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if this asshole, who all but ruined AZ, walks away with $65,000,000 in a golden handshake, I swear to God I will start faking at least 80% of my calls each and very day! If he can get away with screwing AZ, so the hell can I. I hope of the rest of you join me! If we go down, take them with us!!

Ain't America Great. Only here could some dipshipt run a company into the ground and make millions. Wow. I wish that is how my territory worked. How about if I continue to lose share and dollar vol., you think I'll get a big bonus? Wow.

Amen Brother or Sister!! I will gladly join your cause and hope others will follow. Onward brothers and sisters!! Our shouts will be heard all the way to Wilmington!! Our battle cry will be ...FAKE THOSE CALLS! FAKE THOSE CALLS!!

I start tomorrow!!

if this asshole, who all but ruined AZ, walks away with $65,000,000 in a golden handshake, I swear to God I will start faking at least 80% of my calls each and very day! If he can get away with screwing AZ, so the hell can I. I hope of the rest of you join me! If we go down, take them with us!!

So whats new about that. I would have been shocked if you had said you were going to work 80% of the time. Now THAT would have been news worthy

Why the outrage?

He's been sucking down 10 million plus for years and steering the company directly towards Niagara Falls. The sailing was smooth.

Big money is corrupting. Be glad that you aren't there, seriously. You'd be as big an asshole as the rest of the big money folks. Empty inside, full of money, and never sated.

We all should be so lucky to be a failed CEO.... it's the way to riches..

faking calls, shit we should have been doing this years ago, this clown destroyed this company and i knew it was coming.... you saw him pimping in politics, this was just a springboard to his next gig

if this asshole, who all but ruined AZ, walks away with $65,000,000 in a golden handshake, I swear to God I will start faking at least 80% of my calls each and very day! If he can get away with screwing AZ, so the hell can I. I hope of the rest of you join me! If we go down, take them with us!!

No freakin way! I wont work overtime for ANYONE!

Obama ran the country in the ground and dumb ass people will probably re-elect him!good old USA!

My god, "Obama ran the country into the ground"! What are you smoking? We were literally on the cusp of absolute financial collapse when he was sworn in. Were were really on the verge of a depression. Wow, how easily we forget the disaster that George Bush left us.

I challenge you to produce ANY indicator that is worse now than when he came into office, ANY. Unemployment? GDP, stock market, Jobs added/lost, NAME ONE!

This country was BELOW the ground in 2008, losing hundreds of thousands of jobs per months. Yes, the deficit has grown while Obama was in office, but most of that was incidental, ie "Two unpaid for wars started by bush, two massive unpaid for tax cuts from bush, unpaid for MED-D from Bush, interest from the previous debt, and the stimulus which virtually all mainstream economist attest that added or saved 4 million jobs.

You are simply not being honest, or are a pure homer for the republican party if you think the country is better today than when Obama took over.

if this asshole, who all but ruined AZ, walks away with $65,000,000 in a golden handshake, I swear to God I will start faking at least 80% of my calls each and very day! If he can get away with screwing AZ, so the hell can I. I hope of the rest of you join me! If we go down, take them with us!!

Why the sudden 20% reduction in faked calls? Everyone working at AZ helped him cash in (while you were helping yourself to whatever you could get away with). It's human nature. That's why banks are locked at night and that's why you don't leave your keys in your car. I love watching people try to turn this into a democrat vs republican capitalism issue. You think Nancy Pelosi earned her $44 million by fighting for you with no self interest? Democrats controlled both houses AND the presidency 2 years ago yet we still stayed in the middle east fighting for oil. All of their money and a big chunk of your own 401K is tied up in oil, pharma, GE, Buffet, Gates and China. Welcome to the global economy. Stabbing your brother means you've cut your own throat.

David My Man! Congrats on that platinum parachute! Well done! Well done! Hell, I would "resign" too if I had that sweeeet deal waiting on me!! From "carrying the bag", to a $65m exit package!! How in the hell can you beat that?!!! Everyone is just jealous that they can't put that type of screwing on AZ! All we can do is steal a few bucks worth of gift certificates from L&L's, work half-days, or cop a little gas for our lawn mowers!

YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!!! What an inspiration!!

+1. If you see $65 million laying on the sidewalk, you should stop and pick it up. Opportunity is opportunity no matter the size. Many here are just trying to retire with one or two million in the bank, while guys like you will spend that much on chartered jets and green fees at the club each year.

You did screw a bunch of people to get where you are, no mistake about it but they would have done the same to you...we all would have. Nicely played. Have fun in Monaco this summer. The slip fees for yachts has risen to $60,000/month but I think you'll be able to cover it.