If you are over 40 year old and a rep - You are done in pharmaceuticals


The reps who decided to stay in the field for 10 -15 years and not advance their careers are done. Not only done in pharmaceuticals, done in any sales job that pays you close to the money you are making. Your laziness and lack of risk will cost you. This is not to be mean, it is reality. So reps from Philadelphia area take note. You know who you are.


It is true. You are a lazy, unproductive, soon to be poor and unemployed primary care rep. A 23 year old dump blond could do you job for $40k per year. Truth hurts

I'm really offended. I'm not only lazy and unproductive; I'm also fat and have an attitude. I quit making calls when Bush 2 was still President. It took them two years thanks to the AZ PSS satellite tracking device. As far as the industry goes, you will are going down as well. Very soon, amigo!

I am 60 and was done five years ago after 28 years at this gig. Retired at age 55 with a cool $1,000,000 in the bank. No complaints here. I can afford to keep those dumb blond 23 year old ex-Barbies in champagne and Victoria's secret for a long time, not to mention a lifetime supply of Viagra.

The reps who decided to stay in the field for 10 -15 years and not advance their careers are done. Not only done in pharmaceuticals, done in any sales job that pays you close to the money you are making. Your laziness and lack of risk will cost you. This is not to be mean, it is reality. So reps from Philadelphia area take note. You know who you are.

I feel so sorry for you. Such hostility could only mean that you are either 1. jealous that some of us make WAY more money than you, and/ or 2. you have just been canned due to your inexperience and incompetence (or are about to be fired. . .). Don't try to deny it-- you are way to hostile otherwise.

I am a 49 year old rep that took the severance in November. The fifteen years I spent at AZ were great. Not only did I have a great expense account which I took full advantage of, and I do mean advantage, but I only worked from 11 to 4 everyday except when my manager "of the moment" was with me. Many days were often spent having a 2 hour or longer lunch with reps from other companies, and many doctors whose company I enjoyed. I figured that I only would do enough to make bonus and no more as I already had achieved a level four and because AZ had played games with goals in October for several years in a row and I decided never to blow it out again. They stole my bonus, and the bonus of other hard working reps and it took me four years to get mine back through creative methods. Not only was I happy, but I did well, watched my kids grow up, and had plenty of time to do extra jobs on the side and do much work on my house.

My world came to an end when we had to do the sign in sheets and couldn't take docs out to lunch and dinner. The only thing I could do then was play other games, which were not as much fun. What was fun was faking all of the calls in Touchstone while making the calls that counted. I did more than 40 speaker programs last year too, all were pretty much a waste of time as the same lame docs came to them. Fortunately I had a great counterpart that I enjoyed working with. There are many great and talented people at AZ but the current management sucks, my last manager being the personification of insipid and lacking any leadership skill. So I left my plum job.

Am I lazy? Well, I worked an extra job the entire time I was with AZ. I rebuilt much of my house and I went back to school and got a masters. The job was the vehicle to do this and I can't say how much I enjoyed it. I am financially well off and thank AZ for helping me achieve this. Now, I have a job that is more complicated and requires more effort but the payoff is that my salary is not capped. Don't believe that after 10, 15 or even 22 years in pharmaceuticals your world is at an end. It's only just beginning. You just have to be creative and rise to the occasion. I can honestly say I hated my last DSM, but I had many good ones as well and I thank my lucky stars for the time I had in pharma.

I feel so sorry for you. Such hostility could only mean that you are either 1. jealous that some of us make WAY more money than you, and/ or 2. you have just been canned due to your inexperience and incompetence (or are about to be fired. . .). Don't try to deny it-- you are way to hostile otherwise.

Hostility or reality??

Let's look at reality. 10 years as a PC rep. No advancement. You take the package and leave AZ. You look for another job. You apply for a PC job. You will not be hired because you never moved up in the organization and you are too expensive. You try to get a specialty job and they laugh at you. You never were promoted at AZ to specialty so why would another company want you. You can say it is negative, hostile or ?. It is the truth.

Hostility or reality??

Let's look at reality. 10 years as a PC rep. No advancement. You take the package and leave AZ. You look for another job. You apply for a PC job. You will not be hired because you never moved up in the organization and you are too expensive. You try to get a specialty job and they laugh at you. You never were promoted at AZ to specialty so why would another company want you. You can say it is negative, hostile or ?. It is the truth.

Who cares??

Why would anyone care? Many reps are prepared to be let go and have alternate plans.

I'm really offended. I'm not only lazy and unproductive; I'm also fat and have an attitude. I quit making calls when Bush 2 was still President. It took them two years thanks to the AZ PSS satellite tracking device. As far as the industry goes, you will are going down as well. Very soon, amigo!

I agree. I have a good chance of losing my job just like you. The difference is I moved up in the organization, I'm well connected and have enough money saved to live over 5 years with no income. That is the difference between me and a lazy 40 + year old PC REP.

