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if this asshole, who all but ruined AZ, walks away with $65,000,000 in a golden handshake, I swear to God I will start faking at least 80% of my calls each and very day! If he can get away with screwing AZ, so the hell can I. I hope of the rest of you join me! If we go down, take them with us!!

Fake 80%? Are you serious? I am not going to work that hard. The only time I make calls is when I'm with my lazy DM. She works with me to about two after a 1 1/2 lunch and always claims she has an important telephone conference. We meet at nine..oops 9:30 she is always late and have coffee for an hour or so talking about the business.

Don't get me wrong I'm not stupid enough to be home between 8:30 and five. I'm out somewhere. No one can claim I'm goofing off. I always at least go into the offices I report as calls as no one can say the doc was on vacation or something. Ok...I'm not proud of how I make my living. In fact this is not the picture I had for myself. But I do make better than 100K, got great benefits, car and no pressure at all at work. I talk a good story and everybody believes I'm a real AZ cool aid drinker. I just don't give a shit. They don't care about me I don't care about them. I'm riding this train until in ends. Until then peace on!

Now how could he possibly have done that, when the business leadership of every company in the US, are run by good old all American vulture capitalist Republicans? Ask Mitt I guess?

DB is one too.[/

And just how do you know the political ideology of the leadership of every business in the country? Bill Gates and Ted Turner blow your claim out of the water all by themselves, and that's just two examples. BTW, Barack Obama has set a record on the amount of re-election funds he has raised from Wall Street. Also check the number of Democrats in the US Senate who are members of the millionaires club.

That's why we need limited government. We don't have free enterprise in today's economy, we have crony capitalism, where politicians advantage/disadvantage certain companies/industries based on what they will get in return. Republican, Democrat, Independent, etc, etc, they're all the same. The only difference is who they want to give your money to.

if this asshole, who all but ruined AZ, walks away with $65,000,000 in a golden handshake, I swear to God I will start faking at least 80% of my calls each and very day! If he can get away with screwing AZ, so the hell can I. I hope of the rest of you join me! If we go down, take them with us!!

that would an improvement over me at 90%...AZ is Dumb!

My god, "Obama ran the country into the ground"! What are you smoking? We were literally on the cusp of absolute financial collapse when he was sworn in. Were were really on the verge of a depression. Wow, how easily we forget the disaster that George Bush left us.

I challenge you to produce ANY indicator that is worse now than when he came into office, ANY. Unemployment? GDP, stock market, Jobs added/lost, NAME ONE!

This country was BELOW the ground in 2008, losing hundreds of thousands of jobs per months. Yes, the deficit has grown while Obama was in office, but most of that was incidental, ie "Two unpaid for wars started by bush, two massive unpaid for tax cuts from bush, unpaid for MED-D from Bush, interest from the previous debt, and the stimulus which virtually all mainstream economist attest that added or saved 4 million jobs.

You are simply not being honest, or are a pure homer for the republican party if you think the country is better today than when Obama took over.

Name one?

The national debt was run up more by B.O. than the rest of the Presidents combined.

We live by the economic sword and will die by it.


A stack of $100 bills worth $10,000.00 is 1/2 inch high. To understand the magnitude of the US debt, a stack of $100 bills worth a trillion is 790 miles tall. 790 miles (the height of a stack worth 1T X 15.7 trillion (the total US National Debt) = 12,400 MILES. That's the distance 1/2 way around the world.

The US Debt has reached a level from which it will never be repaid. This crisis is coming, soon, and it is due to our President.

Bankrupting the nation? How's that for one?

Name one?

The national debt was run up more by B.O. than the rest of the Presidents combined.

We live by the economic sword and will die by it.


A stack of $100 bills worth $10,000.00 is 1/2 inch high. To understand the magnitude of the US debt, a stack of $100 bills worth a trillion is 790 miles tall. 790 miles (the height of a stack worth 1T X 15.7 trillion (the total US National Debt) = 12,400 MILES. That's the distance 1/2 way around the world.

The US Debt has reached a level from which it will never be repaid. This crisis is coming, soon, and it is due to our President.

Bankrupting the nation? How's that for one?

Also, it's funny how everything is Bush's fault when the House was taken over by Nancy and the gang in 2008. No Repubilcan bill ever got out of committee w/ Nancy at the helm. More than enough blame to go around. And let me say, I think Bush was an idiot. But most policies created that got us in this mess came from the DEMs. Sorry, but true.

I've been faking 80% of my calls since the news broke on Dave the Crooked, and the $65m package. And you know what?? I LIKE FAKING 80% OF MY CALLS! Got an early sig this am, faked them until my L&L, got a couple more there, met my spouse for a 1:30 pm movie, and stopped by an office on the way home for a 4 pm sig!

