
Idexx has some of the highest turnover in the industry! They treat their reps like garbage and all you have to do is look around to see how long each rep lasts for. They only want to sell equipment and then tell you not to help the customer again and to only go back when you want to sell them something else. The old owners of Idexx would freak if they saw what had become of their company. The managers are morons and know next to nothing. It's too bad cause the products are good. I am a distributor rep and I am now training my 5th Idexx rep in 7 years. WHy are they all quitting?? Don't work for them- you will be miserable!!

IDEXX is manipulative, deceiving, and arrogant. They treat their employees like garbage. If considering a position there, do yourself a favor and don't bother. You won't be happy there.

Idexx has no respect nor do they care about their employees. They will fire and eliminate employees at the drop of a hat. It is the most uncaring and unethical company i know of.

Antech is just as bad if not worse. I rue the day I accepted the position with Antech. I feel bad for the vets...both comapnies suck. They have to pick whoever they think is the lesser of two evils. Both companies rip them off and bribe the f is this actually considered sales? Nobody sells them anything.

Antech is just as bad if not worse. I rue the day I accepted the position with Antech. I feel bad for the vets...both comapnies suck. They have to pick whoever they think is the lesser of two evils. Both companies rip them off and bribe the f is this actually considered sales? Nobody sells them anything.

Antech and Idexx are both so arrogant it's sad that the customers have so few choices.

BOTH companies suck HUGELY !!!! As a former Antech rep, I also regret taking the position about which I was lied to. The DM who hired me made the job seem as though it was real selling. Since I couldn't learn to BRIBE/LIE/ well enough I got 'terminated' due to lost revenue. Translation: The Idexx reps I competed against were better at the above characteristics, which both companies equate to ' selling.'

In 26 years of selling for topnotch firms, I made a TERRIBLE career move taking the ANTECH position. I'm revinventing myself, going back to school (for a completely different career...yayyyy) and wishing I'd known about this site BEFORE I LEFT MY PREVIOUS JOB !!!! SHITSHITSHIT I would have learned so much more than the due diligance I performed researching the Antech job.



BOTH companies suck HUGELY !!!! As a former Antech rep, I also regret taking the position about which I was lied to. The DM who hired me made the job seem as though it was real selling. Since I couldn't learn to BRIBE/LIE/ well enough I got 'terminated' due to lost revenue. Translation: The Idexx reps I competed against were better at the above characteristics, which both companies equate to ' selling.'

In 26 years of selling for topnotch firms, I made a TERRIBLE career move taking the ANTECH position. I'm revinventing myself, going back to school (for a completely different career...yayyyy) and wishing I'd known about this site BEFORE I LEFT MY PREVIOUS JOB !!!! SHITSHITSHIT I would have learned so much more than the due diligance I performed researching the Antech job.



so would you be stuck in vet sales if taking a position with Idexx??

This used to be a nice company to work for. It's horrendous how bad things have gotten over the past 3 years.
Our former manager was demoted , and we now have an interim manager who is also the transportation supervisor. ( in charge of the couriers ) He knows NOTHING about any laboratory tests. He barely steps foot back in the lab. ( which is a good thing, he has no business being back there ) He is a complete bully, and curses, and badmouths employees.
I cannot believe they left this man in charge until they find a new manager. Good grief.
We need help in Florida, desperately.

One manager Idexx has was one of the least respected sales reps for the lab and never left his house.And BRAGGED about it. But he can lie and manipulate like a champ so he is still there and was promoted to RM. The ethical reps have all left for the most part and I feel bad for the ones who are still stuck there. They push equipment out the door way before it's ready for mass consumption so they can report to their shareholders. RUN AWAY!!!

Absolutely false! IDEXX has what I believe are the most patient, considerate and capable managers of any corporation. The people I worked for at IDEXX never treated me with disrespect, nor in any way made my employment there unpleasant. The structure of the management DID change regularly as conditions warranted, but the working conditions were never intolerable or unprofessional. IDEXX is a model company for employee relations, and they have strived to be an excellent company to work for.

Absolutely false! IDEXX has what I believe are the most patient, considerate and capable managers of any corporation. The people I worked for at IDEXX never treated me with disrespect, nor in any way made my employment there unpleasant. The structure of the management DID change regularly as conditions warranted, but the working conditions were never intolerable or unprofessional. IDEXX is a model company for employee relations, and they have strived to be an excellent company to work for.

Which narcotics are YOU on? Sell crazy somewhere else loser!

Anonymous, unlike you, I don't use narcotics. You seem to respond with sophomoric sarcasm, rather than just replying with civility. There were employees like you at IDEXX, and I'm afraid we had to work with your kind, too. Somehow, we put this situation in proper perpective: You can't hire intelligent people every time.

This job is a JOKE. DPC bottom of the respect chain but hardest working w/ no recognition. All theses wanna-be type A db's telling you they are the "man". Whatever the majority of leadership are people that are in the position because of timing. Ex-vet employees, wanna be med device sales, over the top males that have read too many "wanna be" books. Move on, keep looking for your own career.

A certain matter has come to my attention which may shed a less complimentary light on IDEXX management. Apparently, several IDEXX couriers have been "Let Go" and replaced with contract drivers. This move was not discussed prior to it's implementation, and came as somewhat of a surprise to several couriers, who arrived for work, but were quickly processed for termination and severance pay, then were escorted off the property. This was quite a shock to hear about (And, it would have been an even BIGGER shock had I been working there, as I too was a courier.) The contracting-out of courier positions may seem beneficial to IDEXX's bottom line, but those clients were expecting people to arrive at their vet offices whom they knew, and respected. The relationship of IDEXX with it's clients was fostered by couriers, dispatchers and relief drivers. Those vets didn't see the laboratory. They never met a dispatcher or lab tech, pathologist, specimen processor, or other IDEXX employees. To them, the courier WAS IDEXX!! I only hope those fine folks among whom I worked and shared so many good times with will quickly find new jobs. To IDEXX, I must say you've changed in character quite dramatically since my tenure there.

you ought to work in cbus, trans mgr here used to be a driver at his former company and now he is trans mgr of ohio, what a joke he is with the personality of a rock, with no disrespect to the rock.

We had great transportation supervisors at our lab. They were all friendly (except one, who was unfriendly, and who stated one time that a "Monkey could do your job"..) and helpful. One even drove to pick me up at a hospital several miles from the lab when I suffered severe dizziness (I had diabetes, but didn't know it). We never had problems seeing them, or discussing our concerns and ideas. In fact, our input was encouraged. They would buy us pizzas once in a while, and we'd have regular training sessions with doughnuts, coffee--which was always free, and available--and other events that were usually fun. I don't know what happened at the lab, but whatever transpired since my employment there, it was quite sudden, and dramatic enough to compel the management to release some fine people.