So how long ,in reality, do you think it's going to take these smart, young, eager 23 yr olds to figure out that this job can really be done betw. the hours of 10a-2pm? 6 months, maybe a year. Does the company really think these newbies go on forever w/that eager attitude?? No, after a year they figure out what this job really is and then they figure they can go to another company and get a 10% jump in salary, which would take them 2-3 yrs at the present company...then they bolt.
You my good cafe pharma buddie are 100% correct with all of the above...
And it is not just Daiichi-Sankyo that does this, but most of corporate america. Think about the poor saps that just finish college and go to to work at Enterprise Rental Car - same thing there, only they work as slaves fore 90 hours a week and then get paid 30K a year. THAT is why pharma loves to hire these newbies, because they think 45 - 50K is a great jump and pay and with the car and "promise" of the product contests, Gold Cup, 2 weeks vacation, possibility of making commission (they always show the high end for the nation, never mention the suckers on the low end in the zero managed care markets), strong pipeline (newbie thinks okay, but what's a pipeline, I rented cars for a living), possible Management carreer path (again, newbie thinks that because they worked at Enterprise for 2 whole years and became a Regional Vice President of Fleet Rentals they are ready to run a company right now), and the famous Rising Sun thingie magigie.
The newbies mouth is now salivating a lot like pavlov's dog and they are willing to sign right up...
Do you think upper management gives a flying fuck that they may be gone in 1 1/2 to 2 years??? Hell no... Keeps compensation low and keeps the people in the home office employed with job security (HR, training, marketing, travel, etc)
The sooner everyone accepts the REAL notion that you aren't selling anyhting anymore, but are a real life walking, talking advertisement you'll get over yourself and this "5 years of pharma experience" bull crap. Anybody can do this job, and anybody can lower themselves to put a doctor up on a pedestal to try and "win" them over - whatever it takes!!!
Newbies are ruling corporate America.
They get a little experience under their belts, learn how the industry is ran, and then leave for 10K more...Happens every single day.