This is toooo sweeeet for words!! And to think that our wonderful CEO is responsible for all of this inspiration! GO DAVE THE CROOKED!

Also, it's funny how everything is Bush's fault when the House was taken over by Nancy and the gang in 2008. No Repubilcan bill ever got out of committee w/ Nancy at the helm. More than enough blame to go around. And let me say, I think Bush was an idiot. But most policies created that got us in this mess came from the DEMs. Sorry, but true.

Watch the campaign. It's Bush's fault will be the mantra. It worked before, right? Unless Obama can somehow cheat the polls. He is the President if the USA. We will not survive a second Obama term as a free market Nation.

Also, it's funny how everything is Bush's fault when the House was taken over by Nancy and the gang in 2008. No Repubilcan bill ever got out of committee w/ Nancy at the helm. More than enough blame to go around. And let me say, I think Bush was an idiot. But most policies created that got us in this mess came from the DEMs. Sorry, but true.

How much money do you think was thrown down the Iraq spider hole? How much effect do you think that action has impacted the financial markets since? Who forced that war down our throat?

Oh yeah, by the way on a side note, just curious, how many soldiers had to die for this war?

How much money do you think was thrown down the Iraq spider hole? How much effect do you think that action has impacted the financial markets since? Who forced that war down our throat?

Oh yeah, by the way on a side note, just curious, how many soldiers had to die for this war?

Slightly more than the number of people killed in the twin towers during 9/11...remember, the event that triggered a world wide recession and ultimately led to unstable banks totally imploding. Who knew that all those mortgages that the Clinton administration forced banks to underwrite would collapse along with those towers?

Don't be so myopic.

I've been faking 80% of my calls since the news broke on Dave the Crooked, and the $65m package. And you know what?? I LIKE FAKING 80% OF MY CALLS! Got an early sig this am, faked them until my L&L, got a couple more there, met my spouse for a 1:30 pm movie, and stopped by an office on the way home for a 4 pm sig!

This is toooo sweeeet for words!! And to think that our wonderful CEO is responsible for all of this inspiration! GO DAVE THE CROOKED!

I am holding my faking percentage to about 50% on average, but today I will definitely hit 80%. This is working out great!

Name one?

The national debt was run up more by B.O. than the rest of the Presidents combined.

We live by the economic sword and will die by it.


A stack of $100 bills worth $10,000.00 is 1/2 inch high. To understand the magnitude of the US debt, a stack of $100 bills worth a trillion is 790 miles tall. 790 miles (the height of a stack worth 1T X 15.7 trillion (the total US National Debt) = 12,400 MILES. That's the distance 1/2 way around the world.

The US Debt has reached a level from which it will never be repaid. This crisis is coming, soon, and it is due to our President.

Bankrupting the nation? How's that for one?

Ahhh, now we get to the point. THE NATIONAL DEBT HAS DEFINITELY CLIMBED under President Obama; but not much of it is DUE to Obama policies. For example, here are the undisputed contributors to the increase:

- Two unpaid for Wars started by the previous administration
- Two massive unpaid for Tax cuts by the previous administration
- A massive MEDICARE Rx plan, unpaid for by the previous administration
- Interest on the debt associated by the above idiotic moves
- A massive stimulous package that is responsible for 4 million jobs (this is not even in dispute), that most mainstream economists feel was not big enough.

The above facts are NOT even in dispute. So when you say that "the debt has increased" under the president, you are really being a little miss leading. Besides the stimulus package (800B$), what are his specific policies that increased the debt? You can not name any. Without the inherited near depressed economy, the two underpaid for wars, the unpaid for Med D, the unpaid for tax cuts, 85% of the debt increase would not exist; THATS A FACT! I challenge you to dispute my facts, with specific facts, not partisan emotional opinion.

Slightly more than the number of people killed in the twin towers during 9/11...remember, the event that triggered a world wide recession and ultimately led to unstable banks totally imploding. Who knew that all those mortgages that the Clinton administration forced banks to underwrite would collapse along with those towers?

Don't be so myopic.

Give me a break! Clinton forced banks to make loans? What a ridiculous statement. The 9/11 attacks caused a world wide recession? Give me a break! Not only are these statements comical, but they are besides the point of the previous poster. The fact is that the War in Iraq was not only unpaid for, not only did it divert attention and resources from afghanistan, not only did it cost us thousands of lives and tens of thousands of casualties, not only did it cost us over 1 trillion$ an counting (benefits, medical, etc for wounded solidiers, etc), but get this THE IRAQ WAR WAS COMPLETELY UNPROVOKED AND UNNECESSARY; WE WERE MISLED BY THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION! This is not some radical comment, do a search on Colin Powell, and how he feels about the speech that he gave at the UN.

