I believe the reason Biomet will fail is.....

To post #111... How about this....If you're so interested in Brian's background and education, why don't you ask him face to face instead of trying to find out behind his back, you spineless pussy!! Sounds to me like he took over a job you thought you should have been given, and he's doing a good job. The fact is, Brian did a great job with the trauma and spine lines at EBI, despite the incompetence of that Warsaw reject, Bailey, and his lapdog Walulik.Two clueless individuals who never had an original idea in their lives.

I agree and Well said. BC is solid, so piss off poster 111!

Exactly why do you have china plant facilities and exactly why does your shipping department have implants that come in from china that you just "finish" in Warsaw? I forgot then repackage them to show they are made in the USA. Exactly why was factory personnel laid off in Warsaw and business was was then outsourced in china when additional plants were opened there? Exactly why has your European locations just close? Business is good Heh?

which plant in china and what does the "finishing" detail consist of?

Biomet will ultimately fail if they continue to not bring out winning products. This most likely will happen because of who designs and creates and makes decisions internally. Biomet picks surgeons on their design team based on who can give them the most business. Not who will design the best products. This all comes down to PEOPLE, PRODUCTS & SERVICE which Biomet is lacking in all 3. I forgot one thing - arrogance is the main reason Biomet will not go down if corporate learned to be humble possibly corporate would be offered more grace...But I have never seen this at corporate where I work. Like someone said in another post on this site referring to the "little people." This is total Biomet and how management acts, talks and lives. Funny alot of these arrogant people go to church together on Sundays then are completely different during the week. I think I need to move out of Warsaw...just tired of this bunch of a holes.

why would you be surprised these folks go to church together on sundays and act different during the week? are you saying these arrogant people are two faced? if yes, maybe you should leave biomet and warsaw.

You are getting Biomet in Warsaw and Biomet "EBI" in NJ mixed up. There is a lot of difference in each organization, even though they are under the same Biomet corporate umbrella....and about 700 miles apart! Not that either is perfect, but NJ is totally chaos!

You are getting Biomet in Warsaw and Biomet "EBI" in NJ mixed up. There is a lot of difference in each organization, even though they are under the same Biomet corporate umbrella....and about 700 miles apart! Not that either is perfect, but NJ is totally chaos!

Both organizations are definitely different. For a few years (08 - 11), NJ was more efficient and was always more responsive to the sales force and end user customers. In Warsaw, the tomorrow always comes mentality seems to prevail. Things went downhill when manufacturing was outsourced to China and trauma was moved to Warsaw. NJ was close to the business. Warsaw seems detached from day to day business. But failure? Warsaw will not fail. It is not perfect, but far from failing.

Not sure I would agree that trauma went downhill when it was transferred to Warsaw. What did EBI do with it in NJ? Since coming back to Warsaw they seem to be better organized, have introduced several new products, acquired the DePuy product line....and we finally have some instrument sets! There is now decent sales training and we have much better distribution with many of the ortho distributors and new DePuy people who have come over. I agree the first year of its coming back to Warsaw was a disaster, but most of those managers who knew nothing about trauma are now gone. Now trauma has some hope for future growth and the NJ operations can at least try and focus on spine. My trauma customers are much more excited about Biomet trauma than ever before...at least they are looking at and using the products.

why would you be surprised these folks go to church together on sundays and act different during the week? are you saying these arrogant people are two faced? if yes, maybe you should leave biomet and warsaw.

Yes there are many two faced people at Biomet - starting with ... we'll let's be nice and not name names. I think we all know them. Or if you would like to leave some initials?

Wrong Mr. Economist. Biomet is making money, but the debt it carries results in the quarterly loss calculation.

Let's see I think I will start a business and carry 300 million + in debt, but all my business isn't producing enough revenue to pay for the debt....how long will it be before my debt is paid off? Stupid - now this really makes a lot of sense. The real question is how long can I survive by not paying off my debt if the revenue I am producing continues to cause me to have major losses. You are not talking a loss of a million or two....it is yearly hundreds of millions of dollars that Biomet looses. I read the reports dude - get a grip on reality. Biomet is FOR SALE - the Blackstone group is dumping them as soon as they can find a sucker to buy you. How many years in a row now have you taken major losses? 10+ Does this sound like a company that is making good fiscal decisions? I don't think so. Maybe you need to hire some people that actual understand simple economics to get this company straightened around - instead of a bunch of non-educated clowns.

Let's see I think I will start a business and carry 300 million + in debt, but all my business isn't producing enough revenue to pay for the debt....how long will it be before my debt is paid off? Stupid - now this really makes a lot of sense. The real question is how long can I survive by not paying off my debt if the revenue I am producing continues to cause me to have major losses. You are not talking a loss of a million or two....it is yearly hundreds of millions of dollars that Biomet looses. I read the reports dude - get a grip on reality. Biomet is FOR SALE - the Blackstone group is dumping them as soon as they can find a sucker to buy you. How many years in a row now have you taken major losses? 10+ Does this sound like a company that is making good fiscal decisions? I don't think so. Maybe you need to hire some people that actual understand simple economics to get this company straightened around - instead of a bunch of non-educated clowns.

Wow this sounds like how some other organizations I know are run - government, politics, Living the Dream.

It's about time for a blood bath of downsizing at Biomet. That downsizing should include 95% of current corporate incompetents....we'll now......that's about everyone. The best cost synergies will be achieved by getting rid of people. Keeping any corporate Biomet employee would not be a good thing. The cultures are so different, the educational achievements are completely different, the work ethic is vastly different and most of all you have competence at Zimmer and Yes men making weak decisions at Biomet. Time for the party to end. Fire and hire employees the Zimmer way. By doing this you would not have to keep the Biomet tenure anyone you decided to keep which should be minimal would start over with tenure. It's less to pay the minimal Biomet severance than to bring over a disgruntle employee that won't perform. This covers corporate incompetents or those who just say yes, yes, yes sir. Agree to not agree and agree or you're gone. That's how Biomet use to be run. Welcome to a new company without you Biomet folks.

Now let's talk manufacturing....you're a good bunch I think they should keep you all. Having a real skill is key in today's business environment. You guys have skills...unlike corporate management. Looking forward to see how this all pans out. At the end of the day....I started this post and I always knew that Biomet would fail.

It's about time for a blood bath of downsizing at Biomet. That downsizing should include 95% of current corporate incompetents....we'll now......that's about everyone. The best cost synergies will be achieved by getting rid of people. Keeping any corporate Biomet employee would not be a good thing. The cultures are so different, the educational achievements are completely different, the work ethic is vastly different and most of all you have competence at Zimmer and Yes men making weak decisions at Biomet. Time for the party to end. Fire and hire employees the Zimmer way. By doing this you would not have to keep the Biomet tenure anyone you decided to keep which should be minimal would start over with tenure. It's less to pay the minimal Biomet severance than to bring over a disgruntle employee that won't perform. This covers corporate incompetents or those who just say yes, yes, yes sir. Agree to not agree and agree or you're gone. That's how Biomet use to be run. Welcome to a new company without you Biomet folks.

Now let's talk manufacturing....you're a good bunch I think they should keep you all. Having a real skill is key in today's business environment. You guys have skills...unlike corporate management. Looking forward to see how this all pans out. At the end of the day....I started this post and I always knew that Biomet would fail.

Well if the disgruntled are a target you'd better clean out your desk weirdo..