I Know How You'll Make Up This Year's Losses


By stealing money out of the pockets of the people that work for you. Fuck you Lab Corp.
I guess its the lottery curse. When you get to work for a company like Genzyme you hit the lotto. Then your acquired but the worst fucking lab in the industry and you spent all your winnings.

I feel badly for everyone. I don't understand why only one division was treated this way. I just don't see 1-4% adding up to such a huge cost savings amount. I feel awful for those who work in the lab and can't make anything extra during the year. I don't see how this is our fault. Seems like the forecast was just way too high (almost on purpose). Have they set us up for failure intentionally just so they have a reason to dissolve us like they did every other company?

I feel badly for everyone. I don't understand why only one division was treated this way. I just don't see 1-4% adding up to such a huge cost savings amount. I feel awful for those who work in the lab and can't make anything extra during the year. I don't see how this is our fault. Seems like the forecast was just way too high (almost on purpose). Have they set us up for failure intentionally just so they have a reason to dissolve us like they did every other company?

let's hope they RIFF all of you useless Genzyme Reps. You have no relationships with your clients, You make way too much money, You hate Labcorp, You manipulate the Labcorp sales force to get "spiffed" for your own benefit, you sell 3 tests that monkey could sell, and the rest of us think you s@ck.. We all hope you're all gone by the end of the year. Your revenue is in the toilet and you dont even know it! The numbers speak volumes, you are are spoiled little prima donnas!

Are you out of your mind? Who do you work with from the IG/Genz side of things that doesn't have relationships? Most of us have been here for many years. That's very different from you turds who are only around for 6 months. I don't even want to talk about manipulation. Why are YOU being paid every time WE upsell a genetics account? Why are you asking if we've had any closes so that you can call them in? If a monkey can do it why can't a Lab Crap rep do it themselves?

let's hope they RIFF all of you useless Genzyme Reps. You have no relationships with your clients, You make way too much money, You hate Labcorp, You manipulate the Labcorp sales force to get "spiffed" for your own benefit, you sell 3 tests that monkey could sell, and the rest of us think you s@ck.. We all hope you're all gone by the end of the year. Your revenue is in the toilet and you dont even know it! The numbers speak volumes, you are are spoiled little prima donnas!

Well, you definitely got the "we hate lab corp" part right. I would like to see how you, so called lab corp sales team could sell the specialty testing. Umm, by threatening the account that they have to send to you b/c of your exclusive contracts. Then changing their ink every month to keep the account going. When you treat people like shit, you have a the bottom of the barrel to choose from and that pretty much sums up you, jack ass. I would love to be riffed, collect some severance and take the summer off. Sounds great! Once the money runs out, I'll be a company that appreciates my talent. The top seems to have forgotten how to keep their reps "whole". Wasn't that our motto once.

I left this place about a year ago. Get out, it will be the best thing you can do. You must have miss understood that LabCrap told you. They will make you "hole" as in your wallet.

Meanwhile D.K. pitches a fit when he only makes 6 mill in bonuses ....

I grew to hate the complaceny and yes-man mentality at Genzyme which led to the contaminations, the failure to provide for the patients who depended on the drugs Genzyme provided, and subsequent selling of the employees down the river. LabCorp has a similar arrogance and, while it is doing well now, my feeling is that it will implode on itself eventually. You can live in denial and futile hope, but if you choose to stay (or LabCorp chooses to keep you), the Genzyme Life is long gone. Thank you, Henri.

Just remember we were told that LabCrap " was on the back of the bus" as far as aquiring Genzyme Genetics......I am so so happy I left this mess a over a year ago. Thank you MM.

Well, if there was any doubt about the warnings GG people received at the outset of this transition, today has erased it. "Bloodbath" pretty much describes this day and any survivors from GG who are making "decent" money now realize that they are next. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But they now clearly see the handwriting on the wall. Fair enough. Eat well, Dave.

Well, if there was any doubt about the warnings GG people received at the outset of this transition, today has erased it. "Bloodbath" pretty much describes this day and any survivors from GG who are making "decent" money now realize that they are next. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But they now clearly see the handwriting on the wall. Fair enough. Eat well, Dave.

How can you bastards (and yes that includes former GG senior leadership) look yourselves in the mirror and sleep at night. Or are you so afraid for your jobs that you can't stand up to the scum of LC???

How can you bastards (and yes that includes former GG senior leadership) look yourselves in the mirror and sleep at night. Or are you so afraid for your jobs that you can't stand up to the scum of LC???

Its easy considering we (GG) sold to LC because we wanted and needed to. I filled my pillow with all the $$$$ I made off the acquisition. It was never about you, it was always about us getting out of this with lots of $$$$$ in our pockets. So blaming LC is rather silly don't you think.

Well, if there was any doubt about the warnings GG people received at the outset of this transition, today has erased it. "Bloodbath" pretty much describes this day and any survivors from GG who are making "decent" money now realize that they are next. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But they now clearly see the handwriting on the wall. Fair enough. Eat well, Dave.