The fact of the matter is that there is one president who has moved to the top of the ineptitude list, and thats George Bush. He committed one gigantic blunder after the other, including starting an unprovoked war, that he thought was going to be quick and easy, but turned out to be long and very expensive.

Yawn. Why don't you Occupy for own brain for a few days? What administration has EVER paid for the messes they create? Name ONE. Social Security went into negative numbers as soon as it was created. Not to be morbid but, without wars and natural disasters to "thin the herd", it would have run out of money a long time ago. Medicare? Medicaid? Don't make me laugh. Now, Obama has passed this massive Healthcare bloatware of federal government. You detest what they do, yet people like you want to make government bigger. Don't you realize that once you create government, it never dissolves? The "problem" never goes away because government doesn't solve problems, it collects money. Name ONE government program that was created, solved the problem and then dissolved? Now you complain about lost tax revenue when the reality is that we have more than enough money to run our country for many, many years....if only it didn't take so much money to pay the administrative burden of our government. They are like the United Way but worse. 60% goes to admin. salary, the rest is split between overhead and what's left goes to the cause it was created to help.

What happens when all those democrat seats in government turn republican? Are you still going to want them to have this much power?

Stick to the topic of the thread you morons! Everyone knows Obama is a total misfit, not to mention socialist! the important thing is I absolutely faked 90% of my calls today!

Why the sudden 20% reduction in faked calls? Everyone working at AZ helped him cash in (while you were helping yourself to whatever you could get away with). It's human nature. That's why banks are locked at night and that's why you don't leave your keys in your car. I love watching people try to turn this into a democrat vs republican capitalism issue. You think Nancy Pelosi earned her $44 million by fighting for you with no self interest? Democrats controlled both houses AND the presidency 2 years ago yet we still stayed in the middle east fighting for oil. All of their money and a big chunk of your own 401K is tied up in oil, pharma, GE, Buffet, Gates and China. Welcome to the global economy. Stabbing your brother means you've cut your own throat.

Great post Comrade! I love how you managed to transform the questionable or even criminal actions of individuals into an indictment of the global economic system. Everyone here in Beijing is of course aware of how far from free markets your political class has moved the United States, but apparently the infiltration of your country's education system by our fellow travelers has made the people especially susceptible to socialist propaganda.

Please continue your role as a 'useful idiot' while the People's Republic secures petroleum and mineral rights in The Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Latin America. If you could step up your efforts to denigrate America's own oil exploration, that would be greatly benficial to our glorious cause. One word of caution: End your criticism of Chinese ownership of your country's foreign policy. It will greatly increase the cost to our workers' revolution if the average US citizen ever figures out that we are slowly dominating the American economy. To assist you, we are sending along an 'Occupy Wall Street' starter kit and autographed pictures of Pelosi and Reid. Enjoy!

The Politburo

if this asshole, who all but ruined AZ, walks away with $65,000,000 in a golden handshake, I swear to God I will start faking at least 80% of my calls each and very day! If he can get away with screwing AZ, so the hell can I. I hope of the rest of you join me! If we go down, take them with us!!

My friend, me and my counterpart have been coordinating our 80% + faked calls for years! I can't even remember when I started, but I think it was around 2001. We had an asshole RSD by the name of Steve Sullivan, and calling him an asshole is a compliment! I am living proof that it can be done, and I know many more that do the same. It's just so damn easy! We make sure that we are out of samples by the end of the 3rd week of the month, and then we REALLY coast because we CAN'T get a sig because we have no samples!! The 1st part of the month, I get an early and late one most every day. In between, it's the gym, mall or movies. Ya'll can complain if you want to, and God knows we have reasons to, but this is still a great job!

My friend, me and my counterpart have been coordinating our 80% + faked calls for years! I can't even remember when I started, but I think it was around 2001. We had an asshole RSD by the name of Steve Sullivan, and calling him an asshole is a compliment! I am living proof that it can be done, and I know many more that do the same. It's just so damn easy! We make sure that we are out of samples by the end of the 3rd week of the month, and then we REALLY coast because we CAN'T get a sig because we have no samples!! The 1st part of the month, I get an early and late one most every day. In between, it's the gym, mall or movies. Ya'll can complain if you want to, and God knows we have reasons to, but this is still a great job!

Yep, me and mine have been for about 2 years now. Headed to the gym, fake calls until lunch, do my L&L, then not sure what I will do the rest of the day. Great gig, but totally boring.