I am a 49 year old rep that took the severance in November. The fifteen years I spent at AZ were great. Not only did I have a great expense account which I took full advantage of, and I do mean advantage, but I only worked from 11 to 4 everyday except when my manager "of the moment" was with me. Many days were often spent having a 2 hour or longer lunch with reps from other companies, and many doctors whose company I enjoyed. I figured that I only would do enough to make bonus and no more as I already had achieved a level four and because AZ had played games with goals in October for several years in a row and I decided never to blow it out again. They stole my bonus, and the bonus of other hard working reps and it took me four years to get mine back through creative methods. Not only was I happy, but I did well, watched my kids grow up, and had plenty of time to do extra jobs on the side and do much work on my house.

My world came to an end when we had to do the sign in sheets and couldn't take docs out to lunch and dinner. The only thing I could do then was play other games, which were not as much fun. What was fun was faking all of the calls in Touchstone while making the calls that counted. I did more than 40 speaker programs last year too, all were pretty much a waste of time as the same lame docs came to them. Fortunately I had a great counterpart that I enjoyed working with. There are many great and talented people at AZ but the current management sucks, my last manager being the personification of insipid and lacking any leadership skill. So I left my plum job.

Am I lazy? Well, I worked an extra job the entire time I was with AZ. I rebuilt much of my house and I went back to school and got a masters. The job was the vehicle to do this and I can't say how much I enjoyed it. I am financially well off and thank AZ for helping me achieve this. Now, I have a job that is more complicated and requires more effort but the payoff is that my salary is not capped. Don't believe that after 10, 15 or even 22 years in pharmaceuticals your world is at an end. It's only just beginning. You just have to be creative and rise to the occasion. I can honestly say I hated my last DSM, but I had many good ones as well and I thank my lucky stars for the time I had in pharma.

I don't think you are lazy. You took advantage of a situation to advance your own life both personally and financially. You are one of the few. Until recently, so many have felt this job would be around forever and were very lazy in the job and life. The reality has bit them in the ass and they are scrambling and complaining. You and I had the drive and vision of what the future held. The future is now here and we might not have an easy job, but we are not worried or financially struggling.

Hostility or reality??

Let's look at reality. 10 years as a PC rep. No advancement. You take the package and leave AZ. You look for another job. You apply for a PC job. You will not be hired because you never moved up in the organization and you are too expensive. You try to get a specialty job and they laugh at you. You never were promoted at AZ to specialty so why would another company want you. You can say it is negative, hostile or ?. It is the truth.

I still say hostility. What was the point in posting that in the first place? No point. I am 15+ specialty (not pc). I choose not to take any of these wonderful "promotions." It was definitely the right choice. As for what "will happen." Believe or not, I am not that worried. You see, I am confidant in my marketability. Do not think that you are secure just because you went inside and took some promos. You are lumping all reps into one category. There are so many useless and lazy reps that are completely devoid of product or disease state knowledge out there. Including some that took the "career track."

For the people that have alot saved, what amount do you have saved? Just curious what you consider to be alot...

I live outside a major metro area. I am just above 40 and I have just about $2 million in paid assets and no debt except for small mortgage. Unfortunately can't turn assets into cash immediately (real estate). I plan on working until they say leave and I will attempt to start my own business. I planned for this event in the pharma industry for the last 10 years and saved and invested.

Anyone over forty who started investing early got in on the ground floor of 401k's. Mine started in 1992, when the Dow was at 3000, and continued until Dow hit 14,000 before falling to where it is now. That's why many of us 40+ geezers are millionaires, some being multimillionaires. Anyone who started at the end of the end of the decade was much less fortunate, i.e. the Dow closed arount 11K on 12/31/99, and today is just over 10K. For the geezers, the Dow grew at a CAGR of 18% during most of our active investing years.

Remember that this was also the "golden era of Pharma", with locked in price increases averaging 15%/year, no generic competition, formularies prior auth or any of that crap. P&T committee chairmen could be influenced to get you a preferred status. Six figure bonuses, 6-7% matching 401k contributions, and hefty salary increases were routine. Trips to resorts too numerous to mention. I remember we booked The Eagles for a launch meeting for 2 hours at $300K, no questions asked. Gas & Go, Dine & dash, luxury boxes at sporting events for high writers,all the good bennies for the docs.

Truly the good old days.

Anyone over forty who started investing early got in on the ground floor of 401k's. Mine started in 1992, when the Dow was at 3000, and continued until Dow hit 14,000 before falling to where it is now. That's why many of us 40+ geezers are millionaires, some being multimillionaires. Anyone who started at the end of the end of the decade was much less fortunate, i.e. the Dow closed arount 11K on 12/31/99, and today is just over 10K. For the geezers, the Dow grew at a CAGR of 18% during most of our active investing years.

Remember that this was also the "golden era of Pharma", with locked in price increases averaging 15%/year, no generic competition, formularies prior auth or any of that crap. P&T committee chairmen could be influenced to get you a preferred status. Six figure bonuses, 6-7% matching 401k contributions, and hefty salary increases were routine. Trips to resorts too numerous to mention. I remember we booked The Eagles for a launch meeting for 2 hours at $300K, no questions asked. Gas & Go, Dine & dash, luxury boxes at sporting events for high writers,all the good bennies for the docs.

Truly the good old days.

Yep, agree with you. And while it was good for the reps, upper management enjoyed the spoils as well. Only issue now is they are still enjoying the spoils.

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