IBU 2 Day Sales Class


Ratican are you fucking kidding me? We have nothing better to do than fly to Los Angeles and take 3 days out of the territory for some bull shit? You need to be fired. Mr. Hooper its time you take control of an out of control training department. What a fucking joke.

Ratican are you fucking kidding me? We have nothing better to do than fly to Los Angeles and take 3 days out of the territory for some bull shit? You need to be fired. Mr. Hooper its time you take control of an out of control training department. What a fucking joke.

Well, you haven't been selling Prolia, that we know! I have hospitals, where Rheums have clinics or Rheum offices calling me because you people can't answer their questions about Prolia. Thanks for nothing!

We in the BHBU are glad-but jealous of the 4 hr workday clowns in the IBU! The best training for IBU would be to modify the countdown clocks we were given into alarm clocks to wake them at 9AM and 1PM. Oh to be an IBU rep-reality dose coming.

BHBU is going to be dissolved so sharpen up those resumes.

Man, thanks so much for the heads up! I absolutely will begetting my resume sharpened up! Wow, you are such a great person informing me and the rest of the BHBU to be ready. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you reaching out to us. When I find another job, I'll be sure to come back on this site and thank you again! MORON!

Man, thanks so much for the heads up! I absolutely will begetting my resume sharpened up! Wow, you are such a great person informing me and the rest of the BHBU to be ready. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you reaching out to us. When I find another job, I'll be sure to come back on this site and thank you again! MORON!

You are fired. I will be seeking you out mfer

Well, you haven't been selling Prolia, that we know! I have hospitals, where Rheums have clinics or Rheum offices calling me because you people can't answer their questions about Prolia. Thanks for nothing!

I am BHBU rep. Stop being so arrogant. Why do they need to know so much if Enbrel is still their bread and butter. You know what pays the bills. I would sell Enbrel first before I even think about Prolia.

My IBU reps are great. No complaints here.

Do you actually think that the training department determines if there will be a semester meeting? And how long it will be? Get your facts straight, couldn't be more wrong. All the training team does is execute against what the brand and sales leadership directs them to do. They're probably getting you all together because you're getting creamed in Dermatology, bludgeoned and Rheumatology is starting to show the same leaks....you have a bullshit low ass number for prolia and are losing share for enbrel and making bonus, that's the fucking joke.

Do you actually think that the training department determines if there will be a semester meeting? And how long it will be? Get your facts straight, couldn't be more wrong. All the training team does is execute against what the brand and sales leadership directs them to do. They're probably getting you all together because you're getting creamed in Dermatology, bludgeoned and Rheumatology is starting to show the same leaks....you have a bullshit low ass number for prolia and are losing share for enbrel and making bonus, that's the fucking joke.

Why are you blaming us reps? The issue is not us and the issue is not training. The issue is increased competition, slashed benefits, and the fact Finance and GSS are trying to run the brands. I mean, how many of you fellow reps have had a sample requested and it either doesn't show up or worse, WAY more than what was ordered shows up? Where is the support to get this fixed? If we can't even get that right, how can we expect to be a "trusted brand"? Seems that only the folks in Compliance are trying to help, but people like GSS and Transportation want to protect their turf rather than serve patients. Complete BS!

Why are you blaming us reps? The issue is not us and the issue is not training. The issue is increased competition, slashed benefits, and the fact Finance and GSS are trying to run the brands. I mean, how many of you fellow reps have had a sample requested and it either doesn't show up or worse, WAY more than what was ordered shows up? Where is the support to get this fixed? If we can't even get that right, how can we expect to be a "trusted brand"? Seems that only the folks in Compliance are trying to help, but people like GSS and Transportation want to protect their turf rather than serve patients. Complete BS!

Yes you are right, it's not training, not the reps....but you can throw in the IBU leadership with the GSS, finance, etc. Soon enough there will be nothing left to manage, cut, etc....that said your leadership team blows and is running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off. they will make one shitty decision after another, and if you're a rep you'll be on the wrong side of it. it includes things like silly two day meetings, probably about how you win in dermatology.

Yes you are right, it's not training, not the reps....but you can throw in the IBU leadership with the GSS, finance, etc. Soon enough there will be nothing left to manage, cut, etc....that said your leadership team blows and is running around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off. they will make one shitty decision after another, and if you're a rep you'll be on the wrong side of it. it includes things like silly two day meetings, probably about how you win in dermatology.

I agree. Taking reps out of the field for 2 days which really is 4 when you count for travel to LA and back from LA does not help drive sales. This is nothing more than "punishment" for their lack of leadership and accountability. I will bring my family and spend a few "extra days" in LA. Thanks for the vacation and few days off work. No punishment here you stupid clowns.

Classic Amgen, worthless meeting. This is actually an obstacle for hitting our numbers. Nice job Leadershipless team. This may work in big pharma but not in the real world

The class schedule is as follows
1. ICD 9 codes
2. Billing

-day 2-
1. Prolia Refresh
2. Injection Network
3. Buy and Bill

You are kidding about day 2 right? Like these reps give a flying &^%# about Prolia! It's abundantly claer that they don't give a shi^t about Prolia so why waste their time training or "refreshing" them on it? Just give us back control of the Rheums and Prolia.

The class schedule is as follows
1. ICD 9 codes
2. Billing

-day 2-
1. Prolia Refresh
2. Injection Network
3. Buy and Bill

You forgot the time devoted to 'how to lose a shitload of share and blame it on other things'. Dermatology is losing share faster then shit thru a goose and rheum is not far behind, if it weren't for oil like price increases you'd all be absolutely screwed, eventually MCO will say screw it and contract hard for piece of garbage product from JNJ or UCB....you all should be focusing on actually getting new patients on drug and keeping them on once they get there...y'all suck

You forgot the time devoted to 'how to lose a shitload of share and blame it on other things'. Dermatology is losing share faster then shit thru a goose and rheum is not far behind, if it weren't for oil like price increases you'd all be absolutely screwed, eventually MCO will say screw it and contract hard for piece of garbage product from JNJ or UCB....you all should be focusing on actually getting new patients on drug and keeping them on once they get there...y'all suck

Max C is going to kill this brand