You are not alone. We all feel abused and misused (misled). It all soungs SO great when you interview and the people seemed nice. Training was a joke and very brief (no structure what so ever). Giving me a manual and the reimbursement hotline is not enough.
The coding issue is unbelievable and understated when you interview (yes, we had a code and are still receiving reimbursement while trying to obtain a new code). NOT!!! Explain why the comp plan was changed (again) if Urgent PC is being reimbursed and the reimbursement process is SO easy. Oh, wait, yeah - it is such an easy sell and you will receive residual business, we are going to decrease your compensation (again). Don't worry though, next year when we have a real reimbursement code, you will make plenty of money in your HUGE territory. Hum, I don't remember interviewing for a FUTURE position.
You can focus on selling the bulking agent and some reps have done very well. Sure, if you have THREE months to wait to generate money (the selling cycle is extremely long). "Physicians can bulk in the office". Yeah, really - then WHY are there so few clients bulking in th office? Why are the sales so low on this product if it is so easy to sell? The company has been misled about reimbursement, which was passed onto the physicians, that the clients can not trust anything we say. Why should they? They have lost money using our products before.
This company has no infrastruture and is not proactive about anything. They have no vision which is obvious due to the coding the dilema and the fact that the board of directors dictates what/when/where and how things are done.
"Well, a competitor is leaving the marketplace, so we would be able to get the majority of that business because we say so. See to it. Also, you will not hire any additional reps, receive any entertainment monies, not increase the reps comp plans (let's see how much shit we can shove down their throats before they quit), nor can you sell off label to obtain the old competitor's business".
The comp plan was changed and the company is hoping that the job market is so tight that no one will leave. I don't think they have heard of medreps, medzilla, medrepcareers, gorilla, biodevice.com, etc.
I know of at least 3 other reps actively looking for jobs. They have been here about 10 months more than me and are accustomed to making WAY more money than they are making now.
Yes, I have a job. Yes, I am grateful to be employed. I just do NOT enjoy being abused and lied too. This is a small company and they should know better. They should realize that every employee matters and my day-to-day selling should count for more than a paycheck and shit shoved down my throat.

Just got a better job. Once my background check is completed, I am OUTTA here.

The AMA gave Uroplasty a NEUROlOGY code that had the word IMPLANT in it. The company never planned on getting its own code until Medtronic made payers aware of this "oversite". The company was happy to tell doctors to use a "test code" for $50.00 and 64555 for $200ish as the approved procedure code. Then the test code disappear and providers used 64555 with a "wink and sideways glance".
Medicare does not always compare the CPT with the ICD codes. This is why it was not caught priot to 2008. Medicare trusts the providers and THE COMPANY to be ethical.
The company has no foresight (obviously) and it trying to make it until someone buys it.
Doctors choose the best procedure for the patient AS LONG AS THEY DON'T LOSE MONEY.
Think about it. Do you really think Medtronic is going to sit back and allow a little company like Uroplasty to take any of "their business". They punched the company in the head in 2008 WITH THE BACKING OF THE AUA. Do you think they having be just sitting around waiting for Uroplasty to get a code? I am sure that Medtronic has a plan to bash the company around some more. Did your interviewer also tell you that Medtronic has "in-office test leads" and the physicians are reimbursed 1500. for each test lead? The lead costs the physician 700.00
Don't think that this is a David and Goliath case. It is more of a small company trying to make a little money before a more larger company squashes them.

The lies just continue on.

Quit then you LOSER no one will miss you! Your attitude brings everyone down. By quitting at least we will have the opportunity to bring in someone who actually wants to work here and won't spend their time on here bitching. If you spent as much time trying to sell product as posting on here you might be successful.

You keep banking on that fact.How long do you think those "seasoned" rep (that are, unfortunately, desperate for a job) are going to stick around once they see through all the lies and half-truths.Not to mention working like a slave and barely making what they made before they were laid off.Sure, they will take the job and be gone when they find a real job.Working here will fluff up their resume - that's all.

3 of the new reps are already looking for a new job.

