Shit no..that's why they have so many teleconferences and other bullshit things during business hours! Why have some dumbass manager on a teleconference telling us what to do when they have no clue! Most managers are working with the reps so little they have no idea what's happening. When they do it's some dumbass NCM call with an office or customer manager that means little to real business but makes the managers think real work is getting done! Right now Merck is a company in search of an 'identity', our leaders have failed us as a pharmaceutical company and they are trying to pull a solutions blanket over our eyes! All this bullshit about IBM, they were not remade, IBM was always in the program and IT space dumbasses, it only became big when everyone had a box and boxes became commodities! When no money was to be made in boxes IBM sold their box business (for a profit) and improved the businesses that still made a profit! Merck can't even get Insight or MyCall right and the only solutions we provide is when we 'piss down our own leg'!