Ahhh, now we get to the point. THE NATIONAL DEBT HAS DEFINITELY CLIMBED under President Obama; but not much of it is DUE to Obama policies. For example, here are the undisputed contributors to the increase:

- Two unpaid for Wars started by the previous administration
- Two massive unpaid for Tax cuts by the previous administration
- A massive MEDICARE Rx plan, unpaid for by the previous administration
- Interest on the debt associated by the above idiotic moves
- A massive stimulous package that is responsible for 4 million jobs (this is not even in dispute), that most mainstream economists feel was not big enough.

The above facts are NOT even in dispute. So when you say that "the debt has increased" under the president, you are really being a little miss leading. Besides the stimulus package (800B$), what are his specific policies that increased the debt? You can not name any. Without the inherited near depressed economy, the two underpaid for wars, the unpaid for Med D, the unpaid for tax cuts, 85% of the debt increase would not exist; THATS A FACT! I challenge you to dispute my facts, with specific facts, not partisan emotional opinion.

Did Obama campaign under, "I will blame Bush for everything that goes wrong and take credit for everything that goes right" or did he campaign under, "I can absolutely fix this and if I haven't in 4 years I don't deserve to remain president"?

Sitting a lunch now waiting on the last doc to get here! He is taking forever! I'm trying to make a 1:30 movie!! Going to be running very close! Oh well, I will just miss the previews. No big deal.

Ahhh, now we get to the point. THE NATIONAL DEBT HAS DEFINITELY CLIMBED under President Obama; but not much of it is DUE to Obama policies. For example, here are the undisputed contributors to the increase:

- Two unpaid for Wars started by the previous administration
- Two massive unpaid for Tax cuts by the previous administration
- A massive MEDICARE Rx plan, unpaid for by the previous administration
- Interest on the debt associated by the above idiotic moves
- A massive stimulous package that is responsible for 4 million jobs (this is not even in dispute), that most mainstream economists feel was not big enough.

The above facts are NOT even in dispute. So when you say that "the debt has increased" under the president, you are really being a little miss leading. Besides the stimulus package (800B$), what are his specific policies that increased the debt? You can not name any. Without the inherited near depressed economy, the two underpaid for wars, the unpaid for Med D, the unpaid for tax cuts, 85% of the debt increase would not exist; THATS A FACT! I challenge you to dispute my facts, with specific facts, not partisan emotional opinion.

* Two unpaid wars that have continued under BO's watchful eye when he said we would be out within 12 months after his election. Also what about Libya? And central Africa where we now have amassed hundreds (maybe thousands of troops). Why? Time will tell.
* Tax cuts that were continued by BO. Why? Because it would hurt the economy. HELLO?!?!? It would hurt the economy??? What the hell does that tell you? And guess what, I predict that they will be continued again. While on the subject, what is the one tax he cuts yet is ready to scream that the other guys want to take away your SS. yeah, payroll tax. The one that is supposed to be earmarked for SS. So he cuts the SS tax making less SS revenue coming in, yet has the balls to say the republicans want to kill grandma. Wake the F up.
* Medicare Tax plan now... Obamacare would make that additional debt look like a surplus. If Obamacare stays as is, we are screwed.
* Last three years have deficits averaged over $1T a year, and next year looks to repeat. Obama's budget was vetoed by ALL (D's & R's) in the senate. Also, the DEMs have not presented a budget for three years. Why?
* A stimulus package not big enough? Are you shitting me? Too big. Didn't work. But don't worry, QE3, QE4 and more will be coming your way. And there will be nothing to show for it. Keynes was an idiot. And so are those that follow his principles. But you just keep smokin' what you are smokin'

Oh, and Taxes is nothing more than the gov't stealing. Learn and understand that, & you will be see the light. Now, since I am on a rant, let's look at campaign promises made by the Big O. I won't even get into his numerous vacations at the taxpayers expense including three x-mas trips to Hawaii (no other Pres had done). Michelle's trips to Spain w/ her buddies staying at 5 start reports, etc... He is playing you. Wake up.

OK, the "promises":
here's a list of some of Obama's campaign promises that have yet to be fulfilled:

- put all bills on the White House web site for five days before signing them
- have the congressional health care negotiations broadcast live on C-SPAN
- end earmarks
- keep unemployment from rising above 8%
- close the detention center a Guantanamo in the first year
- make peace with direct, no precondition talks with America 's most hate-filled enemies during his first
year in office, ushering in a new era of global cooperation
- a new era of bipartisan cooperation in all areas

Now take a valium before responding, I don't want you to blow a gasket.