WTF.The company has such high expectations for Urgent PC and misled the board of directors - we are now paying the price.Daily emails from my manager telling me how much we suck and now I have to justify my job to them.Do they really think I am not TRYING to sell this crappy product?Do they not understand that the whole Urology community knows what a crappy company Uroplasty is and how the leads are OVERPRICED for the reimbursement amounts?Why don't they have realistic expectations about what is going on in the marketplace?How can they be SO confused as to what is happening or not happening?Did they really think that the Urologists would run back to Uroplasty with open arms and forget all the past lies?Or how much money they lost when they weren't reimbursed?The Urology community is WELL aware of Uroplasty's lies and how misled everyone was regarding the unlisted code.THEY will not forgive and forget what was done and how it was done.Is it any wonder that the AUA has not been more vocal regarding reimbursement for Urgent PC?Maybe there is a real reason that the AUA has not backed Uroplasty. Could it be that Uroplasty is not politically correct and greasing the correct palms to get more backing from the AUA?How do you think the Urologist will react when they realize that the company is doing promotional ads with Ob/GYNs to promote Urgent PC?Do you really think the Urologists will be happy about losing more business to another physician group? OAB, BPH and UTIs are already being handled by FP and IMs.They will now lose more business to the Ob/GYNs with Urgent PC.So what is the Urologists are slow to begin reusing Urgent PC.The company has burned them before and WHY should they trust the company?It's not like the company to "do the right thing" and help their own clients.The company will never admit to their mistakes, misgiving and the misdirection they have taken.What's next?Maybe selling to PTs, Pain management clinics and family practice offices?How will that go over with the Urologists?

WTF.The company has such high expectations for Urgent PC and misled the board of directors - we are now paying the price.Daily emails from my manager telling me how much we suck and now I have to justify my job to them.Do they really think I am not TRYING to sell this crappy product?Do they not understand that the whole Urology community knows what a crappy company Uroplasty is and how the leads are OVERPRICED for the reimbursement amounts?Why don't they have realistic expectations about what is going on in the marketplace?How can they be SO confused as to what is happening or not happening?Did they really think that the Urologists would run back to Uroplasty with open arms and forget all the past lies?Or how much money they lost when they weren't reimbursed?The Urology community is WELL aware of Uroplasty's lies and how misled everyone was regarding the unlisted code.THEY will not forgive and forget what was done and how it was done.Is it any wonder that the AUA has not been more vocal regarding reimbursement for Urgent PC?Maybe there is a real reason that the AUA has not backed Uroplasty. Could it be that Uroplasty is not politically correct and greasing the correct palms to get more backing from the AUA?How do you think the Urologist will react when they realize that the company is doing promotional ads with Ob/GYNs to promote Urgent PC?Do you really think the Urologists will be happy about losing more business to another physician group? OAB, BPH and UTIs are already being handled by FP and IMs.They will now lose more business to the Ob/GYNs with Urgent PC.So what is the Urologists are slow to begin reusing Urgent PC.The company has burned them before and WHY should they trust the company?It's not like the company to "do the right thing" and help their own clients.The company will never admit to their mistakes, misgiving and the misdirection they have taken.What's next?Maybe selling to PTs, Pain management clinics and family practice offices?How will that go over with the Urologists?

Don't forget the Chiropractors, Voo-doo medicine men, witch doctors and Podiatrists.

Had a urologist from a large group email me today about my work with a local OB/GYN group. Basically told me I could shove it and that he was staying with Interstim.

Does the BOD think this won't happen again and again?

7. It's not aligned with your values.

Working at a job you don't like just for a paycheck is one thing. However, when you're in a job that is not at all in line with your values or morals, that's a real problem.

For example, I work in the financial services industry. From what I've seen over the last 9 years, the primary theme is greed. It's amazing how prevalent greed is in this business and it makes me sick. I don't consider myself greedy, so being around money hungry sharks every day is a real problem for me. If your company stands for something that you don't believe in, it's time to get that resume out.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/how-...-not-aligned-with-your-values-7#ixzz1H3YewP60

7. It's not aligned with your values.

Working at a job you don't like just for a paycheck is one thing. However, when you're in a job that is not at all in line with your values or morals, that's a real problem.

For example, I work in the financial services industry. From what I've seen over the last 9 years, the primary theme is greed. It's amazing how prevalent greed is in this business and it makes me sick. I don't consider myself greedy, so being around money hungry sharks every day is a real problem for me. If your company stands for something that you don't believe in, it's time to get that resume out.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/how-...-not-aligned-with-your-values-7#ixzz1H3YewP60

Management wants you to mislead clients regarding PTNS reimbursement. Don't mention that the reimbursement has gone down. Tell the physician to focus on patient care instead of only making $70.00 for blocking a room for 45 minutes. The physician should do what's best for the patient and use PTNS prior to using Interstim test leads (where they make $1500.00 per test lead in their office).

DO YOU REALLY THINK MISLEADING PHYSICIANS IS THE BEST WAY TO SELL? Or is the goal to lie to clients in order to keep the company afloat?