Not as if you didn't have the history books to reference here. Dianon, USL, Esoterix ...all the talent that built those companies headed for the exits. Then, you have the hangers on like yourself who "think" that maybe things will change. That's just dumb. I'm always so amazed people sit at labcorp, hoping and waiting. There is so much money to be made elsewhere. They are tightwad company, basing every and all decisions on margins. You get what you pay for and labcorp understands thsi well. they don't need talented, well compensated people on their books. And they surely don't need people with ideas who solve problems.

Not as if you didn't have the history books to reference here. Dianon, USL, Esoterix ...all the talent that built those companies headed for the exits. Then, you have the hangers on like yourself who "think" that maybe things will change. That's just dumb. I'm always so amazed people sit at labcorp, hoping and waiting. There is so much money to be made elsewhere. They are tightwad company, basing every and all decisions on margins. You get what you pay for and labcorp understands thsi well. they don't need talented, well compensated people on their books. And they surely don't need people with ideas who solve problems.

I guess it's hard for people to accept the fact that they work for a company that doesn't care if it loses business, alienates the clients it acquires through these deals, has hillbilly sales reps who can't even spell (there were a few at GG also), and treats skilled, talented peope like they are freeloaders. You are correct about the hoping and waiting but I think yesterday was a much needed wake up call. I truly think labcorp will go down because of this attitude but, as with GG, the senior leadership will walk away unscathed and rich. Have a nice weekend!

I agree. And it's sad that the people that actually deserve a raise get told '' it's not in the budget this year''!! But yet they have enough money to acquire other multi million dollar labs! May want to take a good look at the north central division and make sure your people are taken care of. Quest is in their back yard and can easily snatch them up for a better salary. Why do companies not value their employees? It's really just capitalism if you ask me.

I agree. And it's sad that the people that actually deserve a raise get told '' it's not in the budget this year''!! But yet they have enough money to acquire other multi million dollar labs! May want to take a good look at the north central division and make sure your people are taken care of. Quest is in their back yard and can easily snatch them up for a better salary. Why do companies not value their employees? It's really just capitalism if you ask me.

Quit complaining and move on. Captialism (the American way works) works. If you don't like working for LCA then do something about it. What do you want an obama state where everyone is mediocre and controlled by social engineering or do want the choice to make a difference by taking your contributions elsewhere where you can earn more and have a more satisfying existence? Capitalism and the constitution makes that a reality.

Capitalism like Henry Ford, Edison, Carnegie, and Rockefeller is not the same as it once was. It used to be the leaders of industry BUILT companies for the long term, not for the quick turnaround and fast buck. They had loyal employees because they gave benefits, and a decent wage, so those Ford workers could buy the cars they made. This is scorched-earth capitalism without foresight, no empire-builders here. Did we meet Wall Street expectations this quarter?

Quit complaining and move on. Captialism (the American way works) works. If you don't like working for LCA then do something about it. What do you want an obama state where everyone is mediocre and controlled by social engineering or do want the choice to make a difference by taking your contributions elsewhere where you can earn more and have a more satisfying existence? Capitalism an ad the constitution makes that a reality.

Are you serious, Koolaid for brains? Do you understand capitalism? Because you certainly are not a capitalist, or you would not be posting here. A capitalist does not work because his money works for him.You know, Harriet Tubman once said that when she ran the underground railroad, she could have freed a lot more slaves if they only knew they were slaves. You need find a movie called " The Matrix" and watch it. This form of poorly regulated capitalism that we are living under now is really neo-feudalism. As the wealth of the greedy elite 1% grows, the middle class dissolves into serfdom. Without a strong middle class this whole system is going to fail. Why, because not nearly enough people will be able to afford the goods and services provided. Now the elite might have a lot of money, but there is not enough of them to keep the economy going. While a wealthy person might buy a pair of jeans, shoes, or socks, he/she may only wear one pair at a time. Whereas 200 million persons will collectively purchase millions to wear. The wealthy can only buy so many iPods, whereas the middle class has tremendous purchasing power. This is what Obama has been trying to explain to you. That selfish greed did not make for a prosperous economy and no successful business became successful though efforts only of its own. Public schools provided an educated work force of employees. Roads and bridges, the internet, R&D for drugs and medicines, the court system to enforce contracts were built and funded by public tax dollars.

You want to know what Romney's plan is? To privatize everything that was paid for or is being paid for by our tax dollars including the commons . If Wall Street could figure out how to package air, you would have to buy it in order to breathe. Isn't it ironic how they want to socialize their losses but privatize the profits. Look directly at Wall street and the big banks for examples.

Yes, Romney will run the country just like he ran Bain Capital. Sell off the commons, the courts and the fire departments, Post Office, schools and break the rest of the unions so that he can bring the manufacturing back to the USA to low wage work force. Facing unemployment and and empty stomach you will work for 3rd world wages. Then the emerging Chinese huge middle class will become the new consumer. That is your future. Meanwhile, he will keep his neoconservatives happy by feeding the military industrial machine, going after Iran. and recreating the cold war with Russia. It doesn't take much to get people like you to drink the kool aid. Use a few dog whistles and thinly veiled racist comments against the White House. After all it is not the Judeo-Christian heritiage that you and he share but it is a common " Anglo" heritage. lol

Capitalism is by nature exploitation and must expand. Unregulated, it will eventually devour itself. But not to worry. Romney has a plan that will save the day.