All true, not rumors. True CVM was let go. Was in "Innovative Medicine" here and October 25 was my separation date. I received 30 day notice and was not considered for any open positions I applied for because they are not back filling. When I asked about 60 day WARN (in CA), HR told me my role was not eligible. Not sure why, because by CA labor law I thought they had to give a minimum of 2 months notice. And, I know colleagues in other states, such as NJ, that got 60 days notice. Globally, 10% layoffs and this is not BS. Layoffs will continue through December. And to top it off, many internal NJ folks "found" new roles like "Division Head, Learning Excellence." WTF is that? And I asked another NJ colleague how she "found" her new role. She said it was created because there was a "need." Quite honestly, don't want to work for a company the talks CREDO but doesn't walk the walk. So disappointing.