The AMA gave Uroplasty a NEUROlOGY code that had the word IMPLANT in it. The company never planned on getting its own code until Medtronic made payers aware of this "oversite". The company was happy to tell doctors to use a "test code" for $50.00 and 64555 for $200ish as the approved procedure code. Then the test code disappear and providers used 64555 with a "wink and sideways glance".
Medicare does not always compare the CPT with the ICD codes. This is why it was not caught priot to 2008. Medicare trusts the providers and THE COMPANY to be ethical.
The company has no foresight (obviously) and it trying to make it until someone buys it.
Doctors choose the best procedure for the patient AS LONG AS THEY DON'T LOSE MONEY.
Think about it. Do you really think Medtronic is going to sit back and allow a little company like Uroplasty to take any of "their business". They punched the company in the head in 2008 WITH THE BACKING OF THE AUA. Do you think they having be just sitting around waiting for Uroplasty to get a code? I am sure that Medtronic has a plan to bash the company around some more. Did your interviewer also tell you that Medtronic has "in-office test leads" and the physicians are reimbursed 1500. for each test lead? The lead costs the physician 700.00
Don't think that this is a David and Goliath case. It is more of a small company trying to make a little money before a more larger company squashes them.