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Let us be positive. We have some great people here!

We should be positive. People in pharma are very blessed to have the jobs they have, and they have the chance to help patients lead a better life. Great compensation too. Be grateful!

People are losing jobs. Is your brain wired right? You be grateful that your *** kissing is working. Apparently, your work and work ethics have not been considered for your job. Everyone is trying to topple someone. What a shame that the entire Pharma is in such a state. Wrong decisions and wrong people.

People are losing jobs. Is your brain wired right? You be grateful that your *** kissing is working. Apparently, your work and work ethics have not been considered for your job. Everyone is trying to topple someone. What a shame that the entire Pharma is in such a state. Wrong decisions and wrong people.
Don't worry, soon you'll be able to take KarXT for free.

We should be positive. People in pharma are very blessed to have the jobs they have, and they have the chance to help patients lead a better life. Great compensation too. Be grateful!
Give me a break. None of the BMS drugs are at par with saving patients lives or providing a cure. All BMS does is push the drugs down the throat of those physicians who don’t care about patients. BMS tactics have never worked with great physicians and never will. Hold your morality a bit tighter.

The greatest person at BMS is Luther M in Michigan! You have no idea how lucky you all are that he said yes when offered the opportunity to come to BMS! Get ready to be inspired people!

Tracy D

The greatest person at BMS is Luther M in Michigan! You have no idea how lucky you all are that he said yes when offered the opportunity to come to BMS! Get ready to be inspired people!

Tracy D
Stop saying “how lucky you all are” like everyone is a nobody or trash. BMS is the lucky one to have everyone. If BMS chooses to keep the trash and throw out the good because of insecurity and personal gain for the leadership to keep their jobs, it is no one’s problem but BMS’

The rubbish that Celgene left behind are not moving. They are functioning as an org within an org. All BMS are off limits in this group and that’s how they keep their jobs. They have not integrated 5 years post integration. Anyone who has made their way into this niche group are kicked out sooner than later. Weak BMS leadership let this happen and many of them are laid off giving Celgene the last laugh. Take that BMS.
In reality there are very few Celgene folks still there. Most left when their equity vested or were eliminated. There are still a FEW good CELG folks there. Mostly, riding out decent roles they landed or coasting to retirement. BMS homers were always jealous of Celgene.

Stop saying “how lucky you all are” like everyone is a nobody or trash. BMS is the lucky one to have everyone. If BMS chooses to keep the trash and throw out the good because of insecurity and personal gain for the leadership to keep their jobs, it is no one’s problem but BMS’
go gargle on sea crisps!

In reality there are very few Celgene folks still there. Most left when their equity vested or were eliminated. There are still a FEW good CELG folks there. Mostly, riding out decent roles they landed or coasting to retirement. BMS homers were always jealous of Celgene.
Stop saying bad about BMS AS!