If you've been on the Avastin team for more than 10 years...


GET THE FUCK OUT! Retire already! You're "elitism ways" are destroying our company and our culture.
You don't know how to sell and you think everyone LOVES Genentech. NEWSFLASH- THEY HATE YOU! This goes to the top leaders as well. Tom, Ted, Christy. You're ego, thinking everyone will love Tecentriq JUST because it's coming from Genentech is killing us. We need REAL competitive strategy- more than "but we're GNE and we're 3 week dosing". These old Avastin reps do nothing but complain they are soooo busy with 2 lunches a week (IF THAT). They are lazy and toxic. They will take anyone down, backstab, throw under the bus, just to make themselves look good. They are incompetent and try to make themselves feel better about it by tearing others down. So much jealousy and dysfunction. Everyone needs therapy. Time for some new blood in senior leadership and in the sales force. FAR too many DM's and Reps who have gotten complacent after being here for 15, 20 years selling Avastin. I have worked across business units and have never seen anything like the culture of Old Avastin Legacy. The most toxic people I have every experienced. Its like they were all trained to be this way. They have nothing else to do but make other peoples lives miserable. DO SOME DAMN WORK. Maybe if you were ACTUALLY working, you wouldn't have time to destroy other people. Time to "drain the swamp!" Hopefully BOLD will do that.


you have just narrowed it down to a disgruntled Tecentriq person. sorry you feel this way. Avastin has kept you in a job, if you think about it....(across many business units?)
You make an assumption that some people can retire. Please don't throw stones, as you don't have a clue what everyone is going through especially over the last few months.
I'll pray for you.

Key word "kept". I had to leave too toxic. And if you need your job so bad then act like it. Work hard, stay focused and quit acting like we're on a middle school playground with hormones raging. All the bickering, backstabbing and 2-3 faced drama that goes on EVERY day is ridiculous. I just had to calm a friend down from all the anxiety she suffers, from the people she works with. (What prompted my venting post to begin with) She's actually in therapy and had 2 close calls with nervous breakdowns over the years because her manager and other partners were so horrible to her. Who has time for this?! Luckily it's no longer a problem for me. I just hate to see so many good reps who work hard be destroyed because you're not in in the "cool kids" crowd. "Cool" being defined as old school Avastin legacy. It's just very sad. And on a side note, all other brands see it. I am FAR from being a lone wolf here. Is it so bad to ask to people to do their jobs instead of complaining all the time? Clearly I'm not the disgruntled one here.

GET THE FUCK OUT! Retire already! You're "elitism ways" are destroying our company and our culture.
You don't know how to sell and you think everyone LOVES Genentech. NEWSFLASH- THEY HATE YOU! This goes to the top leaders as well. Tom, Ted, Christy. You're ego, thinking everyone will love Tecentriq JUST because it's coming from Genentech is killing us. We need REAL competitive strategy- more than "but we're GNE and we're 3 week dosing". These old Avastin reps do nothing but complain they are soooo busy with 2 lunches a week (IF THAT). They are lazy and toxic. They will take anyone down, backstab, throw under the bus, just to make themselves look good. They are incompetent and try to make themselves feel better about it by tearing others down. So much jealousy and dysfunction. Everyone needs therapy. Time for some new blood in senior leadership and in the sales force. FAR too many DM's and Reps who have gotten complacent after being here for 15, 20 years selling Avastin. I have worked across business units and have never seen anything like the culture of Old Avastin Legacy. The most toxic people I have every experienced. Its like they were all trained to be this way. They have nothing else to do but make other peoples lives miserable. DO SOME DAMN WORK. Maybe if you were ACTUALLY working, you wouldn't have time to destroy other people. Time to "drain the swamp!" Hopefully BOLD will do that.

Looks like you/we got our wish! Hopefully, next on deck is, Christy Oliger. Not likely, but one can dream.

Get over yourselves!!!! Most people at Gene have an air about them that is not justified... newsflash - you are just another Pharm rep!!!! You guys are so over inflated - Karma is a bitch!!!! Your days are numbered....

Key word "kept". I had to leave too toxic. And if you need your job so bad then act like it. Work hard, stay focused and quit acting like we're on a middle school playground with hormones raging. All the bickering, backstabbing and 2-3 faced drama that goes on EVERY day is ridiculous. I just had to calm a friend down from all the anxiety she suffers, from the people she works with. (What prompted my venting post to begin with) She's actually in therapy and had 2 close calls with nervous breakdowns over the years because her manager and other partners were so horrible to her. Who has time for this?! Luckily it's no longer a problem for me. I just hate to see so many good reps who work hard be destroyed because you're not in in the "cool kids" crowd. "Cool" being defined as old school Avastin legacy. It's just very sad. And on a side note, all other brands see it. I am FAR from being a lone wolf here. Is it so bad to ask to people to do their jobs instead of complaining all the time? Clearly I'm not the disgruntled one here.

Hmmm doesn't sound like you left and narrowed you down even further....BTW why did you come up with 10 years for Avastin reps. Anyone less than that is OK....Middle school playground?
I am praying for your friend and I think your paranoia is much. Have a great week

GET THE FUCK OUT! Retire already! You're "elitism ways" are destroying our company and our culture.
You don't know how to sell and you think everyone LOVES Genentech. NEWSFLASH- THEY HATE YOU! This goes to the top leaders as well. Tom, Ted, Christy. You're ego, thinking everyone will love Tecentriq JUST because it's coming from Genentech is killing us. We need REAL competitive strategy- more than "but we're GNE and we're 3 week dosing". These old Avastin reps do nothing but complain they are soooo busy with 2 lunches a week (IF THAT). They are lazy and toxic. They will take anyone down, backstab, throw under the bus, just to make themselves look good. They are incompetent and try to make themselves feel better about it by tearing others down. So much jealousy and dysfunction. Everyone needs therapy. Time for some new blood in senior leadership and in the sales force. FAR too many DM's and Reps who have gotten complacent after being here for 15, 20 years selling Avastin. I have worked across business units and have never seen anything like the culture of Old Avastin Legacy. The most toxic people I have every experienced. Its like they were all trained to be this way. They have nothing else to do but make other peoples lives miserable. DO SOME DAMN WORK. Maybe if you were ACTUALLY working, you wouldn't have time to destroy other people. Time to "drain the swamp!" Hopefully BOLD will do that.

