
I have worked very hard for this company. Sacrificed greatly. I am warn out. My offices and providers love me and are all very close. They do everything they can for me and my business. Yet there are things in my market I CANNOT control.

I submit Galderma. Your expectations are consistently beyond reality. My friends and family deserve me back. I have been abused by the contests, the constant chase, and I am done.


(and dfw, if you just rolled your eyes at that, then clearly you have NO clue to what we are going through)


I hear ya. I know one division is getting killed and they're launching a new product later this year but they will have quite a few vacancies based on the reps I know of who are looking to leave soon. As soon as Valeant gets their act leveled off galderma will be in pain. you cant have reps not making bonus year after year after year. These are awesome reps. what a fraud. but their NM is a loser, so what do you all expect! "hang in there"

ok, more beer.

I have worked very hard for this company. Sacrificed greatly. I am warn out. My offices and providers love me and are all very close. They do everything they can for me and my business. Yet there are things in my market I CANNOT control.

I submit Galderma. Your expectations are consistently beyond reality. My friends and family deserve me back. I have been abused by the contests, the constant chase, and I am done.


(and dfw, if you just rolled your eyes at that, then clearly you have NO clue to what we are going through)

Thank you! Try being in managed care in southern California...Let's try and even the playing field across the nation.

Thank you! Try being in managed care in southern California...Let's try and even the playing field across the nation.

This new quota system was supposed to take that into account and level it. But its a pipe dream. We all can eye-ball the #s and see what a joke it is. Everyone knows where managed care and access sucks. You don't need brain sharks to figure this out. I feel bad for y'all.

He can lease whatever he wants. Good for him.

But I know I agree with the original post. I too have had enough!!! Spending the day updating my résumé. My market is still wheeling from curleys card, glad he got his promotion... Clearly warranted based on his professional contributions.

FH total phoney and never had any real success at any level in this company. He simply rode on others coat tails and then threw people who helped him under the bus. all you have to do is talk to the people no longer with the company. Do not worry the home office clowns will get theirs in the next few years. There is no pipeline and the quotas simply are a result of having to put everything on the sales team back to make the profit number. Also, Managed Care has changed dramatically and they will not really cover a drug that will be considered a cosmetic. I plan to be out of here before the year is over. This place is certainly done.

I am looking at joining the company. Are any of the Divisions worth working for and or are some divisions making money? Are the quotas equitable across the groups or should I wait to be in one division over another? All of the products seem to have to compete against generics. Is that true across all 4 teams?


There is really nothing novel about our products. We missed the boat on key acquisitions that could have been made. Valiant and Allergan have won, we are the losers in the game.

I hear ya. I know one division is getting killed and they're launching a new product later this year but they will have quite a few vacancies based on the reps I know of who are looking to leave soon. As soon as Valeant gets their act leveled off galderma will be in pain. you cant have reps not making bonus year after year after year. These are awesome reps. what a fraud. but their NM is a loser, so what do you all expect! "hang in there"

ok, more beer.

Theracutix just blows . More than 80% of the reps won't make a dime on metro , but galderma is milking it's last few months. Oracea , we are told , is the life blood of the company but without an effective card most of the reps will make dick .

The divisions morale is in the crapper , 85% of the reps are not happy and if only they knew the conversations had out here about the management at galderma . No faith in leadership and the short time Fray has been in command he has shown he is all about himself and getting his . I'm looking to get out. Galderma was a good gig but they don't give a shit about us anymore . I don't want to be here when I look around and see a room full of the weakest only left.

Thank you! Try being in managed care in southern California...Let's try and even the playing field across the nation.

Don't make me laugh. S Cal has sent many a person to IC recently . You all have tiny quotas. Trust me they weren't the divisions best DSR s either . Huge markets & itty bitty quotas sell 1 more unit & you grew 10% . Fool please .

You are the fool. You are picking a fight aboard the Titanic. We are all fucked! Layoffs coming at the end of this year - one of these divisions will have to go. Peds is probably done as well.

I have worked very hard for this company. Sacrificed greatly. I am warn out. My offices and providers love me and are all very close. They do everything they can for me and my business. Yet there are things in my market I CANNOT control.

I submit Galderma. Your expectations are consistently beyond reality. My friends and family deserve me back. I have been abused by the contests, the constant chase, and I am done.


(and dfw, if you just rolled your eyes at that, then clearly you have NO clue to what we are going through)

I feel ya . dallas love to give us speeches about leadership . most couldn't lead a girl scout cookie sale . they rate themselves though don't they ? look what happens when they leave or get fired . sad end of the line jobs . dallas based galderma managers are spineless excuse makers

seems like Galderma has turned into a dead end job, from what I am hearing on the site. Too bad.

These last two years things have really gone pear shaped . Was at one time a great company to be a part of. Mistakes with quota system , mistakes with cards , cover up job on both those issues within home office. Feeding the salespeople bullshit lines . Self focused individuals masked as leaders. Shoot , I think I got most of it correct.

When I started with this company, I was amazed how great it was. Simple things to major decisions were constantly made to benefit the employees and the customers. Now, not so much. Even the culture has changed for the worst. Management is clearly inept and seems to think we work for a publicly traded company. Profit is not the ONLY important thing people! I recognize its importance in business, but we've lost the magic that was Galderma. The person who started this thread, I feel ya. Which is why, after a lot of years with this company, I am (sadly) polishing and submitting my resume for other employment. It seems to have all gone wrong when the realignment happened in the end of 2010. We lost some great people then, and I imagine the talent drain will continue to happen. When I started here, turnover was non existent! Am I wrong here? What the H happened to this company?

Cancers like Taro is what happened. If you actively market and sell generics, nobody will catch you. More importantly, managed care will take notice and change all Derm meds to generic first, brand self-pay(essentially). Their meetings with MC execs stress this formula as part of their package and MC eats it up. That is why you are seeing most Derm meds being considered "cosmetic" by MC now. I know, I have participated in these meetings.

Those who are smart will get out now, while being from Galderma is still worth something. As the layoffs come later this year your equity with better companies will be diminished. There are some great opportunities coming up in derm. Not this overpriced branded generic bullshit we sell here.

When I started with this company, I was amazed how great it was. Simple things to major decisions were constantly made to benefit the employees and the customers. Now, not so much. Even the culture has changed for the worst. Management is clearly inept and seems to think we work for a publicly traded company. Profit is not the ONLY important thing people! I recognize its importance in business, but we've lost the magic that was Galderma. The person who started this thread, I feel ya. Which is why, after a lot of years with this company, I am (sadly) polishing and submitting my resume for other employment. It seems to have all gone wrong when the realignment happened in the end of 2010. We lost some great people then, and I imagine the talent drain will continue to happen. When I started here, turnover was non existent! Am I wrong here? What the H happened to this company?

Simple. A generation of removing the god of abraham, isaac, and jacob, from societies culture. The vacuum was filled with mindless greed, at best. The worse has yet to reveal its pathetic face.