YOU ARE AN IDIOT! That is all...over and out...
Poster # 17, Have you figured out who the parasite is yet. genius?
After Bain Capital takes over a company, they leverage the buyout by overwhelming the target company with debt.The pension plan is leveraged as part of the collateral as well as future earnings. Out of these loans they pay themselves enormous fees. When the company can no longer service the debt, the company is put into bankruptcy. The judge is asked to dissolve the pension plan. Because the US Government guairantees the pension, the tax payer is now on the hook. But the the government is only willing to repay penniew on the dollar. Employees who have contributed to the plan most of their lives will now get only half of what they were promised. Retired workers who had thought they were secure will have their pension checks cut in half. The employees are fired and the stripped company is closed down. But vultures like Romney's Bain Vapital walk away with phat pockets. This is THEFT by any other name. The Parasites!!!
Poster # 17, Have you figured out who the parasite is yet. genius?
After Bain Capital takes over a company, they leverage the buyout by overwhelming the target company with debt.The pension plan is leveraged as part of the collateral as well as future earnings. Out of these loans they pay themselves enormous fees. When the company can no longer service the debt, the company is put into bankruptcy. The judge is asked to dissolve the pension plan. Because the US Government guairantees the pension, the tax payer is now on the hook. But the the government is only willing to repay penniew on the dollar. Employees who have contributed to the plan most of their lives will now get only half of what they were promised. Retired workers who had thought they were secure will have their pension checks cut in half. The employees are fired and the stripped company is closed down. But vultures like Romney's Bain Vapital walk away with phat pockets. This is THEFT by any other name. The Parasites!!!