Save yourself some keystrokes there Spartacus, the word is "your" not "you're"

Get over yourselves!!!! Most people at Gene have an air about them that is not justified... newsflash - you are just another Pharm rep!!!! You guys are so over inflated - Karma is a bitch!!!! Your days are numbered....

I always laugh when I read this type of garbage. Of course we have a spring in our step! We have partnered with thousands of physicians nationwide and have been influential in them obtaining good patient outcomes in very sick patients that would otherwise die. Not many reps at any other company can say the same. For the most part (every basket has its bad apples) we are very respected by the medical community for our knowledge on our products. Yeah some of the 340B clowns got mad at our company but not the reps. We have been adding value for years.

The reps that say we are just another pharm rep are the ones that haven't sold at the high level that the majority of us have- at least on the oncology side.

Hmmm doesn't sound like you left and narrowed you down even further....BTW why did you come up with 10 years for Avastin reps. Anyone less than that is OK....Middle school playground?
I am praying for your friend and I think your paranoia is much. Have a great week

Thank you she does need the prayer. She has a lot going on with her family, especially a sick husband and adding the stress of work due to insensitive attacks on a almost a weekly basis is just too much to bear. I was so upset that it caused me to lash out. In hindsight, admittedly it was quite harsh. There are a lot of good people at Genentech. I have made many dear, dear friends over the past 15 years. Even invited a few to my wedding! If you could witness what I witnessed over the years you would understand. It is really a shame. Unreal how mean people can be and no one does a thing about it. My vent was to the ones that make it so hard to deal with work every day. For those that make this place a great place to work- I thank you. Everyone should just be happy they have a very well paying job and focus on work. Quit worrying about what everyone else is doing. I hope at the very least people who are involved with trying to attack others will stop and think to themselves, maybe what I'm doing can really be effecting someone's life. As mentioned by someone in a previous post, you never know what people are going through. Rant DONE!

Save yourself some keystrokes there Spartacus, the word is "your" not "you're"

Please excuse my mistake in grammar. I had just hung up the phone with a dear friend who was on the verge of a nervous breakdown because of how her "partners" treat her. You poor thing, how will you EVER understand what I was trying to say?! Come on, guy! Incase you didn't notice, this is Cafepharma! LOOOOL! Im not writing my dissertation here. You actually took time to write that? SMH.

I always laugh when I read this type of garbage. Of course we have a spring in our step! We have partnered with thousands of physicians nationwide and have been influential in them obtaining good patient outcomes in very sick patients that would otherwise die. Not many reps at any other company can say the same. For the most part (every basket has its bad apples) we are very respected by the medical community for our knowledge on our products. Yeah some of the 340B clowns got mad at our company but not the reps. We have been adding value for years.

The reps that say we are just another pharm rep are the ones that haven't sold at the high level that the majority of us have- at least on the oncology side.

10000000% agree!

Please excuse my mistake in grammar. I had just hung up the phone with a dear friend who was on the verge of a nervous breakdown because of how her "partners" treat her. You poor thing, how will you EVER understand what I was trying to say?! Come on, guy! Incase you didn't notice, this is Cafepharma! LOOOOL! Im not writing my dissertation here. You actually took time to write that? SMH.

Mistakes (plural)

Examples of correct grammar:

You act like your shit doesn't stink.

You're not very bright.

You're welcome.

Thank you she does need the prayer. She has a lot going on with her family, especially a sick husband and adding the stress of work due to insensitive attacks on a almost a weekly basis is just too much to bear. I was so upset that it caused me to lash out. In hindsight, admittedly it was quite harsh. There are a lot of good people at Genentech. I have made many dear, dear friends over the past 15 years. Even invited a few to my wedding! If you could witness what I witnessed over the years you would understand. It is really a shame. Unreal how mean people can be and no one does a thing about it. My vent was to the ones that make it so hard to deal with work every day. For those that make this place a great place to work- I thank you. Everyone should just be happy they have a very well paying job and focus on work. Quit worrying about what everyone else is doing. I hope at the very least people who are involved with trying to attack others will stop and think to themselves, maybe what I'm doing can really be effecting someone's life. As mentioned by someone in a previous post, you never know what people are going through. Rant DONE!

Wow TDB....You working yet?

The original Avastin launch team were the pick of the crop. We were ready to go and top notch in the field. Some of the originals are still here (chime in). It was an amazing time for our company and for patients. I hope we can find that same sort of nirvana once again. The money was good, but the patients were the driving force, not so much the $$$. I miss those times, bringing real value. Where can we fine that again?

I'm sure some will trash this post, which is unfortunate. It was an amazing/magical time for GNE, patients and oncology care in general.

The original Avastin launch team were the pick of the crop. We were ready to go and top notch in the field. Some of the originals are still here (chime in). It was an amazing time for our company and for patients. I hope we can find that same sort of nirvana once again. The money was good, but the patients were the driving force, not so much the $$$. I miss those times, bringing real value. Where can we fine that again?

I'm sure some will trash this post, which is unfortunate. It was an amazing/magical time for GNE, patients and oncology care in general.

Magical.....with a little help from Evan Morris