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Ian will eliminate all sales reps by December 2012.

The PDI contract sales company will eventually be the new Pfizer sales force. We are definitely moving in that direction. Full salaried Pfizer reps and managers are not needed when PDI can do the same job for much less. It won't take as long as 2012 for this to happen. Ian Read is hell bent on moving the stock price up and job elimination is imminent. The next layoff will be worse than Jan 2009.

This poster could not be more on. Contract sales will be the future. Companies can no longer justify salaries, bennies and perks for sales and management. Come on folks you can't tell me you haven't seen the writing on the wall. game over.

This poster could not be more on. Contract sales will be the future. Companies can no longer justify salaries, bennies and perks for sales and management. Come on folks you can't tell me you haven't seen the writing on the wall. game over.

PDI already has the contract for women's health, and they will be getting more. Days are seriously numbered for the Pfizer primary care sales force. PDI has a new VP of Sales who is very aggressive and aims to secure more contracts from Pfizer and other Big Pharma companies.

PDI already has the contract for women's health, and they will be getting more. Days are seriously numbered for the Pfizer primary care sales force. PDI has a new VP of Sales who is very aggressive and aims to secure more contracts from Pfizer and other Big Pharma companies.

Old Wyeth people run PDI in NJ. Revenge just got sweeter!

On the other hand if Pfizer decides to walk away from PDI, it is a very good possibility PDI will be history. All other major pharma companies have walked away from PDI. The only decent contracts PDI has is with Pfizer.

PDI already has the contract for women's health, and they will be getting more. Days are seriously numbered for the Pfizer primary care sales force. PDI has a new VP of Sales who is very aggressive and aims to secure more contracts from Pfizer and other Big Pharma companies.

On the other hand if Pfizer decides to walk away from PDI, it is a very good possibility PDI will be history. All other major pharma companies have walked away from PDI. The only decent contracts PDI has is with Pfizer.

Forget PDI and all other CSOs, the future is with digital marketing tools (see links below.) All us reps will be history alright because these things do what a rep does plus provides data in the absence of RX reporting from IMS, et al. Turn out the lights, the party is over!



Forget PDI and all other CSOs, the future is with digital marketing tools (see links below.) All us reps will be history alright because these things do what a rep does plus provides data in the absence of RX reporting from IMS, et al. Turn out the lights, the party is over!




Ian would only be working along with how the industry/country has evolved.

Face it folks: the former pharma rep position has is over; the position is no longer needed. If you can't see it...think about it.

Start bracing for the future OUT of pharma...as the positions are over.

Good luck!

As a person that has left Pfizer voluntarily, and stayed in touch with a network of others, I can say that the job market is actually FAIR: for those with marketable talents, there are great jobs that pay as well as Pfizer did.

Pay as well as Pfizer did? How can you make such a claim? As a 20 year vet, I know many Regional and District Managers, and senior-level multiple VPC reps that have been displaced since 2008. Only 4 or 5 have landed similar paying jobs at other pharma or PDI-type companies, and their salaries are nowhere near what they were here. And justifiably so; why should they pay someone with 15 years of pharma experience tons of money when there are more EX-pharma reps and managers looking for jobs than there are reps and managers that are employed.

Please stop with this misinformation because you're giving people false hopes.

When I talk to my beloved DM and State Director about this they say nothing is farther from the truth. I am new to this company and industry and truly do not understand what is happening. Could someone please help me understand and tell me the truth. I am scared and desparate.

It is true that there was serious discussion on last cut about cutting nearly the entire salesforce because risk of another OIG conviction would have such grave financial consequences (remember each conviction results in incremental fine and last one was 2.3 billion).

I heard it was decided at the last minute this might be too drastic. Best to snip snip snip and see how it pans out.

"for those with marketable talents, there are great jobs that pay as well as Pfizer did. "

Your message is contradictory, or else you mean MOST ex=pfe people don't have "marketable talents", cause you start the message from a positive tone and end on the negative. So I am not saying one way is right or wrong, just that your message does not make any sense. Like most things in life the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

"for those with marketable talents, there are great jobs that pay as well as Pfizer did. "

Your message is contradictory, or else you mean MOST ex=pfe people don't have "marketable talents", cause you start the message from a positive tone and end on the negative. So I am not saying one way is right or wrong, just that your message does not make any sense. Like most things in life the truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

Federal government jobs are plentiful. Great pay, low stress, retire at 55 and stable.