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I was laid off from Pfizer 6 years ago and in retrospect I couldn't be happier!!!


I got severed from Pfizer 6 years after 10 years as a rep, specialty rep, RAM, and NAM. When I got the call it was like a punch in the gut. I was really upset as I'd really worked hard to move up and build a good reputation at Pfizer. I realized I could either go try and build a reputation from the ground up at another company or I could start my own business with my severance.
After 6 years in business for myself I realize I made the right choice. Although it was a lot of hard work and took my severance and 401k I have built something 10X more valuable anything Pfizer or other Pharma Co. could ever offer.
If you are a really hard worker and willing to take a risk you'll be much better off doing your own thing than going back to another Pharma company.
I had a DM at Pfizer who encouraged me to follow this path and I did and it's worked out great. Don't be disappointed too long. Go and create your own destiny!!!

I was a wholesale rep in the fashion industry before joining Pfizer. Retired now, but looking back, fashion was a BLAST. No time clock, commission against a draw, worked 6 months a year and traveled a lot. When I joined Pfizer, I took a 75% cut in pay. However, Pfizer's retirement benefits, which I received, was worth the cut in pay.

Visit an apparel mart.

If you can get into computer software sales your commission/base can be stupendous. I work for Success Factors and will make 320 grand this year (truth); however I am top in the nation in achieving goal, (yea, I'm having a fabulous year) our base is 150 grand.

I re-invented myself three years ago and got into a different market. You can too, it just takes confidence and perseverance.

God bless you all (retained and laid off alike), keep the faith and move forward (forgive Pfizer)

If you can get into computer software sales your commission/base can be stupendous. I work for Success Factors and will make 320 grand this year (truth); however I am top in the nation in achieving goal, (yea, I'm having a fabulous year) our base is 150 grand.

I re-invented myself three years ago and got into a different market. You can too, it just takes confidence and perseverance.

God bless you all (retained and laid off alike), keep the faith and move forward (forgive Pfizer)

the problem is that in tech sales you have to actually sell. I doubt most Pfizer reps are capable of understanding a concept like that.

I got severed from Pfizer 6 years after 10 years as a rep, specialty rep, RAM, and NAM. When I got the call it was like a punch in the gut. I was really upset as I'd really worked hard to move up and build a good reputation at Pfizer. I realized I could either go try and build a reputation from the ground up at another company or I could start my own business with my severance.
After 6 years in business for myself I realize I made the right choice. Although it was a lot of hard work and took my severance and 401k I have built something 10X more valuable anything Pfizer or other Pharma Co. could ever offer.
If you are a really hard worker and willing to take a risk you'll be much better off doing your own thing than going back to another Pharma company.
I had a DM at Pfizer who encouraged me to follow this path and I did and it's worked out great. Don't be disappointed too long. Go and create your own destiny!!!

95% of us that got severed ended up making a lot less and struggle to get by. It was a good gig while it lasted.

95% of us that got severed ended up making a lot less and struggle to get by. It was a good gig while it lasted.


Well, that's your own decision.

During your pharma ride...you made the decision to live the high life, rather than planning for the future.

I guess I am in the 5%.

I moved on from pharma. Make more $$ (not dramatically, but more), and don't struggle to get by.

Most importantly, I enjoy what I do.

The pharma rep industry jobs became mindless...and demeaning to ME. Some may enjoy the position...I grew to HATE what I was doing.



Well, that's your own decision.

During your pharma ride...you made the decision to live the high life, rather than planning for the future.

I guess I am in the 5%.

I moved on from pharma. Make more $$ (not dramatically, but more), and don't struggle to get by.

Most importantly, I enjoy what I do.

The pharma rep industry jobs became mindless...and demeaning to ME. Some may enjoy the position...I grew to HATE what I was doing.


Translation: I got booted out of pharma years ago, but I still hang out on the pharma boards because I wish I still had my old job. I have had to take a much lower position that pays less than half I make and I struggle to get by. I like to make posts from time to time, making up stories about my pathetic life, hoping to convince myself that I am better off not being in the business, when I know it is not the truth.

Translation: I got booted out of pharma years ago, but I still hang out on the pharma boards because I wish I still had my old job. I have had to take a much lower position that pays less than half I make and I struggle to get by. I like to make posts from time to time, making up stories about my pathetic life, hoping to convince myself that I am better off not being in the business, when I know it is not the truth.

sad but true probably

Translation: I got booted out of pharma years ago, but I still hang out on the pharma boards because I wish I still had my old job. I have had to take a much lower position that pays less than half I make and I struggle to get by. I like to make posts from time to time, making up stories about my pathetic life, hoping to convince myself that I am better off not being in the business, when I know it is not the truth.

Could be true, not necessarily BS. Not everyone that left here is taking a "lower position". There is truth that many sales positions outside of the industry have lower salaries with a greater potential for commission. But isn't that what true sales people want? If you bump up the sales person's salary and reduce potential for commission, you'll end up with people without much drive going out there and...HEY, I think I know why we've sucked for the past 10 years!

If you are no longer in Pharma, and you are still reading and posting on these boards, then you are a PHUCKING MORON! Does life after PFE suck so bad that when I do eventually get the boot that I will be pining away, still trying to find some sense of attachment to how horrible things are here????

