Should be “Hey get that lunch order in and your name tag buffed”.Another spark of genius from the Mensa drug rep. Hey get that order in and your name tag buffed.
Should be “Hey get that lunch order in and your name tag buffed”.Another spark of genius from the Mensa drug rep. Hey get that order in and your name tag buffed.
Should be “Hey get that lunch order in and your name tag buffed”.
I guess Harbour or Hornblower haven’t got the message that Florida Covid cases are out of control.
Says the person who can see the data on hospitalizations in the stateSays the person who gets his news from Stephen Colbert...
Hopefully someone reading this will help us keep our FLL’s out of our offices in Florida. It’s terrible what’s going on. We have primary care docs doing daily rounds at the hospital to help out. But still my FLL feels the need to have a field ride.
Managers, regional managers and national directors out riding with reps, flying all over the country. How tone deaf can you be?
FIFYEvery pharma company could eliminate 75% of the trained field waitstaff and sales wouldn’t suffer one dime.
I welcome ride alongs with my FLL. Love the shape of her rear end
The good news is I heard it’s the GSK COVID Vaccine, so it won’t be available for yearsGSK Vaccine mandate on the way
Do not forget that during the pandemic GSK was the LAST to take their reps out of the field and then the FIRST to tell them to go back in. They do not care about you, or your health, or the health of your family. Neither do the bunch brainless, groupthink, zero talent managers that only follow orders and do what they are told. There is no such thing as a leader at GSK at any level or any capacity and everyone knows it. There is definitely a resurgence out there and you don't want to get sick. Push back. Communicate your fear and the potential health impacts. Demand virtual work. Heck there are many companies that still don't make their employees go to the office let alone go into sick corona virus filled primary care and pulmonology offices. Be smart. Document everything. Put in minimal work and still get paid. Don't let your pathetic manager scare you. Laugh behind their backs while you still collect a paycheck. They will have to put in a lot of work to get rid of you and then your severance will appear. It's about you and your families health and well being. Another layoff is coming before the split and then GSK will be ripe for the taking in 2022 and then you may not get a severance or it may be reduced. Companies have no obligation to provide a severance and they just rather make you miserable so you walk away or try to scare you out. Force their hand and make them give it to you now. Play chess while these clowns forever play checkers.
I am fully vaccinated and NOT worried about being in the field. The problem I have is my Florida FLL is still pushing to be in the field with our team. It’s hard enough getting in these offices myself right now, much less bringing my manager with me. And Deb and Harbour still allow this to go on which is not good for business. I appreciate Harbour’s voicemails for safety concerns, but let us sell, do what’s right for our business and please keep these FLL at home.