I just QUIT Smith & Nephew, and it feels GREAT!

Sometimes you're the pigeon, sometimes you're the statue...yes, I dislike my managers and I think this company is cheap, lazy and disorganized, but really, McDonalds? If you're kidding, we get it. If you're serious, than by all means, have at it. One of the MANY aspects of this faltering company is the lack of professsionalism. So go! Everyone knows a degree of turnover is good. It creates job security for me until something better, not Mickie D's, comes through. In fact, there are times I realize that if this company had its shit together I would surely be bounced. Its only the aforementioned weaknesses and stupidity of SNN that enables me to continue raking in the bucs while being only minimally invested and searching for my way out.

I wonder how many more are like me out there and where this company might be if it persued a commitment to excellence instead of tolerating the good old boys club and implementing the change needed to pump some life into this lifeless beast.

Looking for advice. I work in big pharma and would love to get back to selling and improve my job satisfaction. I have wanted to get into device, but am tenured in Pharma and hence I am pretty labeled. Thing is I have 2 young babies and my compensation is right around 100k which is at plan for the S/N position. I understand device pays less base and more commission and I am fine with that but you would like to have greater earning potential if your going to make a jump-not scratch to make the same money. I guess I woulda wanna know about my earning potential if I am above goal and S/N as a resume builder for medical device? Thanks

Looking for advice. I work in big pharma and would love to get back to selling and improve my job satisfaction. I have wanted to get into device, but am tenured in Pharma and hence I am pretty labeled. Thing is I have 2 young babies and my compensation is right around 100k which is at plan for the S/N position. I understand device pays less base and more commission and I am fine with that but you would like to have greater earning potential if your going to make a jump-not scratch to make the same money. I guess I woulda wanna know about my earning potential if I am above goal and S/N as a resume builder for medical device? Thanks

Its ok to want to get ahead, thats's why we are in sales. But stop! S&N is not your answer. It wasn't mine and I hate to see this company wreck another person's life. You will be promised the moon and in less than 6 months realize, I got nothing! In this rough economy, try to reivigorize your current position, enjoy your family more, take some evening classes if you're bored, but please do not make the mistake sooooooo many people make, especially with this company. I did 4 years ago and now I am stuck-and I was single. I can't imagine someone with a family doing it. Frankly, it would be irresponsible!

It is unbelievable how the current exec team has run the company into the ground. Complete destruction of value since the restructuring began and the new team was formed. Actually before since they could not make any decisions....And who is going to turn the company around. The exec team made up of a bunch of industry outsiders from pharma, GE, Covidien, and Boston scientific who are only committed to cost-cutting and not to research, manufacturing, quality, marketing and sales! No wonder that they destroyed the core competencies and took the company into the ground. The company is filled with a lot of dead wood and yet the layoffs last year failed to clear the company of that. Maybe the layoffs this year will clear some dead wood at the top! The make-up of the current exec team is very dissappointing.

How this third tier company is still operating is just short of a miracle! Eventually, the ship will sink and is an absolute shame. This used to be a great place to be. Hopefully something happens to turn this situation around but highly unlikely.

I've never worked in Memphis but I have worked at Smith & Nephew for over 10 years and it's like you were all working for a different company than the one I know. Leadership/Vision is always clear and understood from the top level to the shop floor. In addition, I have never worked for an organisation that inspires employee loyalty as well as S&N does, again from the top level to the shop floor staff. Their only downfall to me is employee development and progression.
What division did you all work for?

I've never worked in Memphis but I have worked at Smith & Nephew for over 10 years and it's like you were all working for a different company than the one I know. Leadership/Vision is always clear and understood from the top level to the shop floor. In addition, I have never worked for an organisation that inspires employee loyalty as well as S&N does, again from the top level to the shop floor staff. Their only downfall to me is employee development and progression.
What division did you all work for?


I just pulled the plug a few weeks back as well and couldn't be more happy. The MoM fallout, the Journey Knee disaster, incompetent leadership, middle management in total disconnect between the guys on the ground and exec. I had to go. Decent products....nothing special...but, deceitful leadership. I'm glad that part of my life is over. If you're going to survive in this business and take on the lifestyle, do it at Depuy, Stryker, or Zimmer....at least they have the business to weather industry storms.

Every corporation has it's issues, but none of the companies you listed have the major issues S&N has now - Morally bankrupt. Corruption and apathy rule the day. The numbers are in the toilet and people either don't care or are trying to cover their ass and throw someone else under the bus. HR and legal are rotten to the core. Leadership/Vision are nowhere to be found. Majority of the worker bees are keeping their heads down and quietly looking to get out or trying to wait out this cycle of upper management.

Working for McDonalds would be more honorable than working for these creeps. Wouldn't pay as much, but you definitely wouldn't hate your life like you do now and likely you could quickly work your way up to a middle/senior management role if you are competent.


Every corporation has it's issues, but none of the companies you listed have the major issues S&N has now - Morally bankrupt. Corruption and apathy rule the day. The numbers are in the toilet and people either don't care or are trying to cover their ass and throw someone else under the bus. HR and legal are rotten to the core. Leadership/Vision are nowhere to be found. Majority of the worker bees are keeping their heads down and quietly looking to get out or trying to wait out this cycle of upper management.

Working for McDonalds would be more honorable than working for these creeps. Wouldn't pay as much, but you definitely wouldn't hate your life like you do now and likely you could quickly work your way up to a middle/senior management role if you are competent.

In Endo, the lucky ones are those who were RIF'ed last week. While unemployment is never pleasant, they can say that they are free from this morally bankrupt, inept organization. Good luck to all of you