I am SO tired of being disrespected by Novartis!!

I’m sitting at home typing this...how’s that for working and owning me.. fudge fudge fudge. Easiest damn money scheme ever just do 3 lunches a week fudge the rest. RCs want to be snarky? Jokes on them, I just agree w/ everything and never leave the house except to w/w and lunches. RC calls me and I answer at home walk out to the garage just to open the car door so the he hears the car door bell go off, sit in the car while I talk to him then go right back in the house. Same for ABL, How’s that snarky RC? Who owns who? I think I actually only work 2 hours a day... do the hourly rate in that RC...it’s great!! Hope this gig never ends w/ these dopes in charge because they only know how to be wise asses. And one more thing, most of my lunches are fudge too...thanks for feeding my family on the company ticket!! Half the food goes to the office half comes home!! To bad we don’t get mileage I would be padding the crap out of that too!!

Regarding the previous post: I call BS on your claims that you only do lunches and field rides and that you fudge all your calls. If you truly are it will catch up with you and you will be found out and fired. I know of two instances where that exact situation happened. A rep recorded a call in an office that keeps rep sign in sheets. The RFC contacted the office and learned the rep hadn’t made a call to that office. Rep was fired. It will happen to you too.

Regarding the previous post: I call BS on your claims that you only do lunches and field rides and that you fudge all your calls. If you truly are it will catch up with you and you will be found out and fired. I know of two instances where that exact situation happened. A rep recorded a call in an office that keeps rep sign in sheets. The RFC contacted the office and learned the rep hadn’t made a call to that office. Rep was fired. It will happen to you too.

So what if I do???

Regarding the previous post: I call BS on your claims that you only do lunches and field rides and that you fudge all your calls. If you truly are it will catch up with you and you will be found out and fired. I know of two instances where that exact situation happened. A rep recorded a call in an office that keeps rep sign in sheets. The RFC contacted the office and learned the rep hadn’t made a call to that office. Rep was fired. It will happen to you too.

Been doing it since AZ contract. Good Luck catching me since I fly under the radar. Get my expense reports in on time w/o mistakes. Always pleasant on field rides and let ABL coach me, although I’m not even listening. It would be a full time job sniffing me out since I’ve been in this territory for a long time and I know what not to fudge (sign in sheet offices). I know just about every office inside out as the staff knows me to. I can breeze through the top offices in no time flat and office staff would just say I was just there it’s not hard to work the system if you know how to do it.

Sounds like you’re proud of your unethical behavior. You get paid to do a job you’re not doing full time. How do you live with yourself? Karma will eventually bite you in the butt.

Sounds like you’re proud of your unethical behavior. You get paid to do a job you’re not doing full time. How do you live with yourself? Karma will eventually bite you in the butt.

I sleep fine at night. Did you not read the title of this board? If anyone is unethical or having bad karma it should be the RC/NVS for letting this bad treatment of the sales force go on and on. So just to be clear, if you treat reps badly they will find a way to treat you badly back. How’s that for karma?

I sleep fine at night. Did you not read the title of this board? If anyone is unethical or having bad karma it should be the RC/NVS for letting this bad treatment of the sales force go on and on. So just to be clear, if you treat reps badly they will find a way to treat you badly back. How’s that for karma?

Yep, things go two ways. You treat a person badly they will treat you badly back. It's not karma, it's the real world. It's pretty simple, treat employees correctly and they will work for you. Maybe the RC's/ABL should read the "Golden Rule" to themselves a few times to let things sink in a bit.

Yep, things go two ways. You treat a person badly they will treat you badly back. It's not karma, it's the real world. It's pretty simple, treat employees correctly and they will work for you. Maybe the RC's/ABL should read the "Golden Rule" to themselves a few times to let things sink in a bit.[/QUOTE

WELL said!!

Yep, things go two ways. You treat a person badly they will treat you badly back. It's not karma, it's the real world. It's pretty simple, treat employees correctly and they will work for you. Maybe the RC's/ABL should read the "Golden Rule" to themselves a few times to let things sink in a bit.

WELL said!

I think Novartis talked Publicis management into making us wait 2 days to find out whether or not we have a job. That way, in Novartis' screwed up logic, they think we'll all be scared and if we do not get laid off, we'll be so appreciative that we'll all work that much harder. Novartis is WAY screwed up in the way they do things.

I think Novartis talked Publicis management into making us wait 2 days to find out whether or not we have a job. That way, in Novartis' screwed up logic, they think we'll all be scared and if we do not get laid off, we'll be so appreciative that we'll all work that much harder. Novartis is WAY screwed up in the way they do things.

No collusion. Fake News

I'm motivated each and every day to help patients live longer lives and stay out of the hospital. The opportunity to sell Entresto is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't know what I'll do if I lose this job. It's going to be a long sleepless night tonight.

"Entresto is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't know what I'll do if I lose this job."

I remember years ago when I thought this way. Your thinking needs to change. Wake up! The reality of Pharma in 2018 is that there is NO job security, and especially none in contract sales (and it's been this way for many years now). Getting attached to your job, or your product, is akin to being attached to a partner that doesn't remain loyal - they'll leave you at some point, and probably at an inconvenient time and/or when you least expect it. These hoes ain't loyal! Never expect your job to last - even if you're with a manufacturer and you believe things are stable and you're safe (consider Novo Nordisk and the layoffs they're going to experience this year), you're only one Re-org or PIP away from losing your job. Develop your back up plan.

I'm motivated each and every day to help patients live longer lives and stay out of the hospital. The opportunity to sell Entresto is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't know what I'll do if I lose this job. It's going to be a long sleepless night tonight.

Any rep who is a cheerleader in 2018 is either a sheep or a lemming. All products are widgets that's it.. The Industry sucks for both Contract and Manufacture any manager that wants you to be a Cheerleader is a child in his own mind. These positions are barely jobs anymore. Think about it, they pay you 65K a year for 2 years and lay you off and then it takes you 1 year until you find another gig That's a total of 3 years..... How much did you really make? Only 43K a year!!! Open your EYEs Sheep and Lemmings!! These companies are using you, abusing you and throwing you out!!