I am SO tired of being disrespected by Novartis!!

Stupid Novartis and Syneos need to start giving incentives to people that want full time positions with the manufacturer.

If not, then set better boundaries and start treating people with more professional respect.

This is a good post for all young and naive professionals to read. Study what is being stated here, and don't let these companies abuse you, as they are doing now.

This is exactly right. Contract used to be the perfect job when you were separate from the manufacturer reps and just reported to a contract manager. It was perfect for the Experienced Rep that already had a career and didn’t want the responsibilities of being a manufacturer rep anymore but still enjoyed making the calls and working. Now, it’s a complete sell out, indentured servant to the manufacturer w/o end. Why would the manufacture ever roll anyone in or end a contract when they are getting a sales force at 50% off and expect 100%.

This is exactly right. Contract used to be the perfect job when you were separate from the manufacturer reps and just reported to a contract manager. It was perfect for the Experienced Rep that already had a career and didn’t want the responsibilities of being a manufacturer rep anymore but still enjoyed making the calls and working. Now, it’s a complete sell out, indentured servant to the manufacturer w/o end. Why would the manufacture ever roll anyone in or end a contract when they are getting a sales force at 50% off and expect 100%.

I now get it why certain people in America are angry at how this country was built thanks to this contract. America received a workforce at 100% off and expected 1000%.

This is exactly right. Contract used to be the perfect job when you were separate from the manufacturer reps and just reported to a contract manager. It was perfect for the Experienced Rep that already had a career and didn’t want the responsibilities of being a manufacturer rep anymore but still enjoyed making the calls and working. Now, it’s a complete sell out, indentured servant to the manufacturer w/o end. Why would the manufacture ever roll anyone in or end a contract when they are getting a sales force at 50% off and expect 100%.

I don’t know why everyone gets so worked up on this contract. Yes these assholes to death and look for a new job. Use the job the way they use you. Most of the people who are disrespectful at Novartis, are losers themselves. Take it with a grain of salt, and look at who it’s coming from.

Where are you gonna go??? If you don’t like it, then LEAVE! Don’t let the door hit you in your ASS! You’ll be begging for this job again!!!

Hardly, I already left a year ago, why do you think I posted this link. It's because how PDI management and NVS management considers their employee as servants not as partner employees. You are what people treat you like and obviously you don't think much of your self or you are an RC acting like a snarky ass.

Hardly, I already left a year ago, why do you think I posted this link. It's because how PDI management and NVS management considers their employee as servants not as partner employees. You are what people treat you like and obviously you don't think much of your self or you are an RC acting like a snarky ass.
Don’t you have anything better to do then come back to this board? If you left a year ago, why do you care? Get lost.

I now get it why certain people in America are angry at how this country was built thanks to this contract. America received a workforce at 100% off and expected 1000%.

The older I get, the less respect I have for the medical and pharmaceutical industry.

I just look at the people involved with it all. The reps, the managers, the entire set up. Its like I am in middle school or high school again.

Just move on. Its the right play. 1. they definitely are under paying us when you consider the profits they are making off of our relationships. 2. they are over working us, with their endless conference calls, and emails. 3. they offer nothing but a paycheck. no advancement or development opportunity.

Good luck everyone. I left about a year ago, after over 15 years in the industry. and, I left way too late. wish I did this in my early 20s, when I started.

Maybe I should explain it so that even someone as stupid as you can understand. Per the novartis board the starting salary for a CV rep is around 100,000 with a 30,000 bonus plan. Now, use your amoeba sized brain and think. Any brain cells there? Good, now you understand why people might be unhappy and for good reason. If you don’t, perhaps you’d be better suited for a job generating cp&t!!!!

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 6056097"]Where are you gonna go??? If you don’t like it, then LEAVE! Don’t let the door hit you in your ASS! You’ll be begging for this job again!!![/QUOTE]

Maybe I should explain it so that even someone as stupid as you can understand. Per the novartis board the starting salary for a CV rep is around 100,000 with a 30,000 bonus plan. Now, use your amoeba sized brain and think. Any brain cells there? Good, now you understand why people might be unhappy and for good reason. If you don’t, perhaps you’d be better suited for a job generating cp&t!!!!

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 6056097"]Where are you gonna go??? If you don’t like it, then LEAVE! Don’t let the door hit you in your ASS! You’ll be begging for this job again!!!

If you don’t like it, LEAVE!!!! And don’t let the door hit you in YOUR ASS!!!!!!

If you don’t like it, LEAVE!!!! And don’t let the door hit you in YOUR ASS!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Very ingenious post...well thought out...must be Cedric the Entertainer or one of the lame RC's

I call BS, you left a year ago, but yet you still work for PDI? PDI wouldn’t have let you move to another contract that quickly. Get lost.

Why does anyone have to get of any of these boards? I call BS on that! Most of us have worked for several different companies and the lunacy is about the same everywhere anymore. We visit all the boards that we have worked for in the past and currently. Childish DMs and snarky RCs seems to be the theme of the industry anymore. If you all would have treated people like adults in the first place there wouldn't be a board w this headline. He's a tip, don't do nothing childish, don't act snarky, the reps are just trying to collect a pay check and "Yes" you are above them so you don't have to show them that you have have more "power" than them because we all get you are the boss. However, you do something stupid you might just get a board w/ you name on it. How's that for good PR?!

Almost seems illegal to have the same amount of work, expectations and requirements ( if not more due to RFCs) but get paid a FRACTION vs Novartis employees.

$66k vs $100k!!
PDI is PIMPING US OUT AND UNDERHANDEDLY STEALING FROM US! No wonder why there is no respect for us.

Almost seems illegal to have the same amount of work, expectations and requirements ( if not more due to RFCs) but get paid a FRACTION vs Novartis employees.

$66k vs $100k!!
PDI is PIMPING US OUT AND UNDERHANDEDLY STEALING FROM US! No wonder why there is no respect for us.

Almost seems illegal to have the same amount of work, expectations and requirements ( if not more due to RFCs) but get paid a FRACTION vs Novartis employees.

$66k vs $100k!!
PDI is PIMPING US OUT AND UNDERHANDEDLY STEALING FROM US! No wonder why there is no respect for us.

You will take it and be happy! Eat cake dammit! Where else are you going to go??? I own your ASS!!!

You will take it and be happy! Eat cake dammit! Where else are you going to go??? I own your ASS!!!

I’m sitting at home typing this...how’s that for working and owning me.. fudge fudge fudge. Easiest damn money scheme ever just do 3 lunches a week fudge the rest. RCs want to be snarky? Jokes on them, I just agree w/ everything and never leave the house except to w/w and lunches. RC calls me and I answer at home walk out to the garage just to open the car door so the he hears the car door bell go off, sit in the car while I talk to him then go right back in the house. Same for ABL, How’s that snarky RC? Who owns who? I think I actually only work 2 hours a day... do the hourly rate in that RC...it’s great!! Hope this gig never ends w/ these dopes in charge because they only know how to be wise asses. And one more thing, most of my lunches are fudge too...thanks for feeding my family on the company ticket!! Half the food goes to the office half comes home!! To bad we don’t get mileage I would be padding the crap out of that too!!