I just QUIT Smith & Nephew, and it feels GREAT!


I just FIRED my asshole Boss, and the bullshit, out of touch company that keeps him employed, and I feel great.
I found a BETTER job, at al BETTER company, with BETTER pay AND benefits. After decades of putting up with the gross incompetence, it's good to know it's finally over for me.
It's a GREAT feeling. I definitely recommend it....


I have worked for many companies, but none quite like this organization. Great products put very poor execution from leadership/

"Leadership" when did we get THAT? Did I miss something???? A dead snake rots at the head. I hear Howard Miller might come back!!! That would be just awesome!!!

I just FIRED my asshole Boss, and the bullshit, out of touch company that keeps him employed, and I feel great.
I found a BETTER job, at al BETTER company, with BETTER pay AND benefits. After decades of putting up with the gross incompetence, it's good to know it's finally over for me.
It's a GREAT feeling. I definitely recommend it....

You MUST work for the idiots out west. Glad you have escaped. I wish I could go with you!!!

I did the same thing just under 3 years ago. Basically when everyone went direct. I took three months off before starting with my new company. I can not tell you what a breath of fresh air it has been. It's still the same job with the same BS and yes it's getting hard but at least I'm with a group of people that GET IT. People moving in the same direction and a company moving in the same direction. Honestly I needed to leave SN, Hell I needed to go. If you feel the same way you are making the right decision. And yes I took a pay cut year 1 but year 2 & 3 have me right back on track. I respect anyone who is not afraid of change and it willing to travel the road less traveled rather than following the herd to nowhere. Good luck all the best.

HQ wants people in Memphis to quit. The board hates Memphis, they probably curse the decision to buy that big half empty building... Good thing they got those tax abatements from the city/county, I'm sure that takes the sting out that decision.

No doubt the board is a bunch of fools too. Lets see they bought a terrific building, complete with new completely unused furnishings and the best data center anywhere near Memphis and what did they do? Gave the furnishings away or sold them for cents on the dollar and used the data center for storage. Then hired a cheap contractor to do a bunch of crap work that doesnt come anywhere near to meeting Shelby County Building or Fire Code - Nice!

Yes if you can get away from the place you will surely be better off to do so.

I just FIRED my asshole Boss, and the bullshit, out of touch company that keeps him employed, and I feel great.
I found a BETTER job, at al BETTER company, with BETTER pay AND benefits. After decades of putting up with the gross incompetence, it's good to know it's finally over for me.
It's a GREAT feeling. I definitely recommend it....

Could you share your exit strategy and how it all worked out? Did you resign after a payday or end of the month? Did Smith&FU screw you outof commissions? Did you call or write it out? Did you go through HR or are you 1099?

Thanks very much, I and many on here are looking to do the same and would like your advice.

Could you share your exit strategy and how it all worked out? Did you resign after a payday or end of the month? Did Smith&FU screw you outof commissions? Did you call or write it out? Did you go through HR or are you 1099?

Thanks very much, I and many on here are looking to do the same and would like your advice.

Went on disability as they ruined my health...got to relax and rest a little before I left

Could you share your exit strategy and how it all worked out? Did you resign after a payday or end of the month? Did Smith&FU screw you outof commissions? Did you call or write it out? Did you go through HR or are you 1099?

Thanks very much, I and many on here are looking to do the same and would like your advice.

Any one looking for an exit strategy from S/N simply needs to contact Linvawreck. The strategy there seems to be to turn themselves into S/N by bringing in as many former S/N people in as possible. If you were with S/N prior they will hire!!

Every corporation has it's issues, but none of the companies you listed have the major issues S&N has now - Morally bankrupt. Corruption and apathy rule the day. The numbers are in the toilet and people either don't care or are trying to cover their ass and throw someone else under the bus. HR and legal are rotten to the core. Leadership/Vision are nowhere to be found. Majority of the worker bees are keeping their heads down and quietly looking to get out or trying to wait out this cycle of upper management.

Working for McDonalds would be more honorable than working for these creeps. Wouldn't pay as much, but you definitely wouldn't hate your life like you do now and likely you could quickly work your way up to a middle/senior management role if you are competent.