Are you serious, Koolaid for brains? Do you understand capitalism? Because you certainly are not a capitalist, or you would not be posting here. A capitalist does not work because his money works for him.You know, Harriet Tubman once said that when she ran the underground railroad, she could have freed a lot more slaves if they only knew they were slaves. You need find a movie called " The Matrix" and watch it. This form of poorly regulated capitalism that we are living under now is really neo-feudalism. As the wealth of the greedy elite 1% grows, the middle class dissolves into serfdom. Without a strong middle class this whole system is going to fail. Why, because not nearly enough people will be able to afford the goods and services provided. Now the elite might have a lot of money, but there is not enough of them to keep the economy going. While a wealthy person might buy a pair of jeans, shoes, or socks, he/she may only wear one pair at a time. Whereas 200 million persons will collectively purchase millions to wear. The wealthy can only buy so many iPods, whereas the middle class has tremendous purchasing power. This is what Obama has been trying to explain to you. That selfish greed did not make for a prosperous economy and no successful business became successful though efforts only of its own. Public schools provided an educated work force of employees. Roads and bridges, the internet, R&D for drugs and medicines, the court system to enforce contracts were built and funded by public tax dollars.
You want to know what Romney's plan is? To privatize everything that was paid for or is being paid for by our tax dollars including the commons . If Wall Street could figure out how to package air, you would have to buy it in order to breathe. Isn't it ironic how they want to socialize their losses but privatize the profits. Look directly at Wall street and the big banks for examples.
Yes, Romney will run the country just like he ran Bain Capital. Sell off the commons, the courts and the fire departments, Post Office, schools and break the rest of the unions so that he can bring the manufacturing back to the USA to low wage work force. Facing unemployment and and empty stomach you will work for 3rd world wages. Then the emerging Chinese huge middle class will become the new consumer. That is your future. Meanwhile, he will keep his neoconservatives happy by feeding the military industrial machine, going after Iran. and recreating the cold war with Russia. It doesn't take much to get people like you to drink the kool aid. Use a few dog whistles and thinly veiled racist comments against the White House. After all it is not the Judeo-Christian heritiage that you and he share but it is a common " Anglo" heritage. lol
Capitalism is by nature exploitation and must expand. Unregulated, it will eventually devour itself. But not to worry. Romney has a plan that will save the day.