Basel, please don't let the US group, Genentech, have another party at their National Sales Meeting in the US with acts like Bon Jovi(like last year) Elton John and Faith Hill, and provide 1500 pounds of candy at a party plus open bar until 2 am.every night. Every single night.........come on it just dosen't look right here in the US to the public trying to come up with $100,000 ?? per year, per patient for therapy for Avastin and having these types of parties. I feel really bad about this.....sure there was I time I was OK with this but in this environment , no more..............lets give people the therapy and forgo our $million dollar parties....lets make a public statement that curing the patient is the most important thing we are concerned with, and we are willing to sacrifice a concert like Bon Jovi last year to hopefully cure one or two more patients with cancer, Where did we lose our focus on the patient and focus it on profits and not the patient?.......Ian, are you listening!!!
Severin , do you think this is appropriate in this current economic enviroment? Maybe I should send this email to Ian and the press, ABC, NBC, FOXNews and every major media outlet in America..............I'm going to think about this for a few days and will send a bulk message to all media outlets in America in a few days if I don't hear back from you on how to proceed. I worked for this company for ove 20 years and love Roche, however it has all changed in the last 6 months. It appears that Basel wanted to rid themselves of all former
Roche employees, because that is what has happened under Ian. Too bad, the former Roche employess understand what it means to work under very restricteded budget and the Genentech group still thinks the sky is the limit when it comes to expenditures.....
Ask Ian how many former Roche employees were fired versus Genentech employees....What a shame? In the US they are eliminating all Roche employees as quick as the can. Check it out, how many Roche employees vs. Genetench employess let go, it would be an interesting ratio I think you will agree.........