Simple. A generation of removing the god of abraham, isaac, and jacob, from societies culture. The vacuum was filled with mindless greed, at best. The worse has yet to reveal its pathetic face.



I just wish I could grab ff by his shoulders and ask if he has any clue that to grow $ in a sales force you need to do ATTEMPT to improve morale. If you are always being a prudish dick to everyone your stepchild company will respond as one. This is all so childish. And middle management... Grow some balls for hell sake we are getting killed out here!!!!!

Is this really a surprise. FF fires anyone who sticks up for the sales force now we have management that will simply go through the motions and keep their head down so they do not get the ax. We have an immoral HR department, incompetent Marketing leadership and there has not been any vision or leadership since Albert left the US. This French clown is more about his image and he inflated ego and he surrounds himself with like minded individuals. No vision No morals = no future. Running guys like Bill and others out of the company was the final nail in the coffin. Unfortunately, when you are as large as Galderma death is slow and it is clearly painful for the remainder of a once very loyal sales force. The thread about these DMs just showing up and offering no value on sales calls is spot on.

What would you do if you were middle management...make 200-300k to convince you things are good or advocate for the reps and get walked out of the company like others. Seems like an easy choice, especially because our managers know they would not survive at a real company, much less manage. So shut up and sell!

When I started with this company, I was amazed how great it was. Simple things to major decisions were constantly made to benefit the employees and the customers. Now, not so much. Even the culture has changed for the worst. Management is clearly inept and seems to think we work for a publicly traded company. Profit is not the ONLY important thing people! I recognize its importance in business, but we've lost the magic that was Galderma. The person who started this thread, I feel ya. Which is why, after a lot of years with this company, I am (sadly) polishing and submitting my resume for other employment. It seems to have all gone wrong when the realignment happened in the end of 2010. We lost some great people then, and I imagine the talent drain will continue to happen. When I started here, turnover was non existent! Am I wrong here? What the H happened to this company?

100% agree . I'm also not for long here . I'm a many , many times award winner . It's not if , but when I leave . I spoken to others , they are also looking.

What is wrong with you people...? R u utterly clueless or just buying whatever BS you heard from the last person to get fired? Has it occurred to any of you that most of the people that have been fired in the last couple of years were stealing, cheating, defrauding, screwing around falsifying documents for their personal gain or just plain treating people like shit? You all rant and rave about the wonderful era of BU and how he fought for us, you are smoking some good shit. He was the most two faced, dishonest, passive aggressive ass ever, always was but he managed to make it to the top only to finally be held accountable. Thank God!
Things are tough, access is shit in some territories, some DM's and HO Managers are better than others but as a multi year Presidents Award and Inner Circle winner I think I'll sit tight and watch the rest of you fools go to "better" companies while I stay at the Ritz and do some world class skiing in February. Galderma will be better with you gone.

BU is a great guy and everyone knows it. That is why he had to go. With people like FF and KG running the show you need weak commercial VPs that would do whatever they say...FH, JP, BJ. The three amigos hve zero vison or care for their people, only thier worry about their paycheck and performance units. They are worthless leaders and will do whatever they need to survive, that's how it is around here.

Our customers know this too, ask any doctor what he thinks of FF after they meet...there is a reason the French have the stereotype that they do.

What is wrong with you people...? R u utterly clueless or just buying whatever BS you heard from the last person to get fired? Has it occurred to any of you that most of the people that have been fired in the last couple of years were stealing, cheating, defrauding, screwing around falsifying documents for their personal gain or just plain treating people like shit? You all rant and rave about the wonderful era of BU and how he fought for us, you are smoking some good shit. He was the most two faced, dishonest, passive aggressive ass ever, always was but he managed to make it to the top only to finally be held accountable. Thank God!
Things are tough, access is shit in some territories, some DM's and HO Managers are better than others but as a multi year Presidents Award and Inner Circle winner I think I'll sit tight and watch the rest of you fools go to "better" companies while I stay at the Ritz and do some world class skiing in February. Galderma will be better with you gone.

