however my issue challenged everything I stood for, everything that I thought I was. I came very close to ending my life, because sadly everyone else who experiences these issue were doing it, and it was truly the only way their stories were heard.

I apologize for faxing such a document however this being 2015, my story is hard to believe. I started working for Lab Corporation of America in 2010. Being the biggest lab in the world, having same sex benefits I truly thought this would be a long lasting career.

Growing up I knew from an early age I was gay. Sadly I was always titled a fag. Standing five foot five, one twenty I truly did not have a chance standing up for myself. High school was much better, being gay was not really focused on and for the most part growing up in Perry County Ohio I could not asked for anything more.

After graduation I became a volunteer Fire Fighter, E.M.T. I was fairly open with being gay however it was never talked about. After realizing I was pretty much the only gay male in the county I branched out and eventually moved to Columbus. The city life at one time was bombing and for the first time I truly felt I belonged. Long story short I found myself at Lab Corp. Living in the bigger town the options for the lgbt community was endless. On December 22, 2014 I went into work and I noticed the word Fag on my work table, for a second I was taken back. I could hardly remember the last time I seen that word, or even heard that word. I was devastated.

I sent a picture to our H.R. department but being the holiday week, everyone was pretty much out of the office and I felt myself alone once again. Originally when I submitted my complaint to H.R. I stated I did not question my sexuality however this incident brought back some pretty harsh memories. I honestly did not know how to feel, how safe I was or what was next. I approached my H.R. department after the holiday break to be told these things happen. The lady stated being black, that I would be amazed at some of the names she had been called over the years. I took another step back. I realized that for being in such a big city, for being 2015 I still had no rights as a white gay male. Shocked by the response of my in house H.R. department, I called the Lab Corp Corporate Compliance. I stated how disappointed I was with the support and reaction of my in house H.R. they stated they would follow up on my concern.

That night the H.R. lady came into work. One by one she called a number of select employees into her office. For the first time I thought my complaint was being taken serious. Then a co-worker came over and stated as soon as they stepped into her office, she stated I have one question, do you know who wrote the word Fag on the table, each time using the word fag. I felt violated again. I truly felt this was revenge, since I went over her head and corporate basically forced her to do an investigation. In the end there was no result.

I called the corporate line and stated how disappointed I was that they would allow her to partake in any investigation, knowing her lack of attention in my original complaint. There were people coming out of her office walking over to my table gawking looking for the word FAG. I was humiliated repeatedly. Three days after I called the corporate compliance line I was terminated for breaking some odd policy that I can clearly deny and will debate however I was still terminated. That night three police officers were in the room. Again humiliated. I was escorted throughout the building, collected my personal items and walked out. I was devastated. I started contacting attorneys to see what my rights were. I contacted Equal Opportunity, and about a dozen legal firms including the ACLU, Department of Labor, and many others. Sadly one by one they all stated being a white gay male non-transgender I truly had no rights, nor any protection. I was finally able to get a lawyer to look into my case and everything is still pending however I realized a long time ago that I have no rights. Looking back now I blame myself for not standing up more for the rights of LGBT community. I spent so much time in my own little bubble not aware of these type of injustices.

My legal issues are pending and what not however I want my voice to be heard. I want to share my story with each and every one of you because your voice is much louder than mine. Thank you for your time.

I am sharing my story with each of you because I know you have the power to change it. I cannot allow what happened to me, what happens to the LGBT community daily to keep going. Society has lost too many LGBT members. At first I could not understand it, however my issue challenged everything I stood for, everything that I thought I was. I came very close to ending my life, because sadly everyone else who experiences these issue were doing it, and it was truly the only way their stories were heard.

I apologize for faxing such a document however this being 2015, my story is hard to believe. I started working for Lab Corporation of America in 2010. Being the biggest lab in the world, having same sex benefits I truly thought this would be a long lasting career.

Growing up I knew from an early age I was gay. Sadly I was always titled a fag. Standing five foot five, one twenty I truly did not have a chance standing up for myself. High school was much better, being gay was not really focused on and for the most part growing up in Perry County Ohio I could not asked for anything more.

After graduation I became a volunteer Fire Fighter, E.M.T. I was fairly open with being gay however it was never talked about. After realizing I was pretty much the only gay male in the county I branched out and eventually moved to Columbus. The city life at one time was bombing and for the first time I truly felt I belonged. Long story short I found myself at Lab Corp. Living in the bigger town the options for the lgbt community was endless. On December 22, 2014 I went into work and I noticed the word Fag on my work table, for a second I was taken back. I could hardly remember the last time I seen that word, or even heard that word. I was devastated.

I sent a picture to our H.R. department but being the holiday week, everyone was pretty much out of the office and I felt myself alone once again. Originally when I submitted my complaint to H.R. I stated I did not question my sexuality however this incident brought back some pretty harsh memories. I honestly did not know how to feel, how safe I was or what was next. I approached my H.R. department after the holiday break to be told these things happen. The lady stated being black, that I would be amazed at some of the names she had been called over the years. I took another step back. I realized that for being in such a big city, for being 2015 I still had no rights as a white gay male. Shocked by the response of my in house H.R. department, I called the Lab Corp Corporate Compliance. I stated how disappointed I was with the support and reaction of my in house H.R. they stated they would follow up on my concern.

That night the H.R. lady came into work. One by one she called a number of select employees into her office. For the first time I thought my complaint was being taken serious. Then a co-worker came over and stated as soon as they stepped into her office, she stated I have one question, do you know who wrote the word Fag on the table, each time using the word fag. I felt violated again. I truly felt this was revenge, since I went over her head and corporate basically forced her to do an investigation. In the end there was no result.

I called the corporate line and stated how disappointed I was that they would allow her to partake in any investigation, knowing her lack of attention in my original complaint. There were people coming out of her office walking over to my table gawking looking for the word FAG. I was humiliated repeatedly. Three days after I called the corporate compliance line I was terminated for breaking some odd policy that I can clearly deny and will debate however I was still terminated. That night three police officers were in the room. Again humiliated. I was escorted throughout the building, collected my personal items and walked out. I was devastated. I started contacting attorneys to see what my rights were. I contacted Equal Opportunity, and about a dozen legal firms including the ACLU, Department of Labor, and many others. Sadly one by one they all stated being a white gay male non-transgender I truly had no rights, nor any protection. I was finally able to get a lawyer to look into my case and everything is still pending however I realized a long time ago that I have no rights. Looking back now I blame myself for not standing up more for the rights of LGBT community. I spent so much time in my own little bubble not aware of these type of injustices.

My legal issues are pending and what not however I want my voice to be heard. I want to share my story with each and every one of you because your voice is much louder than mine. Thank you for your time.
Sweet heart I started to read this and then got really bored. What exactly is the issue here? Please be brief.