I have worked very hard for this company. Sacrificed greatly. I am warn out. My offices and providers love me and are all very close. They do everything they can for me and my business. Yet there are things in my market I CANNOT control.

I submit Galderma. Your expectations are consistently beyond reality. My friends and family deserve me back. I have been abused by the contests, the constant chase, and I am done.


(and dfw, if you just rolled your eyes at that, then clearly you have NO clue to what we are going through)

Although this post was from months ago, I must say I agree. Please do us all a favor and give us some of that wonderful TRANSPARENCY that you all say your embrace as a concept...and let us all know what the heck is going on! The level of gossip is unlike anything I've ever seen here at Galderma, and it's virtually impossible to get anything "work related" done. We deserve to know the details, so please divulge them soon.

A long time loyal Galderma performer

To the long term loyal Galderma Performer. Maybe it is time you actually take a look around at what has happened to other long term loyal performers over the last two years. I know you get the spin from HR and or Home office management that so and so didn't get along with his or her follow workers or did " something " to deserve to be let go. Really ?, in some cases there had been legitimate reasons for some of these departures. In other cases when you really drill down on both the " reasons and spin" from the home office and then better yet actually talk to the people who where kicked out some after decades of long term performance and promotions, contributions that grew the company etc they still had been shown the door under the French guys " leadership".
Bottom line past and current management just does not care and they only care about their careers, their profit attainment and their profit sharing and bonus. They could care less about how long you have been here and what you have done over your many years of performance. Time to wake up and really observe what is going around right in front of all of us and then take care of your self and your career. Don't wait for the management of this place to take care of you and or let you know " what is going on". Once they let you know it will be too late.

We will all know tomorrow. Great company ruined by FF, Marketing, HR and Finance empire builders. Congratulations DFW crowd I am sure this is yet again a proud moment for what you have brought to the company.

Have fun at your home office Christmas party I am sure it will the the social event of the season.

Too bad, I guess the current and former VP crowd will have to wear their tuxes and party dresses to more of the neighborhood parties. Is the plan for our European management to cancel Christmas as well?