Well-Known Member
- Breakingnews   Jul 22, 2012 at 11:31: AM
Well-Known Member
Porn, dirty stories, dress up, young lovers. . . yep, we love it all. Look, sixty percent of first marriages fail and more than seventy percent of second. More than sixty percent in marriage admit to being unfaithful and we do not know about all those that live together. I agree with FT and the others: if he or you is not getting sex regularly, something is wrong in the marriage. Men who do not get it at least once a week and a good BJ too, are going to end up going somewhere else for it. Sorry your hubby let himself go. I know that feeling and the porn issue. Our solution, I took a young lover and let him have his porn. Guess what? I suddenly did not care so much about how he looked and he was very interested in my "stories," which created a demented match made in heaven. Now we all get to have our cake and eat it too.
However, it does sound like he has an addiction which will not be easy to get rid of unless you both replace it. Anyone who is looking at porn every night is not busy enough. Can you get him to go to the gym or for a walk with you? Sounds like you both have some talking to do and need to do something fun together. While what worked for my marriage probably won't work for others, we do have a lot of fun now and I find myself far more tolerant of "bad" behavior. LOL
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