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If you think you're gonna be let go


consider taking this two week period to evaluate your situation past, present and future. It could be finances, family life, social interactions, your childhood, whatever.

I got a warning letter and I am certainly on my way out. But as I think about it, I have decided not to repeat this.

I may end up back in pharma because it's not a bad gig, I'm not tired of it, and even though I am getting let go, this is a snapshot in time and does not speak to my overall work product throughout my career in pharma.

But I am taking this two weeks to figure out how I may have contributed to getting a letter in any large or small way. I intend to be painfully honest with myself. It sounds crazy but anything that DOES turn out to be my fault is changeable. If I lay everything at the feet of BMS, evil DM or territory design, I have no way out because I can't control any of it, and I will deny myself the benefit of change.

Good luck to everyone and here's to a new future!!


Very nice post... You have a great attitude and, because of that, you will land on your feet and ultimately be in a happier place. Best of luck to you... and to us all.

consider taking this two week period to evaluate your situation past, present and future. It could be finances, family life, social interactions, your childhood, whatever.

I got a warning letter and I am certainly on my way out. But as I think about it, I have decided not to repeat this.

I may end up back in pharma because it's not a bad gig, I'm not tired of it, and even though I am getting let go, this is a snapshot in time and does not speak to my overall work product throughout my career in pharma.

But I am taking this two weeks to figure out how I may have contributed to getting a letter in any large or small way. I intend to be painfully honest with myself. It sounds crazy but anything that DOES turn out to be my fault is changeable. If I lay everything at the feet of BMS, evil DM or territory design, I have no way out because I can't control any of it, and I will deny myself the benefit of change.

Good luck to everyone and here's to a new future!!

Wow, you are so calm in the middle of the storm! I got a warning letter, too. I am trying to stay calm and am clinging to the hope that I will keep my job in spite of the warning letter. It sounds like you all think it is definitely a sign you are out the door if you got a warning letter. I called my RBD and asked him where I stand. He told me the warning letter is developmental and totally separate from the restructure. I am not sure I believe it, but a small part of me is thinking perhaps it could be true..I guess I will find out Thursday...Lord help us all...

I don't think the OP is necessarily that calm however there comes a time when you just have to be honest.

I've been in the industry 8 years and while I've never won President's Club, I've always been proud of my performance. I've been with BMS a little over 3 years. This last year and a half has not been my best performance. I've had some nagging family struggles that really zapped my time, focus and energy and I was not at the top of my game.

When I got the "letter", I couldn't say anything but OK. Why be upset? The family issues were not planned. I handled them as best I could but the outcome was my performance on the job suffered. If this had happened in my first year at BMS, I wouldn't have a letter but it didn't.

OP thanks for the post and reminding us that no matter what happens next Thursday, it doesn't have to define us unless we let it.

I'm looking at this as an opportunity to get out in front of the eventuality of what is happening in pharma.

If I can change careers I will. One thing in my favor is I am not one of the high earning reps so meeting my salary won't be such an issue. Also I can take a pay cut without too much impact to my lifestyle.

Good luck to everyone tomorrow and in the future.

Doubt if I'll be let go but can't wait until tomorrow is over.

The waiting has been painful. Seeing some of the DMs who have been kept vs let go has also been a disappointment.

It will all work out in the end.

I'm not from BMS but heard today of the struggles your sales force was going through. I logged on to see some feedback and was surprised to see these post. No matter your industry, all people have professional and personal struggles that are sometimes a challenge to overcome. To all of these BMS employees, you aound like incredibly good people that are working hard and doing your best during difficult times. You have my thoughts and prayers with you. With your positive and realistic outlooks I am sure you will end up on your feet. I would be proud to call you my co-workers.

OP here.

I was let go, laid off, fired. Yea baby!!

The truth be told, the BMS selling environment is a living hell!! The company is great but trying to sell is like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. I've never lied to doctors to get scripts but I do need to be able to talk!

I wish everyone well. This is a mere bump in the road and no matter your financial situation you will survive. Your kids will be fine. If you are willing to work, you can make more money; but don't waste too much of your precious, non renewable time mourning the actions of BMS.

If you had a bad year, Satanic manager or other uncontrollable circumstances, shake it off and move on.

If you were truly a poor performer, figure out if you want to stay that way, make the changes and move on.

For those who are staying, enjoy Anaheim.
I hope that everything works out on the other side of the bridge.

OP here.

I was let go, laid off, fired. Yea baby!!

The truth be told, the BMS selling environment is a living hell!! The company is great but trying to sell is like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. I've never lied to doctors to get scripts but I do need to be able to talk!

I wish everyone well. This is a mere bump in the road and no matter your financial situation you will survive. Your kids will be fine. If you are willing to work, you can make more money; but don't waste too much of your precious, non renewable time mourning the actions of BMS.

If you had a bad year, Satanic manager or other uncontrollable circumstances, shake it off and move on.

If you were truly a poor performer, figure out if you want to stay that way, make the changes and move on.

For those who are staying, enjoy Anaheim.
I hope that everything works out on the other side of the bridge.

So sorry we have lost you. All the best to you. I thought for sure I would get fired today, but even though I am on a written warning for not meeting expectations, I got to stay! I am very surprised, relieved, but do worry about a future with BMS. What will the future hold?

So sorry we have lost you. All the best to you. I thought for sure I would get fired today, but even though I am on a written warning for not meeting expectations, I got to stay! I am very surprised, relieved, but do worry about a future with BMS. What will the future hold?

Rep from Sanofi here.. it is amazing to see the difference in the posts here compared to our board. I applaud those here who post to lifts others spirits and put things in perspective. In reality it is just a job... with or without it, what difference does having or not having one compare to having your health, family, and other loved ones? Even the reps who have slacked off in all of the pharma companies can get jobs, I believe most are or were hard workers at one time and for all the numerous reasons about our industry lost their drive or got forced out.

Regardless I wish our board was as positive as yours. I have several local friends at BMS, and an older co-worker who is at the home office now, we started together 17 years ago at another pharma company. All great people.

Best of luck to all of you... dont think SA will promote Plavix beyond Dec of this year, but many of us may be well gone before then.