don't forget your 25 power points for your great post . wake up , look around mr or mrs "multi year" winner . you are exactly what they want the frog in boiling water , standing by while this company slides into the abyss . who cares about who got fired , BU whatever , it is the weak self proclaimed leaders that have filled in . willing to do FF bidding for 30 pieces of silver . they tell us how great they are by using some throw away lines they found in a new book they got from the fedex store. stay at galderma you will fit right in with that self centered post

What is wrong with you people...? R u utterly clueless or just buying whatever BS you heard from the last person to get fired? Has it occurred to any of you that most of the people that have been fired in the last couple of years were stealing, cheating, defrauding, screwing around falsifying documents for their personal gain or just plain treating people like shit? You all rant and rave about the wonderful era of BU and how he fought for us, you are smoking some good shit. He was the most two faced, dishonest, passive aggressive ass ever, always was but he managed to make it to the top only to finally be held accountable. Thank God!
Things are tough, access is shit in some territories, some DM's and HO Managers are better than others but as a multi year Presidents Award and Inner Circle winner I think I'll sit tight and watch the rest of you fools go to "better" companies while I stay at the Ritz and do some world class skiing in February. Galderma will be better with you gone.

WTF ? Is this a joke ? Must be a Ped Rep . Thanks for the 10 units you sold this week . I doubt you even covered your salary . I'm just happy the 100s of units I pushed through allow you a ski trip douche.

What is wrong with you people...? R u utterly clueless or just buying whatever BS you heard from the last person to get fired? Has it occurred to any of you that most of the people that have been fired in the last couple of years were stealing, cheating, defrauding, screwing around falsifying documents for their personal gain or just plain treating people like shit? You all rant and rave about the wonderful era of BU and how he fought for us, you are smoking some good shit. He was the most two faced, dishonest, passive aggressive ass ever, always was but he managed to make it to the top only to finally be held accountable. Thank God!
Things are tough, access is shit in some territories, some DM's and HO Managers are better than others but as a multi year Presidents Award and Inner Circle winner I think I'll sit tight and watch the rest of you fools go to "better" companies while I stay at the Ritz and do some world class skiing in February. Galderma will be better with you gone.

You must be home office. I think 90% of home office made the trip last year... On behalf of the sales force... Your welcome!!! What another example of what a joke it is.

Bill is a great guy and still helps out anybody who reaches out to him. Any negative post about him is total BS and anybody who knows him - knows it is BS. Nice try with this negative spin about a great guy that helped build this company. Glad all of the home office guys get to go to IC an now try to trash a guy that probably helped them get where they are now. Payback is a bitch and you will get yours. Just because they are still serving drinks on the Titanic known as Galderma it will still sink in a couple of years. Enjoy the ride. The better reps and managers will be long gone and on to better things. The comments about what the key docs say about FF is on target. We are lead by a bunch of clowns that only care about themselves not us.

That negative post about Bill has to be a home office clown. How the hell would anyone in the field be that confident at this point in the year that they are going to Vail next year. Bill was the only one of those guys with a Brain and the only one who had the guts to say what he thought and stand up for people. Any one saying anything different is full of it and one of the home office clowns that are slowly bringing this place down. Probably the fat HR pig, she will say anything about anybody especially after they are gone.

What a freaking bunch of home office losers / have fun on your ski trip douche bag!

this post is so obviously from a Home office person. First. no one from the field would have gone on and on about the people from all different departments that had been let go for a variety of reasons. I am thinking home office, HR department and probably that VP lady who wedges herself into the Inner Circle trip and then declares she is a multiple winner of the reward. I am going to let some of the people she is talking about know about this post and my hope is that they can take this poisonous wench to court for libel and slander. Ether way she should be held accountable. There is no- way this post came from the field. I hope she gets what she has coming to her. nothing but a Liar and no one from the field would have any issues like she is suggesting in her post or the overall knowledge she is putting on a pharma thread. Next time KG try to be a little more transparent. You really are an embarrassment, but have fun skiing next year. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. I agree with the other post only home office tool like your self would be packing her bag for a sales incentive trip this early in the year. It is no wonder we are having the problems we are having with the moral here. You call this SR management?