So how long ,in reality, do you think it's going to take these smart, young, eager 23 yr olds to figure out that this job can really be done betw. the hours of 10a-2pm? 6 months, maybe a year. Does the company really think these newbies go on forever w/that eager attitude?? No, after a year they figure out what this job really is and then they figure they can go to another company and get a 10% jump in salary, which would take them 2-3 yrs at the present company...then they bolt.

You my good cafe pharma buddie are 100% correct with all of the above...

And it is not just Daiichi-Sankyo that does this, but most of corporate america. Think about the poor saps that just finish college and go to to work at Enterprise Rental Car - same thing there, only they work as slaves fore 90 hours a week and then get paid 30K a year. THAT is why pharma loves to hire these newbies, because they think 45 - 50K is a great jump and pay and with the car and "promise" of the product contests, Gold Cup, 2 weeks vacation, possibility of making commission (they always show the high end for the nation, never mention the suckers on the low end in the zero managed care markets), strong pipeline (newbie thinks okay, but what's a pipeline, I rented cars for a living), possible Management carreer path (again, newbie thinks that because they worked at Enterprise for 2 whole years and became a Regional Vice President of Fleet Rentals they are ready to run a company right now), and the famous Rising Sun thingie magigie.

The newbies mouth is now salivating a lot like pavlov's dog and they are willing to sign right up...

Do you think upper management gives a flying fuck that they may be gone in 1 1/2 to 2 years??? Hell no... Keeps compensation low and keeps the people in the home office employed with job security (HR, training, marketing, travel, etc)

The sooner everyone accepts the REAL notion that you aren't selling anyhting anymore, but are a real life walking, talking advertisement you'll get over yourself and this "5 years of pharma experience" bull crap. Anybody can do this job, and anybody can lower themselves to put a doctor up on a pedestal to try and "win" them over - whatever it takes!!!

Newbies are ruling corporate America.

They get a little experience under their belts, learn how the industry is ran, and then leave for 10K more...Happens every single day.

DM here. At the risk of opening myself up for your abuse, here is the straight story: DS will be filling out PC3 with 30% pharma reps with 1-3 years experience, 20% college grads with no experience, preferably teachers, coaches, etc. and the remaining 50% will be sales reps with 2 years of business to business sales and a track record of success. I look for reps who have received annual recognition rather than just monthly or quarterly, and they must provide documentation of same.

A lot of your posts are correct, but realize that even before Pfizer and other companies had recent layoffs, there were over a hundred candidates posting for each position.

Does anyone have an illusion that they are irreplaceable? Do you remember how tough it was to break in? If not, chances are that is why you are not more grateful for those things that the 23-year-old recent college grad would kill for. There are no guarantees. You have to work to succeed (despite what the majority of posts on this site would have you believe). Even success is no guarantee of job security. There are plenty of talented former reps that can attest to that.

DS has never had layoffs, is going through explosive growth, and yes, either new products will be launched or the company is spending a fortune for nothing and we will all be looking for work (not the case).

DM here. At the risk of opening myself up for your abuse, here is the straight story: DS will be filling out PC3 with 30% pharma reps with 1-3 years experience, 20% college grads with no experience, preferably teachers, coaches, etc. and the remaining 50% will be sales reps with 2 years of business to business sales and a track record of success. I look for reps who have received annual recognition rather than just monthly or quarterly, and they must provide documentation of same.

A lot of your posts are correct, but realize that even before Pfizer and other companies had recent layoffs, there were over a hundred candidates posting for each position.

Does anyone have an illusion that they are irreplaceable? Do you remember how tough it was to break in? If not, chances are that is why you are not more grateful for those things that the 23-year-old recent college grad would kill for. There are no guarantees. You have to work to succeed (despite what the majority of posts on this site would have you believe). Even success is no guarantee of job security. There are plenty of talented former reps that can attest to that.

DS has never had layoffs, is going through explosive growth, and yes, either new products will be launched or the company is spending a fortune for nothing and we will all be looking for work (not the case).

What territory do you manage?

DM here. At the risk of opening myself up for your abuse, here is the straight story: DS will be filling out PC3 with 30% pharma reps with 1-3 years experience, 20% college grads with no experience, preferably teachers, coaches, etc. and the remaining 50% will be sales reps with 2 years of business to business sales and a track record of success. I look for reps who have received annual recognition rather than just monthly or quarterly, and they must provide documentation of same.

A lot of your posts are correct, but realize that even before Pfizer and other companies had recent layoffs, there were over a hundred candidates posting for each position.

Does anyone have an illusion that they are irreplaceable? Do you remember how tough it was to break in? If not, chances are that is why you are not more grateful for those things that the 23-year-old recent college grad would kill for. There are no guarantees. You have to work to succeed (despite what the majority of posts on this site would have you believe). Even success is no guarantee of job security. There are plenty of talented former reps that can attest to that.

DS has never had layoffs, is going through explosive growth, and yes, either new products will be launched or the company is spending a fortune for nothing and we will all be looking for work (not the case).
the problem i see with hiring 23 year olds out of college is that they don't know there way around the town, much less an office, these kids have not had to serve their time at retail or some other job that teaches them to get out of bed and have some responsibility...i am a seasoned rep with 7 years in and under 40 but can't get a job because of these tards' i know how to get in and get out and get the numbers ..i was also passed over at DS after i hit a home run in the interview..recruiter told me i was overqualified..haha.i worked this long to get in and now can't get back in.