Truth is, this job is friggin' great! Are you kidding me???? 100K base salary plus bonus. Who cares anymore if bonus is 4K or 8K? The salary is great, big territories to get lost in. DBM's have up to 12 reps now, so fewer BS field rides. Nice company car that I can beat on. Everyone in every hospital and doctors office I go in is jealous of me. I make more money than I need to, and Yes.....I am saving a ton for when my time comes. But rest assured, I will never go near this dumbass web site again when that day comes. Get a life you post-pharma losers!

If you are no longer in Pharma, and you are still reading and posting on these boards, then you are a PHUCKING MORON! Does life after PFE suck so bad that when I do eventually get the boot that I will be pining away, still trying to find some sense of attachment to how horrible things are here????

Truth is, this job is friggin' great! Are you kidding me???? 100K base salary plus bonus. Who cares anymore if bonus is 4K or 8K? The salary is great, big territories to get lost in. DBM's have up to 12 reps now, so fewer BS field rides. Nice company car that I can beat on. Everyone in every hospital and doctors office I go in is jealous of me. I make more money than I need to, and Yes.....I am saving a ton for when my time comes. But rest assured, I will never go near this dumbass web site again when that day comes. Get a life you post-pharma losers!

Good post. The vast majority of us agree. The job is really not that hard and we get paid a huge amount of money that allows us to live a good life and save a substantial amount of money so that we will have a comfortable retirement. The ex-pharma people hang out here because they are jealous of people like us that have been able to keep our jobs.

Translation: I got booted out of pharma years ago, but I still hang out on the pharma boards because I wish I still had my old job. I have had to take a much lower position that pays less than half I make and I struggle to get by. I like to make posts from time to time, making up stories about my pathetic life, hoping to convince myself that I am better off not being in the business, when I know it is not the truth.

I posted the message.

Believe what you want. I left on my own, and never looked back.

Possibly others can benefit from a truthful, honest post...to encourage them to recognize that there is life beyond pharma.

Why do I periodically check this site? I hold a vested interest in Pfizer, as I hold a Pfizer pension. It is a shame to see how the company has continued to spiral down...and I wonder if I/we will be able to receive ANY of the pension to enjoy durng retirement.

This topic is related to folks like me...and hence I thought a comment could encourage those that were recently laid off.

Glad I don't check this that often...as any positive post turns into a negative rant.

Blessings to you all!

I got severed from Pfizer 6 years after 10 years as a rep, specialty rep, RAM, and NAM. When I got the call it was like a punch in the gut. I was really upset as I'd really worked hard to move up and build a good reputation at Pfizer. I realized I could either go try and build a reputation from the ground up at another company or I could start my own business with my severance.
After 6 years in business for myself I realize I made the right choice. Although it was a lot of hard work and took my severance and 401k I have built something 10X more valuable anything Pfizer or other Pharma Co. could ever offer.
If you are a really hard worker and willing to take a risk you'll be much better off doing your own thing than going back to another Pharma company.
I had a DM at Pfizer who encouraged me to follow this path and I did and it's worked out great. Don't be disappointed too long. Go and create your own destiny!!!

Who cares what you are doing. You are a typical ex pharma douche flappin your gums. Go away! What a tool........get a life and leave us pharma reps alone!

If you are no longer in Pharma, and you are still reading and posting on these boards, then you are a PHUCKING MORON! Does life after PFE suck so bad that when I do eventually get the boot that I will be pining away, still trying to find some sense of attachment to how horrible things are here????

Truth is, this job is friggin' great! Are you kidding me???? 100K base salary plus bonus. Who cares anymore if bonus is 4K or 8K? The salary is great, big territories to get lost in. DBM's have up to 12 reps now, so fewer BS field rides. Nice company car that I can beat on. Everyone in every hospital and doctors office I go in is jealous of me. I make more money than I need to, and Yes.....I am saving a ton for when my time comes. But rest assured, I will never go near this dumbass web site again when that day comes. Get a life you post-pharma losers!

Best gig ever and the ex pharma clowns on this site want it back!!!

I got severed from Pfizer 6 years after 10 years as a rep, specialty rep, RAM, and NAM. When I got the call it was like a punch in the gut. I was really upset as I'd really worked hard to move up and build a good reputation at Pfizer. I realized I could either go try and build a reputation from the ground up at another company or I could start my own business with my severance.
After 6 years in business for myself I realize I made the right choice. Although it was a lot of hard work and took my severance and 401k I have built something 10X more valuable anything Pfizer or other Pharma Co. could ever offer.
If you are a really hard worker and willing to take a risk you'll be much better off doing your own thing than going back to another Pharma company.
I had a DM at Pfizer who encouraged me to follow this path and I did and it's worked out great. Don't be disappointed too long. Go and create your own destiny!!!

Great post.

Good for you.

People need to get out of that corporate mindset, of always having to watch over their backs and make sure their manager is happy 24/7.

Its a bad way to live.

Sure, the money is good, but you have to invest that money wisely and then take advantage of market opportunites, like cheap real estate right now. Counting on that corporate paycheck is just a terrible way to go through life.