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Ian will eliminate all sales reps by December 2012.

The only difference between a DOE and a Rep is the DOE makes $300k plus to do even less work than a rep!
Heck, at least reps are tracked all day and have to show up for work. How many DOEs are kicking back all day everyday at home...?
DOE is an even better gig than SD! As much $$ and even LESS work with no accountability.

The Directors of Employers position was the best kept secret in Pfizer until now. Flying under the radar through all the layoffs and laughing all the way to the bank with their 300k plus.

Truly the biggest racket in the Pharma game.

Please stop this nonsense-peoples lives are hanging on these announcements. Just today I heard IS will be eliminated by mid fall. No matter how they crunch the numbers, they are coming up with peanuts. A contract force will call on ID and others involved with Prevnar hopefully next year. Hopefully Ian will be right in his decisions to streamline the company with the focus on the corporations future.

I like the idea of SDs turning tricks. They've been screwing reps for years, so they'll be pretty good at it

Please stop this nonsense-peoples lives are hanging on these announcements. Just today I heard IS will be eliminated by mid fall. No matter how they crunch the numbers, they are coming up with peanuts. A contract force will call on ID and others involved with Prevnar hopefully next year. Hopefully Ian will be right in his decisions to streamline the company with the focus on the corporations future.

The PDI contract sales company will eventually be the new Pfizer sales force. We are definitely moving in that direction. Full salaried Pfizer reps and managers are not needed when PDI can do the same job for much less. It won't take as long as 2012 for this to happen. Ian Read is hell bent on moving the stock price up and job elimination is imminent. The next layoff will be worse than Jan 2009.

The DOE position is no different from all the rest of you. You are all fat, lazy and overpaid. Government cheese and soup lines await. The crickets are what you hear from New York's calm before the storm of layoffs.

The DOE position is no different from all the rest of you. You are all fat, lazy and overpaid. Government cheese and soup lines await. The crickets are what you hear from New York's calm before the storm of layoffs.

Someone needs to go back to anger management therapy....

$5OO,OOO GRAND (salary/bonus+benies) to sit home all day with no accountability or ROI- yeah, I think DOE's are VERY different from all of us!

Please stop this nonsense-peoples lives are hanging on these announcements. Just today I heard IS will be eliminated by mid fall. No matter how they crunch the numbers, they are coming up with peanuts. A contract force will call on ID and others involved with Prevnar hopefully next year. Hopefully Ian will be right in his decisions to streamline the company with the focus on the corporations future.

You tell people to "stop the nonsense" and then you added more nonsense!

Talk to some of your ex-Pfizer associates to find out what the job market is outside of Pfizer and pharma. You will be shocked at what people are accepting just to be employed. Yes, there are exceptions that will be noted here, but the vast majority are much lower doing less desirable jobs. Good luck to those of you that will be looking for employment in the near future it is no party out here

This is true. And it should be a word to the idiots who post mindlessly on this site about "how bad things are", etc...etc...

Talk to some of your ex-Pfizer associates to find out what the job market is outside of Pfizer and pharma. You will be shocked at what people are accepting just to be employed. Yes, there are exceptions that will be noted here, but the vast majority are much lower doing less desirable jobs. Good luck to those of you that will be looking for employment in the near future it is no party out here

I did and it's depressing. Here's one job he may take with a base of 30,000 dollars plus commission along with a company car. Get this the company car has a GPS monitoring system that management will track often. The rep has to check into the office at 8:00 in the morning and 5:00 in the evening. This lucky person also has a laptop for tracking.

All of us should be humbled by this.

King legacy here. I left and am making 26K more in salary plus better bonus. Top out over 200K now. Your company is pathetic. To many layers and no communication. You treat your people like shit and screw on bonus!

The right hand does not know what the left is doing. You are going to be laid off by end year. Start looking folks.

It definitely is coming. I don't think it will be all of us, but there will be a sizable amount cut. I don't mean to scare anyone with this news, only take the shock out of it and make sure we're all prepared for worst case scenario. No need to freak out now, we still have at least til end of summer until these changes start to happen. That gives you about 5 months to come to terms with it and think about plan B.

But, they are going out of their way to assure us that layoffs are not going to happen. Who do I believe? Do I believe the post on here or Pfizer management? We all know that Pfizer management is completely above board always is truthful.

To those now doing better than with Pfizer, I am happy for you and would like you know that you are the exception to the rule. Try being cut after fifteen years of service which places you in your early fifties and find a job better than the Pfizer position. It is rare.

King legacy here. I left and am making 26K more in salary plus better bonus. Top out over 200K now. Your company is pathetic. To many layers and no communication. You treat your people like shit and screw on bonus!

The right hand does not know what the left is doing. You are going to be laid off by end year. Start looking folks.

....and yet you are on Cafe Pharma Pfizer Board? You are full of crap!

The PDI contract sales company will eventually be the new Pfizer sales force. We are definitely moving in that direction. Full salaried Pfizer reps and managers are not needed when PDI can do the same job for much less. It won't take as long as 2012 for this to happen. Ian Read is hell bent on moving the stock price up and job elimination is imminent. The next layoff will be worse than Jan 2009.

technology will take over all pharma companies...reps and managers are not needed