IBU 2 Day Sales Class

look at the decisions made by your leadership - they all suck and show awful judgement. the GM recently dis 'graced' a trade magazine cover touting the success of enbrel. really? how long has he been there, 5 minutes? what kind of a person would accept such credit? if you ever see him in the hall, which is rare, challenge him to an enbrel quiz, ask him to spell it, tell the year it was approved and list it's indications. maybe he gets one of those...

There isn't any leadership in IBU. Who in their right mind sends reps across the country for a 1 1/2 day course on some reverse psychology selling bs? Secondly, who would even consider hiring Pfizer reps to sell enbrel? DUh. What a bunch of bozos

Really? He has some of the best Enbrel knowledge at Amgen. Is he a little quirky? - Yes but he is actually passionate for the drug and I don't see that with too many of the other IBU people. You should give it up now.

Mike - time to stop talking about yourself. You may have knowledge, but can you sell or manage a sales team. NOPE