With all the "Newbie" claims, one would think it was very easy to get into Daiichi. I can attest to you that it is not. I have 15 years of documented sales experience, came to the f2f with detailed product knowledge, and detailed product knowledge of competitors, brag book, STAR formatted answers, Science degree, and a competitive, go getter attitude. I took 2 pharmacology courses in the last 6 months and 2 communication courses just to better my presentation skills. I also told them I was willing to relocate on my own dime just to work for them and still, I did not make it to the second round because I do not have Pharma experience. What the heck does it take to get into this business. And no I am not straight out of college. Newbie to pharma not sales.

DM here. At the risk of opening myself up for your abuse, here is the straight story: DS will be filling out PC3 with 30% pharma reps with 1-3 years experience, 20% college grads with no experience, preferably teachers, coaches, etc. and the remaining 50% will be sales reps with 2 years of business to business sales and a track record of success.

How about scrapping that middle 20% and hire 10% more in the 1-3 year range and 10% more in the b2b pool?

the problem i see with hiring 23 year olds out of college is that they don't know there way around the town, much less an office, these kids have not had to serve their time at retail or some other job that teaches them to get out of bed and have some responsibility...i am a seasoned rep with 7 years in and under 40 but can't get a job because of these tards' i know how to get in and get out and get the numbers ..i was also passed over at DS after i hit a home run in the interview..recruiter told me i was overqualified..haha.i worked this long to get in and now can't get back in.

Try Auriga Labs. Commission only but you will get the experience you need. Once you get this job though you will not leave it. Even though you get nothing but comissions on each script , you will make a lot more than these pharma companies are paying. Oh, did I mention NO BOSS!! Yes, NO BOSS.. If you are a good sales person you will do great with this.. I do not know what part of the country you are but I would love to refer you in..

Try Auriga Labs. Commission only but you will get the experience you need. Once you get this job though you will not leave it. Even though you get nothing but comissions on each script , you will make a lot more than these pharma companies are paying. Oh, did I mention NO BOSS!! Yes, NO BOSS.. If you are a good sales person you will do great with this.. I do not know what part of the country you are but I would love to refer you in..

I live in the midwest. Indiana to be more specific. I am willing to move to ohio, illinois, or kentucky if I need to. I am ready to move to any of those areas that will get me into pharma. I just need that ONE company to take a shot. They will not be sorry. Thanks.

I live in the midwest. Indiana to be more specific. I am willing to move to ohio, illinois, or kentucky if I need to. I am ready to move to any of those areas that will get me into pharma. I just need that ONE company to take a shot. They will not be sorry. Thanks.

Go to Aurigalabs.com, look under careers. Pick one. Send in resume to one of the recruiters to the left of the screen. Wait a couple of days and someone will call you. You will be hired over the phone, no f2f and one week training. You then go out to the field with a target physician base, protected territory to make your money. GOOD LUCK>

With all the "Newbie" claims, one would think it was very easy to get into Daiichi. I can attest to you that it is not. I have 15 years of documented sales experience, came to the f2f with detailed product knowledge, and detailed product knowledge of competitors, brag book, STAR formatted answers, Science degree, and a competitive, go getter attitude. I took 2 pharmacology courses in the last 6 months and 2 communication courses just to better my presentation skills. I also told them I was willing to relocate on my own dime just to work for them and still, I did not make it to the second round because I do not have Pharma experience. What the heck does it take to get into this business. And no I am not straight out of college. Newbie to pharma not sales.

I was wondering...did they call you to let you know that you were not going to move forward or did you have to call the manager? I have not heard back from my interview last week..??

I interviewed in the mid-west a little over a week ago. Three years b2b, 4 years of pharma experience with awards. I really liked the dm, seemed like someone I could enjoy working for. Interview went great from my prospective. Received the rejection email from the recruiter in the last couple of days. Good luck.

I regret to inform you that if you interviewed last week and have not heard then you were not selected. I know from experience. Call your recruiter and they will tell you that someone else was selected.

DS wants dumb, cheap college students. I think they'd hire illegals if they could get away with it. How are they going to support 3 to 4 sales forces on Benicar. I know they have others but come on their dogs. That something in the pipeline better be good or one or two sales forces will be dropped like a bad habit.

You know what? 40 - 50 K a year is tremendous money to a kid 1 year out of college at the tender age of 23 years old. Free car too? And a chance to make even more with commission? Ya gotta be kidding me - they have all hit the LOTTERY !!!

Daiichi Sankyo is the BEST thing that has ever happened to them and they will work their asses off and grow their business - No 10am to 2 pm for them.

Upper Management knows this and so do you...Your time has come and gone.

Question for the 35 years of age people out there? How much money were you making per year when you were 23 years old? I sense a little bit of injury to your pride and ego when you think these youngsters can't do the same exact job that you claim to be so skilled at - Now that is a hoot !

Another reason to hire newbies- They don't have a network of friends in the industry. So, when they get laid off, their will be far fewer voices of influence to impact the future of those making these poor decisions.





You probably did nothing wrong in your interview.

Its just same old pharma, where they hire their friends, and don't care about experience or education or anythin relevant to the job.

This job has all become a big brown nose session.

Just keep plugging away. I have more experience than you, and was rejected by about 6 companies in the past three years! But, now I am sitting with a good job because I refused to let a DM with less experience and less talent than me dicate what I could and could not do...

and I was lucky, that helps too.

good luck. don't quit.