Human Resources

I know the moron who was fired. His RSM Chris Czech actually told him his speaker used inappropriate older slides during virtual speaking program. Knowing us reps don't get involved with that.

Isn't HR is suppose to make sure management isnt doing shady stuff, like not being truthful , probably why HR wasn't on phone during termination, only Nick.

If this is true, that is some BS by both RSM, Nick and HR.

Cheryl is the best. She has always listened to me shook her head and said “yes it’s between you and I”. Always on the up and up. Would never tell ketan or my boss.

You have no idea how useless HR is here. I reported a toxic VP at home office. Totally ignored and blown off. They ended up promoting this idiot and hurting others in the aftermath. This place is gross
Several of us reported the toxic BS of Pearlman and HR did nothing. Pearlman talks more shit on Ketan than anyone.

Cheryl is the best. She has always listened to me shook her head and said “yes it’s between you and I”. Always on the up and up. Would never tell ketan or my boss.
Absolute great person. Cheryl never stabs anyone in the back or lies to Ketan. She’s a great person. She should be given a plastic trophy tomorrow.