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I would be more thankful this Thanksgiving if...


You people would realize you have a great job! If your manager blows, deal with it! All of you complaining would complain no matter where you work. Tell you what, go find a fast food job or sit in a GOD DAMN cubicle for 8 hours a day, watch "Office Space" and quit! Oh, and grow up! Pussies!

You people would realize you have a great job! If your manager blows, deal with it! All of you complaining would complain no matter where you work. Tell you what, go find a fast food job or sit in a GOD DAMN cubicle for 8 hours a day, watch "Office Space" and quit! Oh, and grow up! Pussies!

Takeda USED to be a great company and so this USED to be a great job.Things have changed drastically due to management who have turned this company into a cesspool.When we were a great company,I made extra calls,and walked into each office with pride.NOW,we are a sh##ty company with sh##ty products.Get real!

The company needs to start getting rid of bad managers, not ones who make more money because they are successful.
When great teams become dysfunctional and start losing, they get rid of the coach.
Its not any different in sales.

I would be grateful if we would layoff about 35% or our reps. I am so sick of stepping all over my counterparts. Offices are sick of it and so am I. If I get laid off then give me a package. That's fine by me. If I am retained thats fine too. I am just sick of having to fight with my counterparts to get face time with my docs. Hey DOug, there are still way too many of us reps out here. Cut some more and then you will see morale go up.

I would be grateful if we would layoff about 35% or our reps. I am so sick of stepping all over my counterparts. Offices are sick of it and so am I. If I get laid off then give me a package. That's fine by me. If I am retained thats fine too. I am just sick of having to fight with my counterparts to get face time with my docs. Hey DOug, there are still way too many of us reps out here. Cut some more and then you will see morale go up.

Morale will never go up until we have some viable products to sell instead of "me-toos"!

A good Thanksgiving would be a message on a change in leadership. Time for some of our clueless senior management to "pursue other oppurtunities".

I am thankful to have a job, but I can't help wishing it was for a company with real leaders and real products, not the tired me-too products and washed-up leadership we have.

A good Thanksgiving would be a message on a change in leadership. Time for some of our clueless senior management to "pursue other oppurtunities".

I am thankful to have a job, but I can't help wishing it was for a company with real leaders and real products, not the tired me-too products and washed-up leadership we have.

Spot on post!!

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